Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Love Bomb (2024 -- Now Available -- Free Upgrade!)

You will

Start the day with an simple wish or command - I love myself more

Give it time and you arive there

You have Lovebomb in your pocket - it will happen

I wandered around the last 3 weeks and saw on many occasions (specially with women) that I am still a child who wants to be treated well. Then this hit me hard and short-I give my power away to other people. So on a bicycle ride I decided to reach a level of love where it’s not important what I get from others because I am full of love inside. Last week I started the day with a command to the sub - I want to reach this level.

Then magic happens

Not only do I feel this love the whole time it is filling my unloved parts with love until the shit inside me gets pushed out.

Today I stood up and the first though was - I don’t want to be attacked verbaly and physically - I saw how I shy away from being hurt but at the same time a river of love exploded in me and start to flush my pain and fear away until I came to the point where I was laughing. Nothing can hurt me - I have love inside me that protects and nurtures myself in my deepest parts, there is love inside me and attacks don’t reach me anymore. I am indestructible.

I have still a feeling of hurt inside me but now there is a ton of love who heals this crippled parts of me - slowly and constant


I am not currently running this cycle, just a brief experiment at the end of my last one. I believe I did 5 minute loops. Almost never do 15 minutes unless it’s at the end or my cycle and I have time to washout.

3-5 is the sweet spot for me on basically every title, and then towards the end of my cycle or if I have time off work I’ll throw in some longer ones but very rarely.

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Indeed, and just ordered my custom as well!

Module #1
Love Bomb Core × 1 1
Module #2
Sanguine Core × 1 1
Module #3
Joie de Vivre × 1 1
Module #4
Faith Unyielding × 1 1
Module #5
Divine Self-Image × 1 1
Module #6
Negativity Displacer × 1 1
Module #7
Victory’s Call × 1 1
Module #8
Gratitude Embodiment × 1 1
Module #9
Starfilled Night × 1 1
Module #10
Void of Creation × 1 1


On the flipside, what you get after recon might take your vision and abilities to new heights. But thats just me devils advocating. Knowing well that as a company, yall need to be polite, objective and professional 24/7 and any slip up ” recon or not ” might cause havoic

Most complain about and hate failure, but being no longer able to do so might be even worse



Super nice custom

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How intense my recon is with LBFH/LB also makes me wonder “what is wrong with me?”

For some reason, LBFH hits way harder than LB. But that’s old tech LBFH compared to New Tech LB.

Sort of… maybe… I didn’t think so at first but I guess you could say this is what’s happening?

When I ran Nouveau Rich, Revelation of Spirit, and Stark Black all fairly close to each other, I connected to a deeper sense of purpose in business - going back to coaching roots, etc. Basically the same “awakening” and approximate product/lifestyle that I had come to in 2022 after a lot of EOG1 and only a few loops of Dragon Reborn and Revelation of Mind when I realized I wanted to shut down my marketing agency and start a Entrepreneur’s Health/Performance coaching program.

But I didn’t DO that, in 2022. I knew it was a good idea. But, I had excuses of "I’m not ready, I’m not experienced enough, I don’t look like an industry leader, i need XYZ first, etc."

This time around, however, when RoS and Stark Black gave me the idea, then I listened to Love Bomb, I notice I don’t have those same excuses. I’m starting it. I’m not pursuing employment right now. I’m extremely grateful for the free time to do what’s really like a heart’s calling, the thing that any time I’m NOT doing it, I wish I could be doing it instead of what I’m currently doing for work.

I’m in a very distinct mood of "feeling the fear and doing it anyways."

YouTube might not work, coaching might not work, etc., and I might not go viral, I might not be profitable, I might just make myself look like a total freaking idiot pretending to be a guru. In which case, I’m going to be “unemployed” for 6 months, then fail, then go crawling back to a job with my tail tucked between my legs.

But That’s OKAY


That’s the realization. That’s okay. If that happens, and I fail, I failed at something worthwhile. I’m pursuing what deep down I have been wanting to do for the last 7 years, and pushing off, too afraid to start without a guarantee of success. I’ll fail pursuing the thing inside of me that unless I do it, I won’t feel aligned with my life, or complete, or on purpose.

So, Love Bomb is bringing up fear from healing, certainly, but it’s also bringing up self-acceptance, and trust in myself, and a willingness to fail.

In that way, I guess it is acting as a results enhancer for the other subs. Wealth subs, no less!


That’s what I started to understand as well.
Without the necessary self love/ self worth, I can have all the wealth scripting ingrained into subconscious, but as long as I don’t consider myself worthy enough to receive the wealth, it will lay dormant. The same with fitness or everything else.
The more I deem myself worthy, the more of the ingrained script can be activated and be slipstreamed into reality.

Selflove is the key for everything.


Calling it now - ZPv3 will take a part of Love Bomb and integrate it into every single sub, in a way LB will be the new primer.


Well Esoretically Zero Point Matrix is Non-Local, Formless energy that which all the infinite creation/forms originates from and will eventually break down to. We would need ZPv0 for that :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Yes :raised_hands:

This version of love bomb is definitely more powerfull. Ive been noticing that i once again started journalling as much as i did when i was on the previous version, despite not having done that in a year.
Journalling definitely helps me deal with some of the recon thats coming out. A lot of the confidence issues that i used to have are already dealt with given my previous experience on this sub, but new issues are coming up, particulairly related to how much i beat myself up when i dont do enough things in a day.
This sub is helping me find a way to motivate myself in a more positive way, thereby getting rid of a lot of negativity and stress in my life.

The weird thing is, i never realized before how much the negativity i feel for my lack of productivity, is very much selfimposer. It never really is a problem to other people as i always end up getting the things i have to do, done. Its just me thats really hard on myself.


I have experienced this with both versions of LB and even when I had LBFH. I think it has to do with the fact that it works so much towards self love, self worth, and self respect. Traits that I have personally have had issues with my whole life are now being challenged. The more I begin to develop these traits the better time I have with integration of scripts as well as confidence and insight to take action

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I’m looking forward to the New LB. It sounds like it will really help me to tackle my procrastination.

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This has simultaneously made me look forward to the growth I can experience on this title and also deep fear because over the top positive stuff has never sat well with me.

This is evidence that when trying to “figure out what we’re doing,” you move away from weird occult theories, you can CLEARLY see what’s being tested and why.

Yes, certain lessons we’ve already pulled from Love Bomb will not only be incorporated in Union, but the rest of the v2 + NSE titles, hence why I’ve been testing this myself.


I’ve also heard Sanguine acts as a booster and helps other subs process. Is that more because of the relaxation effect, or is there a common element shared between Sanguine and LB?

Most likely the NSE.


And now, our shout of inevitable victory:


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That’s exciting news, especially for the Revelation titles and Khan Black! Those subs are gonna be SUPERCHARGED


What is Union?