Main Disc. Thread: Sage Immortal (Core Also Available on Custom Store)

The purpose of the community forum is for community feedback and help. The support portal is for official feedback and help, including tickets – point blank. Tagging us in a comment is not the proper way to ask for support, period. You send in a support ticket or use the knowledgebase. Whether you like that set up or not is absolutely irrelevant, because it’s how we choose to run our business.

It’s beyond annoying that certain people think they can come here, tell us how we should run things and get pissed off and start bashing us when we refuse. There was an incident with “The Rational Optimist” who did the same thing. He was annoyed that he had to read the instruction manual and learn about about the products before use. His argument is that he should be able to just read the copy (and not any help docs) and get the results. Oh well – that’s not how we choose to run things. We aren’t catering to those who want a 1-click experience. We want a particular type of customer base. Inquisitive, curious and willing to experiment and explore. To anyone lurking, if that’s not you, might wanna consider going to try those YouTube subliminals.

The forum is not just for “marketing.” We mine everyone’s experiences for useful data to improve the programs, hence how we’ve managed to improve the technology to the point where you now need one loop per day, and hopefully with Q+, one loop every three days (we’d love one loop a week). Who here remembers back when you needed 4-6 loops a day to get basic results? Look how far we’ve all come. There is a reason we give upgrades for free. Since you all play an integral part in the upgrades of the titles, we aren’t going to make you pay for those upgrades. If you don’t want to contribute to that, fine, that’s your right and there’s no obligation to do so.

What you AREN’T going to do, however, is come here and bash us for “not caring about our customers” because we didn’t personally respond to inquiries that were already publicly available and outside of the official support channel.

If you tag me in a post, you have about a 1 out of 5 chance of me getting to it in a timely fashion. If you submit a ticket, you’ll get a response within 1-3 business days.

This ends this conversation. Quite frankly, I’m tired of debating it. Send a ticket everyone, if you don’t want community help (though the community is incredibly knowledgeable, look at @Malkuth and @Simon’s answers to questions, for example).


Okay so I would like to volunteer to steer this thread back to Sage, I wanna know how it would work with someone who works out as his way of meditating?
Also does it “elevate” you? What I mean is, do you guys feel like you just smoked a nice joint that gave you an intense yet calm high?

Really feeling like stacking this with my custom to get some spiritual (religious) growth, along with the inner calmness, but would like to hear more from others about their experiences so far


I cannot wait to purchase and run Sage Immortal



reading this alone makes me want to get SG and stack it with my custom for the gains, i actually get what you’re saying here about the workout and the feeling, i usually get it when I train high, but training high all the time isn’t really optimal, plus there’s always the possibility of laziness or any other emotion making you not want to go train, so this seems like it’s going to improve it much more and give me those “high workouts”, do you feel the same way @Phoermes ?


Bruce Lee used to train high :stuck_out_tongue:

This whole week’s workout had been one of the best. Focused on my workout, my form, eyes straight ahead, quick into the zone and I’m seeing the whole workout through and through. No lollygagging, barely checking the phone. I’d finish the set and I am just breathing, as if I’m into a meditative state.


Okay I’m sold
That’s all I needed to hear and now I’m set, because that alone justifies getting SG for me :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

@SaintSovereign i see that there’s an ultima version bundled here, is this gonna be something we’re gonna see happen more with new releases?
Or is it just Sage Immortal?

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Not necessarily. Let’s just say we need good feedback for Sage Immortal. :wink:


I’ll give you feedback from a different perspective and for anyone who’s similar to me and sees lifting as their favorite way of being in “zen” mode or sees it as meditation, I will journal the effects along with my custom.

I have a question though, so SG should boost manifestations right? Well would it work that way with me if what I’m manifesting is my “desired” physique?


You’re already manifesting it too fast. :joy:


but just imagine, if it got boosted more :heart_eyes:
Project S3: Super Soldier Serum
but I guess the main possibility of manifestation would come through things that would speed up the process even more like PEDs, trainer, new training partner, or even manifesting opportunities in this field like modeling, but honestly the inner calm aspect feels so amazing, that i’d be happy even if this was the only effect, i’m feeling so “empty” but not in a bad way, like my head is empty, no random thoughts, no worries or anything.
will go gym in an hour and see how I feel.


