Main Disc. Thread - Sex and Seduction ZP

I was reborn as Black Tiger it was my destiny :slight_smile:

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@TheBoxingScientist what is happening with SS? :open_mouth:


Go at it tiger, do tell! roar!!!


What’s the biggest difference between PSZP and S&SZP?

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:rofl: :rofl:


S&S is as smooth as clockwork interactions are smoother then ever auras are more powerful then wanted or primal S. Saint has enhanced the aura in SS to make it more powerful then wanted.


Real Smooth :+1: :laughing:

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Is this classified information or did you make that up? :smiley:

If true, only for SS or also PS?


Saint has definitely enhanced the aura and the eye seduction in SS. When you appriach the girl you will know how to seduce her.


Thanks a bunch Simon, real insightful stuff :joy:


What kind of answer are you expecting? lol
PS is Primal and S&S together. The sales pages answer it.

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More elaboration on the effect it has when used. Just from the sales page Primal and S&S are very similar in their focus on sexual aura and seducing others. Primal has a healing element but I’m curious as to whether or not PSZP had a different effect on attracting people because of that healing element, or whether S&S is better because it avoids that healing. Or does PSZP actually work better because of that healing element?

Who knows, I f*cking don’t, so that’s why I’m asking.


S&S is a skills-based sub. Saint confirmed for me in a post from yesterday or day before that S&S is only a mild attractant.

So S&S would go well with Wanted without needing the Primal part if you don’t want that, since some think Primal and Wanted aren’t great together.

S&S helps you know what to do/say with people you are attracting/interacting with.

Primal is more of an “inner game” attractant sub. Helps you accept and own your sexual desires and proclivities (my wording, not official).

You can use Primal alone to attract people based on your own natural state of being. Heal and let your natural presence bring them in.

S&S just helps you subconsciously model (Saint’s words earlier in this post) what works and what doesn’t to seduce someone or keep them interested.

It’s kinda like in copywriting where the purpose of the headline is to get them to read the first sentence. And the purpose of each sentence is to keep them reading and building desire for whatever you’re selling. Which I think is why some use PS for sales types jobs.


@bombayduck don’t let the part about building subconscious model and blahblah… This is how it works but when you run the sub everything is automatic you just “do it”.


Seems like the ME-fied ZP primer is enhancing the subs even more now :stuck_out_tongue:

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Built with the profound fast acting Weapon X line of technology (the technology we use for fighting subliminals), we aim to reveal to you your very own mentor in seduction – your subconscious mind.

Working together wth your subconscious mind using Sex & Seduction, you will acquire the skills of a master seducer at a blinding speed. You will pick up on every little technique that might exist, and integrate it into your skill set in a natural, effortless way. That is the most important aspect of SS – technical mastery of seduction that becomes natural.


The subliminal that will guide you on letting go of all inner beliefs that are useless in your dating and sex life, the subliminal that will guide you on how to do whatever you desire, on how to act however you want, and in the process, achieve the sex life you have dreamed of.

The subliminal that will allow you to finally let go with women. The subliminal that will allow you to finally love women AND have them.

The subliminal that will help you become the most dominant, carefree, nonchalant version of you, in a way that you decide.

S&S – Outer “game”
Primal – Inner “game”
Primal Seduction – Both, woven together and made seamless


That’s not the ME-fied primer. :stuck_out_tongue:
That’s the recon reducing tech.


Yeah that’s what interests me tbh, the subconscious modelling is what would allow things to be automatic versus thinking and strategizing about it.

It used to be so automatic for me when I was younger, but after a 5 year relationship it feels different, definitely seems like something that could be useful in a year’s time.

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Is it the same recon reducing tech that you experimented with CFW?

Naw. CFW definitely causes recon, lol. Nature of healing subs. This is different. Not even sure how well it works, but it does seem smoother, based on what I’m seeing from EmpFit ST3.