Main Disc. Thread: Sage Immortal (Core Also Available on Custom Store)

@Brandon telepathy ? :slight_smile: your having a laugh right ?.

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I have noticed a definite shift in focus and priorities.


Here I am just reading the result and still not getting into it. A year of focus is a year of focus. This one has been added to the year 2023 see you then


Tested my custom SG with Love Bomb, Heartsong, True social plus around 10 boosters, OMG ! I feel sooo good ! Some kind of Nirvana ? :ok_hand: :yin_yang:




Current Invoker
Divine Will

Plus for the inner calm

Ego Adsum
Iron Frame
Ever present
Total Nonchalance


Oh I thought you were running 10 Ultimas as boosters alongside that! That would be mad.

enhanced results modules

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Would Sage Immortal Ultima be the best Ultima for meditation practice ie for focus, stillness, and immersion (not interested in energy work)?

Is there a better option available for meditation? As Above Ultima seems a good chalenger but it targets exclusively energy works, am I right? Some less obvious like Legacy Ultima are supposed to help with mental toughness, Limitless Executive is supposed to help with focus. Any opinion?

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You made the accusation that we “don’t care about our customers.” Once I proved you wrong by demonstrating how we stopped everything we were doing and built an entire support system to better meet the needs of our customers, now it’s “I don’t care about the ticketing system.” Fine, don’t use it. But we’re no longer allowing people to come here and act entitled without considering the fact that @Fire and I are still human.

As Subliminal Club has grown, we are facing more and more people attempting to come here and challenge us in an attempt to establish their dominance. This is the wrong place for that, as we have no problem refunding orders and cutting ties with customers who keep testing our patience. If we’re so terrible because we don’t respond to everything we’re tagged in, feel free to patronize another company.

Everyone needs to understand that we are humans also. We are dealing with the same things you are. I’m not going into politics, but we are being affected by the same craziness going on in the world. We are just as tense, frustrated and concerned about the future as you are. We simply cannot respond to every single tag and every single PM. That’s it. That’s the end of this discussion.

And people – if you submit a ticket and it’s a day or two behind, please do not resubmit the same thing over and over. If you get the notification that your ticket was received, it’s in the queue. We are not the only company having issues with things. Many of our suppliers and providers are losing employees left and right over certain internal decisions that deals with public health, which takes us longer to resolve your issues. Be patient. We’ll make it through this.


@James i am very proud of you. You are experienced what many eastern philosophies would describe as oneness you are in unity with yourself.


How many tickets are you getting a week ?

Really been looking into this program as it’s starting to gage my attention, but I’m also looking at Alchemist too since the stages interest me.

Whilst know it states Sage Immortal is best with a year plus into your practice in the sales pages, would I be okay using it for manifestation purposes and also if I lack that experience so far? I’ve only recently got into spiritual practices such as meditation and manifestation as well as visualisation.

Also whilst Alchemist stages do interest me I don’t want to add a 4 stager just yet considering I have 2 customs and use boosters (I’ll be dropping R.I.C.H for a while as my main).

Anyone have any thoughts?

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Just tried So Below Ultima with this morning’s meditation.

It was good.

Think I’ll use it for a bit and then switch over to As Above.

So guess that’s a recommendation. :+1:t6:

Meditation is energy work. So no need to worry about that.

As usual, it’s captured most succinctly in Chinese:

意到氣到 Where attention goes, energy flows.

(That’s my corny translation, to preserve the rhyme). It’s true though. All meditation is (on the spectrum of) energy work.


Haven’t used the beautiful Sage Immortal yet. Don’t have space for it right now.

But right under where it says it’s best with a year of practice, it also says:

While you could run it without much experience (especially for the inner calm aspect), keep in mind that some things will only reveal to you and become understandable later on.

So, it sounds like it would be okay.

Just that its full potential and functionality would not become apparent for quite a while.

Kind of what we do all the time anyway. haha.

Like how we all buy these supercomputers that Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan could have used to conquer the entire planet, and then we just use them for Microsoft Word and surfing the internet.

:joy: :joy:

Hmm…but all of the titles on Sub Club are technically ‘spiritual’, not in the religious, mystical sense; but in the sense that they 1) work with the deep mind in order to manifest conditions in our reality, and 2) guide us into greater harmony and understanding of the rhythms and processes that create us, our minds, and our realities.

That goes for all of the programs, from the most sexy of the sex subliminals to the most wealth-focused subliminals to the most esoteric of the mystical subliminals.

hmmm…but what do you think of Mind’s Eye?

(anyway, if your intuition says Sage, I’d go for Sage.)


I definitely felt/heard a “hmmm” in there.


The possibilities …


I missed that completely, thanks for pointing that out.

I did actually consider Minds Eye, and I already have it, but can I ask why you’d consider Minds Eye over Sage for my use?

what is the general experience between SG Q(+) vs Ultima(+) ? anybody compared these two and which one do you prefer?

You wrote:

These areas that you mention, manifestation and visualization, are the precise focus of Mind’s Eye.

This is from the description:

You can also use Mind’s Eye as a tool for developing your own manifestation abilities. What this means is, whatever you consciously desire, and visualize with the intent to manifest it, Mind’s Eye will work alongside your subconscious to manifest your desired object or outcome rapidly, while removing the effects of doubt and negative emotions.

Mind’s Eye is also considered a lighter program, so you’ll have a fast and focused pathway to effect.

Basically, this program matches exactly what you described wanting.

On the other hand, Sage Immortal has Q+ formatting/tech and I’d want to run it for that reason alone. (Exciting!)