Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

Stark has always did good by me. I have given Khan the most exposure, then Wanted, then Stark and the rest.

The celebrity effect for Stark is very strong with me with continued use and I liked how women responded to it. I don’t sense a lot of deficiencies in Stark, though it is time for an upgrade. Godlike Masculinity was a good asset to combine with Stark. It increased a lot of its capacities as well as implement drive and ambitions with experimentation/innovation.

It is fair to say, Stark does not need added dominance. My theory behind the push and obsession with altering Stark is not only the rhetoric by some of the members, and societal trends (e.g. Gender Wars, etc.), though a combination of that and a desire for more. It is fair for SC to not go in that direction with Stark, considering the offerings made available like Emperor and Khan and customs. Stark offers a powerful medium for all members to work with, that doesn’t necessarily go into the extreme-Alpha territory.

The most elaborate way I could suggest an idea for Stark is to enhance competitive edge, which it probably already does and will with the New Experience. That is a type of dominance, but people, including myself can get hung up on words and details and not the bigger picture.

I am excited for new Stark though :fire:


Idk but this idea generation sounds like the inception movie. Its just so awesome. Instead of directly putting an idea , talk around it ask question about it and boom , you are now generated with the idea and you dont know about :fire:

Now i can imagine how much complex your subliminal scripts are. And you have applied these scripting on QL or BLU, which blows my mind :fire:

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I face this problem while running Stark, I kind of feel a pressure about having to say something when I am with people, I am more bubbly which may feel good in the moment, but I dislike it afterwards. I kind of want that Primal carelessness where you speak by not speaking and being in your frame. I sometimes also feel this is really bad for seduction, hence I am always doubtful of Stark in romantic setting. Could anyone tell me what could be the problem here?

Also I have to ask this question, how is Stark really for Seduction ?

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For the seduction part, women would see me like a celebrity (there was some OG Wanted in the mix). Literally comparison, so I was basically the poor man’s version and that’s on its own without much action. Had I actually taken initiatives to be a Big Fish, it would translate different because there’s reputation and my own individual spotlight at play.

Stark adds that glamour in my case, which glamour for a male is different. Think athlete, pilot (military), singer, etc. @WinglissStark

Glamour is distant and cold and detached so the audience projects its deepest fantasies on the object (coolness) . Charisma is warm and active and animated and engages directly with the audience (captivating).

Try using one title in the stack as a modifier and see how it acts. So maybe Primal Stark, or if you have a custom with Rogue and Total Nonchalance, try that.


I’m sorry if this is a bit of topic. But I’m reading all this talk about renewing some programs? Is there somewhere I can read more about this? Which programs are already renewed and which are going to be renewed?

All programs get an upgrade to the latest tech (ZP2MAX) + New Subliminal Experience. (Best description can be found here: Q Module Pack #14: New Subliminal Experience )

Some, especially the older subs, getting a substantive upgrade too.

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Ah thanks, that means there are 3 changes coming. Looking forward to it!

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Consciously guide it for that purpose. My views and following has been expanding since adding Stark back to my stack.


I’m quite sure stark focus on social media fame aswell considering there’s a q module about it as well


After seeing the discussion about feeling too chatty for some people. Wouldn’t Stark with HoM be a great choice for that? Not the full script of Emperor with a bit of focus on strategical talking instead of just chatting away. Does anyone have experience with that combination?

I’m naturally overly chatty which is part of the reason why I never ran Stark or any social subs, for that matter.
HoM can help with that because its gives you a lot of gravitas but so does Emperor.

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I have a trainer business while running Chosen right now. Have to come up with a lot of new innovative ideas and create new platforms. That’s why Stark looked interesting to me because of his fame, innovation, and intelligence. It’s exactly what I need, but I want to keep the drive and focus and not become too chatty. That’s why I’m looking for something to get that out of it. Maybe conscious intention will be enough.

Did you mean HoM will help with the chattiness while running Stark or just run HoM alone?

Nouveau RICH is filled with innovation. I would just run that instead of Stark. Your stack then become: Chosen + HoM + Nouveau RICH (which I see as a Tony Robbins stack).

Thanks for the advice bro, I was thinking about that combination before and it indeed makes more sense.

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Thanks @JCDenton for liking some of my posts in this thread.

I legit forgot how much I loved Stark ZP. I do think it’s time I return to it, once New Stark is done.


I’ve never ran any Stark subs before, but the description of the fame and intelligence boost inside the new Stark Black has gotten me super intrigued and therefore I will run my first 5 minutes of Stark Black today :sunglasses: . I am reading the older Stark posts for understanding and inspiration. Thank you for your testimonials.


@SaintSovereign Would this be a problem with the new Khan? It was for me with the old Khan.

Stark has helped me discover a newfound appreciation for innovation.

Subliminal Club’s ZP + microloop strategy, reminds me of when Steve Jobs first introduced the iPhone at Macworld 2007 (one of the most iconic moments in tech history). The microlooping specifically reminding me of when Jobs demonstrated multi-touch interface and everyone was shocked.

I don’t think anyone will come close to the technology here for a long time.


One of the things i have noticed with Stark OG is if i run prior to running any other sub it enhances the effects. Not noticed this in ASBR.

Your thoughts @AnswerGroup @RVconsultant please ?

Run StarkOG before primal, PS, SS WB, Wanted they work faster and better.


Sorry for the late reply, haven’t been on here much.

I have done very little of new Khan so I can’t answer that, sorry.