Main Disc. Thread - RICH Experimental ZP

YESSSSS THERE IT IS :slight_smile:
Thank you!


Haha I think you were the first to ask for this. Good luck!

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Ran the sub for 3 minutes this morning.
Then I went to working as usual. I kept getting gradual information, but the kicker came after 6 hours.

  • Generally when I run a sub I find a pdf, or a blog post, or even an old book I have with a random urge to read it (not so random). This time I found a book with a lot of money mindset shifts that blew my mind because I realized how I was doing this:
  • Stop resenting spending money. (this is the 6 hour kicker) When you’re poor or tight on money this is your natural state, but spending money should be fun, this way more will come to you because you have a positive connection to it.
  • For this there was an old folk magick “trick” where you take $5 or something, write on a post it “Have fun with this little money surprise” and post it at a random spot where someone finds it. This helps you to actually ENJOY spending money again because you know it will make that persons day.
  • I did it and immediately felt SUPER GOOD. I noticed how over recent months I did start to resent spending money because it was tight again. I knew consciously I shouldn’t feel bad about spending $100 on time with my family, but at the back of my midn there were these thoughts because I need to pay off debt. Now I see the greatness in it and KNOW it will come back.
  • On the topic of debt. This is another paradigm shift. I resented having spent lots of money on mortgage etc. But this is actually a good thing for my circumstance. It made it possible for my son to grow up in a house where he can play and be free. My wife enjoys it, and so do I. I have my own office to work from, etc. This is all a GOOD way of spending money. Of course, mortgage should be avoided, or any debt. But for the situation I found myself in, it was good. And I already am on the path to paying it off, so all good.
  • New coaching clients coming in sort of dried out recently. Today, hours after running the sub, a new person randomly scheduled a new call (now, this isn’t actual money YET, but it’s a result!). Coincidence? I think not.
  • Generally my mindset on money has been WAY too negative. Not just recently, but over the years. Ever since I left the safety of mom, it gradually got worse. Influence from other people as well as extra costs, etc. But the money is not the issue. It is the mindset towards it. Money is not a bad thing. How I SAW it, was.
  • I kept having these thoughts that I SHOULDN’T care about money, even from a spiritual standpoint. But I even mentioned this to @Joa23 in his journal, that unless I live in a Mountain on Tibet, more money makes me more free. Helps me to help more people. Etc. This is potentially still my biggest hang-up, but right now I feel like it is cleared.

Now let’s see for how long this stays. I will keep running this lovely sub, for sure.

I gave it conscious guidance to work through money beliefs and manifest money.



Debt for consumer purchases, for sure. But even a mortgage is good if it’s for an income-producing property.

I’m curious if RICH would help improve the odds of winning the lottery? Probably not but doesn’t hurt to ask


Let the arguement alone but it seems even the earlier technology ( Ultima ) worked very good in increasing the odds.

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Saint recently answered this. You will be able to use the discounted rebuild link for ZP customs upgraded to ZP v2.

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Ran two micro loop.

Got two call both involving money that I had to get awhile now. 1 I will still have to wait later down but I got some tonight. I have to be very careful with this title.


what exactly is the improvement ? just for recon or for better result more

See my post above.

Less primer, more core script. The effect for most seems to be much better results, quicker, stronger, with less recon.
Overall, a much nicer experience.


Wow I was asking hard for this sub but nobody seems to care lol

it keeps on giving! Not just the insane mindset shifts, it also is giving me RUTHLESS DETERMINATiON in putting the pieces together for my business. I am ruthlessly cutting pointless stuff, consolidating it all as narrow as possible to make the customer journey as easy as possible.

This feels insanely good! Also it has me reach out to people for collaboration because alone I likely won’t cut it!

And it all is still coming from this 3 minute loop!

It also changed my mindset on money and spirituality. While I work with manifestation, magick, and all that, that is cool and well. But stop just sitting around waiting for it. Work TOWARDS it, finally own your shit money-wise and pull yourself out of it, you’ll love yourself once done!

What a great sub!


Does it make sense when i say that three new pathways of wealth generation have opened up.

But the wealth has not yet generated.



The distance between the new pathways opening up and the money getting in your pocket is action. Have you been taking action?


no doubts, yes

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Now you’ve gotta walk down the path


Keep doing, what you have been doing my friend.

Does it make sense that opening 3 new pathways to wealth is a result? :wink:

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Keep at it. The pathways open, then the manifestation occurs.


Pathway 1: Actively Trading in Stocks
Pathway 2: COO of Tech Start Up
Pathway 3: Director of Sales of Family Business

Title 1: HOM
Title 2: Stark
Titles 3: Rotating between Emperor, RICH and Wanted Core custom in qv2.


For pathways 1 and 2, I agree.
For pathway 3 : Look into True Sell

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