Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

I may have written about it but I don’t recall well.
I ran it in a custom with Q and felt like it supported in transition to feeling more fully in control
of my own internal experience in life. Like I was being less affected by external forces/influences in general. I also had many positive and uplifting modules that contributed but my sense was Immortals Blade was important part.


Stark is to Daredevil. Like Emperor is to Ascension.

If you want pure rapid fast social effects without any of the other cognitive enhancement, fame, wealth scripting in Stark, Daredevil will get you there much faster and with far less density / recon. The social effects of Stark are still powerful but can sometimes be diluted by the rest of the script.


Daredevil will make you social however Stark is icing on the cake its adds a slice of intellectual fluidity to your social interactions plus the fame aura helps make you the spot light.


Agree thank you for your advice!

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So I’ve been on Stark ZP since the day it was released, and the following list of results come 90% from Stark;

Also the reason why I’m not as active on the forums these days :stuck_out_tongue:


I know a couple of members have commented on physical changes happening on Stark. Keen to hear other peoples feedback on this and what they experienced.


dont know if this happening to me only but ive been running stark probably for over 2 months now with along side Paragon ZP

i still haven’t noticed my social game go up at all, maybe thats due to ZP scripting

guess i gel well more with stark on Qv2 that shit was magically quick within a couple of days of loops on Qv2 when i first started i got very fluent in social situations and i could engage in lowering the prices and negotiating really good deals with confidence

like words would come out of my mouth that i regularly don’t use and i structure words better and i feel very confident speaking to others.

or maybe Paragon ZP is taking a Priority.

i noticed more of stark ZP results for me a bit on the intelligence side of things,

my 2 core custom has Ascension and Stark, and im noticing changes within my creative side of life and some other aspects as well. so maybe more time the social/charisma aspect will shine in stark more later

or maybe Stark ZP is less focused on the social side of things like Qv2 was.

@SaintSovereign is this true?


I’m the most social I’ve ever been, as well as the most popular I’ve ever been (both IRL and online), so I don’t know what you’re talking about there.

However, there might actually be a good chance that ascension is doing some healing for you internally first.

What modules do you have in your custom?


On Stark, I lost weight and got down to 13% from 15% before without change in diet or workout. Also I grew a nice set of hair and my beard looked more attractive. Not sure if this is common but pretty much me and @Invictus I believe had the physical change where we had more of a hunter type eyes thought not sure if for Invictus it was from Stark or Wanted. What’s weird is I had more physical changes on Stark then Wanted


Are you referring to bodyfat percentage?

thats nice :slight_smile:

i only introduced my custom like 14 days ago so before that it was stark zp and paragon zp for 2 months alone

My custom has 10 modules:

Discipline Modules/ More masculine
O - Ascension Core
3- Productivity Unleashed
4- Natural winner
5- Dominion
6- Carpe Diem ascended
7- Divine Will

Self Expression and connection/Creativity
O- Stark Core
8- Ultimate music producer
9-Blue skies
10- Depths of love


Yes sirr

Thank you for clarifying.

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This has healing in it, and since ascension also has some healing + Paragon goes a bit more deeper than just physical healing, it makes sense that it’s going inwards more (at first).

Take some time and you’ll see the sweet fruits of the bloom :wink:

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thats a very interesting perspective. thanks :slight_smile:

i also think every sub audio has healing, changes in beliefs is healing in some sort cause your replacing old beliefs that no longer serve you

but yeah time will be the judge

EDIT: @Invictus what do you mean by this ?

i have the idea that paragon is mainly physical healing and treating illnesses


Did other people notice this?

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Yeah most of my friends did and asked if I was cutting which I wasn’t (I’m eating like 3k calories a day). I think girls noticed as well however I can’t confirm this since I haven’t gotten any feedback from them

Stark ZP actually has some incredible social skills scripting. Internally, how important is the social skills scripting? Remember, you’re the one doing much of the prioritization when it comes to Zero Point.


Does a 2 core zp custom count as two subs or one sub ?