Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

Okay so 2 things:

1- according to my girlfriend, I’m more like how I was before touching WANTED; more extroverted, no more asshole behavior (making her miss me on purpose, acting cold and hot :stuck_out_tongue:), and my sense of humor is more like how it was before WANTED.

2- I’ve been noticing that I’m a bit too playful with words, and even go as far as verbally provoking people just for my enjoyment, like, I’m enjoying the reactions I get after pressing people’s buttons :rofl:


Thanks @Invictus :slight_smile:
There is also something that seems like a luck manifestation and people manifestation in Stark and not in Emperor.


Why care about luck, when Emperor can just bend your reality instead :wink:


lol that’s funny :slight_smile:


Is fame still one of the key objectives of Stark ZP? or should we expect it to simply be the result of creativity and innovation that it brings?

Could be a combination of both but trust me, just the aura of fame generated from stark ZP alone without actual action is potent enough.


I second this!!

I was actually just about to write it in my journal, people have been asking me for a while now to start posting stories again on my snapchat (i used to post workouts and stuff).


According to my experience, it’s starting to look like it’ll be that way. You’ll ultimately never know until you try it out, but trust me when I say staying low-key with stark is no easy task


Lol damn, ppl asking you to post. Now that’s status right there.


I stopped because I legit thought no one really cared enough to learn stuff, but then recently, Stark brought up all these guys who, apparently, used to follow my workouts, and would actually check my story whenever they wanna push their limits since my workouts consist of high volume, and intuitive randomness :sweat_smile:

have you noticed anything in the “teasing” department?
whether it’s playful, provocative, or even just slightly “bullying” (don’t think that’s the right word but like light-hearted bullying)?
I’ve actually been holding back a lot of it on the forum :rofl: however, a certain butthurt individual here has been keeping me entertained with how much he mentions me everywhere and complains :rofl:


No, the fame scripting still remains.

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I wonder what type of fame it is?

Is it in general as in “omg that guy/girl reminds me of someone famous” or is it only fame for the innovations you produce?


It’s the same spotlight effect that Stark ZP has always produced, except heightened and more profound. It manifests in many different ways, but the core outcome is the same – people pay A LOT of attention to you and want to be in your presence.


Ahhhh so it was this and not LB today :thinking:

2 guys asked to train with me for no reason, I didn’t even know them.


Stark ZP has literally made me put myself out there. Normally I’m pretty hesitant posting on social media. I tend to over think. I don’t normally see the need to be posting myself and my life every day and if I do I’ll do it once in a while. Today however, that’s different. I posted about a lot of things today and let it flow in my Instagram Story, posted videos of myself at the cinema (Scream is so good), posted myself in class, dancing to music etc.

I just felt like I wanted to be out there today.

I’ve also noticed an instant change in what I’m wearing compared to Emperor.

Emperor for me tends to have a lets be covered up more kind of vibe where I wear things for comfort and just do what I want to do. Stark seems to say fuck the comfort and be a fucking star - I was pretty happy with what I was wearing to be honest and it made me feel good for sure.

Remember I only used Stark before I went to bed last night (a few hours beforehand). I like the vibe it’s giving me to be honest, I’m happy with it.


Hello @Davisnwc, according to your journal you are more of the intense (Emperor) type than flamboyant (Stark Qv2) type.

I am curious about what you mean by this

Did you change some of your behaviour to be more visible? Or is it something else like “aura”.

What did adding Stark ZP changed for you? More/less social? More/less alpha? More/less business performances, Confidence? Sexual?


The fame module does explain some shit, my friend keeps texting me waaay more than usual :joy:


This seems to be a recurring theme with Stark ZP.


Can you elaborate on that?


Yeah @SaintSovereign was definitely right about ZP having different results. For me I just feel like a genius but more inclined to work if anything it feels like Mogul a lil bit in terms of work ethic and drive.