Main Disc. Thread - Renaissance Man


Are you afraid to go into the dark?

And I only speak of your darkness

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I am sure I have had tons of recon and what I am feeling could be recon for sure. But I’ve ran emperor so much I think I want to see what stark can really do, plus I want that intellectual and charismatic scripting, and plenty of other Hingis stark has in it.

I think RM has made emperor a little cooler headed and less dominant, which is a good thing. I’ve had new people talk to me and open up to me so randomly out of nowhere. But the odd thing is they don’t reciprocate lol like they will open up to me then just vanish like ummm wtf lol.

I’ve seen myself reconsider pretty much everything in my life which is probably more emperor and some RM.

I’d say it give it a chance I mean you’ve ran emperor since you started so it will probably be different for you.

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No, I’m not it’s rather about my shadow being buried really deep inside me or just being suppressed a lot if it comes to my “evil” qualities. RM helps unlock them but I don’t think that’s the right moment in my life to do so and I may need some more improvement in general before doing so.

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OK look I did this ( I don’t recommend it to others)

5 years ago I was on a point where I felt that there is imense uglyness In me an I was afraid to explore it or let it come to the surface . So one day I grab myself a heart and say: OK let’s find out, I alow the darkness to show itself.
You know what, the ugliest thing I found in me wasn’t even killing someone it was torturing someone as punishment over long periods of time.

More than that I didn’t found, so I made this as a test: I allow myself to do dark stuff whenever I want to do.
I shitet my pants in the beginning, because this is scary when it comes out but I was 100% confident that I can handle this states

Gues what I never acted out on the dark stuff, in fact I get control over it ( costs me 3 years)
Today I smile happy, because I know this dark stuff is here to protect me and not for control-less spitting into the world and people.

And it’s quiet until I need to use it.
And when I am using it I can acces the power of it fully, knowing that I don’t cross the line and act out. The energy into the face of the attacker is enough, no need to go further.
Unless I get attacked physically, but even then I have a stopper inside me


Holy shit this is exactly Renaissance man👆

I woud never tell someone this stuff except I get asked


After switching to some Jamz “Already There” Bluetooth headphones I can hear them as well. Its not so noticeable on my ATH-M20X’s. Might be the frequency response.

You´re a Yogi now. This is very much part of it.
Yoga is like blowing on the fire. Not only silence and bliss.
Drumming or Martial Arts can be a good complement.

I’ve given up on RM and I went back to “normal”. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Yes, I saw that you´re on Stark now! Hopefully it combines well with Alchemist. :slightly_smiling_face:
I have a vision of a custom with Stark, RM and Alchemist for myself.
Will try out the programs first.

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Yes, it looks like a great combo. I probably got recon but that’s not the reason I gave up on RM, I just wanted to keep my stack lighter and I think RM would stack best with the Emperor and RICH. Stark and the Alchemist have been working great so far but it’s been one day only. I might try to stack RM with my subs later on for the sake of pure experimentation.

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RM + Wacom = Hours of fun. :wink:


Who did the art in this above post?

I wasn’t thinking about much healing stuff from RM, but early this morning I awoke with a nasty headache and had a bit of trouble falling back asleep. Once I did, I had a very detailed dream in which I was being pushed around (not literally). I started shouting at people that I would not take this kind of behavior, and while it didn’t solve the issue in the dream, it made me feel less passive.

Update, a few hours later:

It just clicked as to why this is related to RM.

In the dream, I was moving into a new place, except instead of a house (as I just did) it was a sprawling industrial-style loft, with many corridors and rooms off the main area. By some condition of the lease(?) I had to allow the former tenant to stay there with her bf a couple of nights a month, in the guest room. I wasn’t super happy about it, but in the dream I had already agreed to it and signed the papers, so I had to accept it. The dream then took place on moving day.

My wife and I arrived, and discovered that there were still people there. The former tenant was there, along with her bf, and a few friends. They had refused to leave, and were taking up all the space. I was paying the rent, but there wasn’t any room for my wife and I… not a single bedroom was available, nor any room for our stuff.

I kept telling them this was NOT ok, and they had to leave as it was OUR place now. The various people just laughed and said I needed to chill, so I left to calm down.
I came back later, and nothing had changed. Everyone was talking amongst themselves, and I just lost it. I started shouting louder and louder and after a few seconds, everyone was staring at me.
“I’m only going to say this ONCE. GET THE F*** OUT!”
Nobody moved, and people just stared at me. Then I woke up before I saw what the ending was, but it left me with a sense of feeling good about expressing myself, even though I didn’t actually see the resolution of the conflict/issue within the dream.

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You can blame me for that :stuck_out_tongue: I’m still getting used to Krita, the sensitivity of the stylus, and my underpowered computer working together again! Other than that, everything but the text is was drawn entirely with the airbrush tool so you’ll forgive the blurriness :stuck_out_tongue:

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So you did it?

Great mate!

If you are willing to post more, please tag me.

@dorfmeister posted some of his art in his journal.


Will do! I have done more photo realistic stuff before, like this one below, and prefer photo composition work, but I’m hoping Renaissance Man should start showing its true colors over Easter when I have a bit more time to play with getting used to Krita again.


What’s your exposure amount if it comes to RM?

2x/day of RM Solace, has been max 1 loop per day sporadically for the past few days since Exec v2 and BLU v2 were released. No RM for the past 2 days.

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I could run 2 loops of Solace with ease and now one loop of the regular version is a challenge. I suppose I was stonewalling with the solace since I felt really passive and bored. I had the same experiences when running Terminus. It was too much for me.

Is it possible you’re stonewalling on Solace?

Unfortunately bored defines me way too often lately