Main Disc. Thread -- The New KHAN: Love and War (Now Available! Free upgrade!)

Wonder which sub hits harder, new Total Breakdown or Phoenix.

Anyone that has run both care to comment?

Yeah dude, I feel that. Haven’t ran the updated version yet but the the previous version of Total Breakdown pushed me into the worst recon I’ve ever experienced lol, I literally could not function at work. I think it’s the only sub that I’ve been hesitant to run since.


Haven’t ran the new version of TB but Phonixe to me was very smooth, hardly any recon to speak of because of the way that it operates seems to be below conscious awarness.

TB, at least the previous version shoved all my biggest fears and insecurities right in my face with no wear to hide lol it was truly miserable.


I just feel perhaps a bit more tired

This I’m very curious on too. It’s like primal +Will To power @SaintSovereign mentioning as a stack to become a millionaire since power and money are so correlated. I can see similar think with New Khan here. I’d love to know how this version of Khan is enhanced in wealth acquisition, even if there is less direct scripting.


Sex was great today, went for longer than usual (haven’t had a lot of sex in the past few weeks since my calories are so low).

Got a rope and tied my gf up.

I’ve noticed some other changes also in my language. It’s like I care less what people think so I speak with sometime a more direct language.

Probably forgetting few things I noticed also today. Will try to write them down as they happen.


Tried Emperor WTP?

Can you discern whether the recon you’re getting on TB is overpowering TWTP and to what degree?


I’d be surprised if someone didn’t because then i would have to question if it’s even working

I feel like they blend well together, but if i have recon it does overpower WTP but it’s ok because the recon is over after 2-3 days

Edit: the recon was actually 1 day and a half


Does it really last that long?

How intense is it? Scale 1-10 (10 being unbearable, and 1 being a really slight irritation or anxiety).

@James How does the recon look like in your case?


The recon is 1, i listened on friday before sleep and felt it until yesterday and around the evening it disappeared, so it was actually 1 day and a half

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On stage 1 right ?

In my opinion this is a result of having strong self awareness but simultaneously being impatient. Also a sign of strong intellect because you know where you might be lacking and how vast the idea of potential and growth is. It’s a double edged sword because on one hand there’s always potential for improvement and you can see it. On the other hand it can feel like even when you grow it doesn’t seem like enough.

A growth mindset is a powerful thing. But as you grow your capacity to understand more and the complexity of things does too. I try to keep that in mind when I’m feeling frustrated or like I’m not where I want to be.


This was helpful for me as Khan St1 and KB St1 are presenting similar challenges for me. Thanks.


This new Khan is da bomb.

That is all.




I’m at maybe a six for recon. I feel weirdly raw. I’m not sure how else to describe it.

Growth is definitely happening. Even if it doesn’t necessarily feel like it is

I get a lot of flack for my seemingly endless focus on healing but this from the New Khan copy accurately describes what I have been trying to achieve

" If there ever was a fast track to power through healing and destroying your limitations, then this is it. "

My belief has always been that if I can resolve all of that then eventually things will fall into place.

It’s always been about doing whatever needs to be done for me to get out of my own way


You’re not wrong

Khan Love & War is definitely different. As weird as this may sound having been released in the last few days , but it feels like a complete title. It feels like something that any guy in his late teens or early twenties to a someone older than myself (56 July 1st) should seriously consider

It’s something that every guy in between should run to live their best life as the cliche goes. . I don’t feel that a guy can go into this as a kid and not become a man. It doesn’t seem possible.