That’s essentially the aim of a custom I’ve had planned for many months now, called Extremis… I keep pushing it back to see what Hero will be though. lol.


Are you using SG?
I did a loop earlier when I bought it then went to the gym afterwards and then on a drive, honestly, the feeling I got is so good, I’m surprised it worked so fast, it’s indescribable how I felt during the workout, the only word I can use to describe the feeling is “oneness”, it was like my mind-muscle connection got so boosted that with every rep, I felt everything. The movement of my bones and joints, the contraction of muscles, the stress on my tendons, even the flow of the blood in my veins, it was truly euphoric and I haven’t ever felt so much gratitude for my body and health as I did today.

Thank you @Phoermes your reply to me really guided me to the final piece of the puzzle.

Oh another thing I noticed while driving, something “clicked” in my ear? Idk how to describe it but after that “click”, I could “feel” the music, rather than just hearing it, I guess this is now going to be my virtual joint, as my custom is my virtual steroid :joy:


Well you can do 2 things:

  • make the custom now and then just get the hero later and stack them for extreme gains, so that by the time others are still starting out on hero, your body and mind would have already adapted to the hero tech physical shifting.


  • wait till it comes out, then make your custom hero title with only the things you would like to focus on the most, which could also open a lot of space in your custom since the hero core would probably have enough physical shifting, meaning you could other modules to it, instead of having multiple subs.

Sounds about right :smiley:

I get what you’re saying, hahaha. It’s really something else. I would suppose it’s a side-effect of elevated mental states.

Are colors amplified? Any visual improvement, like you went from 720p to 1080p, or 2160p?

Yes, I am. Doing an Ultima loop right now. Took yesterday off. I’m using it exclusively right now. I want to test out something.

On the books and correct knowledge part, it’s working like a charm so far. I still haven’t went to a used bookstore, possibly within the end of this week, so no “rare” books yet.

I am glad that you’re getting those effects as well :smiley:

P.S: make sure that you don’t over do this one with unnecessarily amount of loops; y’all!

Ok I’m confused. What is SG?

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Honestly I will need some time to notice this cause it’s nighttime here haha, currently 1:30am and my loop was already after 6:30 pm, so not much brightness outside, plus I had lasik done years ago which already made my vision super enhanced :joy:, however, while driving, everything on the road seemed “magical”, like you know when you were a kid and everything around you seemed like it’s interesting and magical, it’s like that, a “child-like wonder” I’d say :grin:, I really enjoyed looking at the beauty of the cars, buildings, shops and restaurants, the way every place looked like it’s a world waiting to be explored. Like I went to this one store for my pipe tobacco, and I was just standing in awe there looking at the beautiful details on all the different pipes they were selling.

I’m still going to update all this in my journal as well, but there’s one more thing I experienced today. So basically I was in the shower, thinking about stuff, and suddenly I get hit with a realization that shook me a bit, I never realized how harsh I have been on myself, like I always asked here about physical shifting subs, asked about how to maximize looks and gains, even went ahead and made a custom for a lot of physical changes, yet I never realized that all this time I’ve been seeking my own validation, and I have never given it to myself because of how stupidly high my standards got because of me not being truly happy with how I am and how I look, every bodybuilder I see online, every big guy I see at the gym, they’re not me and yet I always took them as goals and beat myself up if I don’t reach it, and that made me tear up and then apologize to myself saying “I’m enough”. I don’t know what @SaintSovereign and @Fire put in this, but I have never knew I had such a deep issue that needed healing and now I’ll actively try to work on it.


Sage immortal, that’s what I saw above as well, as apparently SI is already taken by Survival Instinct


Yes, yes and yes :smiley:

I understand, it can get toxic :slight_smile: Nah, man, you’re complete :+1:

I don’t know what @SaintSovereign and @Fire put in this

I think they somehow placed baby Jesus in his ever-rockin’ golden crib, with Buddha on a Panda in audio-format :stuck_out_tongue: