Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

@Psiklou @Davisnwc what do you two mean by things getting easier with Stark ZP?

So I meant more in terms of the aura itself, but I’m starting to notice that once I’m in a good mood, I turn the charm all the way up. I can literally switch between social and quiet easily though. Seems like I’m enjoying myself no matter where I go lately whether I’m socializing or not.

Since starting Stark ZP, all that you asked me about has increased, I’m more confident, more sexual, more confident in being sexual lol, as in I do it more publicly now as opposed to just being low key about it. Definitely more alpha in the extroverted sense, and my charisma is getting stronger daily which is helping business wise, including with sales.


I’ve been a light hearted bully for as long as I can Remember lol. That side of me is starting to show itself again after a couple years.


Gotta love it. This level of confidence is magickal.


@Seeker @James what I mean is that literally everything I do from, socializing, flirting, selling, driving, planning and strategizing, etc. is getting easier. Maybe it’s the increased level of confidence, intelligence and the fact that now that I think about it, I literally haven’t second guessed myself about a single decision over the last couple days…not one.


Hmmmm feels like there’s actually some physical shifting here, but it’s different to EmpZP :thinking:


It’s Superhero Training.

Extremely Functional + layman’s version of Tactical Readiness.

The appearance goal is closer to a Fighter, than a physique model/competitor.
… while training no more than 30 minutes a day.

Q: How different is it from Spartan?
A: That one is more Warrior like … with much more Muscle … and Weapons mastery.


:man_superhero: :wink:



Oh no.

Like a more Michael B. Jordan kinda physique :thinking:
But what lead me to say that was that I feel my face looks more handsome.
I don’t know how to explain this but I mentioned it before too, on WANTED, I felt sexy, with a devilish look on my face.
On Stark ZP, I feel and look handsome, and that there’s some facial molding happening, little by little.

Very different to WZP :thinking:


Emperor has always had reality bending technogy. Since version 1 which had tyrant.

Stark terminus is still an amazing product.

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If you are not getting overexposed and that is really easy to do.

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Phewwww i did 8 loops once and i was on fire.

The goal is Function. The mass is optional.
Any version of Hollywood Physique will do. It’s more a case of Conscious Guidance. Celebrities come in all shapes. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You need not be too concerned. I’m sure your Mind will take into consideration your goal of being a Star in the Bodybuilding world.


30 minutes part was a joke to scare you. :hugs:

For the rest of us on Stark, there may be a tendency to make smart use of training time by being a minimalist in terms of number of exercises.

So … more compounds & complexes.


Both have Handsomeness morphing and celebrity effect of sorts.

Stark is more relatable/approachable, while Wanted is mysterious/distant.


Anyway, I’m more interested in your effects. My sense of the subs is not as sharp.



What did he say? “”"

8 loops with terminus. Oh my godddd… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Back in the wild west days of Qv1.


Bruh :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

That’s also why I’m anxiously waiting for Ascension Chamber, like imagine how good it would feel if I can guide the subs even more :heart_eyes:

I’ll tell you my interactions with girls on each;

WZP: they giggle a lot, want to know more about me, their eyes light up and fills up with “please take me”, I hear the word “hot” a lot when getting complimented.

StZP: If it’s a restaurant then they come running to me and finish up my food earlier, they engage in actual conversations rather than just admiring me, more comments on my look/style, I hear the word “cool” a lot when I get complimented.

Surprisingly enough, I still feel like the WZP aura comes out from StarkZP, either that or a variation of that aura scripting (similar to LibZP), because when it comes to girls specifically, they still have that look of lust and attraction towards me, except on StZP, they talk more and engage more.
On WZP it was more like “you’re hot/cute”, followed by “I’d like to know you more”. That alone turned me off, because if you want to know me more then just do that instead of saying it out loud :joy:.

Oh and one last thing, girls care that I have a gf while on StZP, and then become friendlier and still wanna talk to me more and connect, while on WZP, no girl cared :rofl: not even the milfs :rofl:.


Why am i eating so much fudge and chocolate on Stark ZP ? and emperor ?


Thanks for all that feedback!

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Phewwwwww you have come along way congratulations on your new discoveries and amazing things that you have achieved.

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Honestly, I wonder how strong Stark with Daredevil is going to be.

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