Main Disc. Thread - Renaissance Man

I wasn’t gonna do it but it has been annoying me the last few hours lol. I wanted the innovation and such from RM, PCC is good for social, charisma, confidence, and much more, and emperor i wanted the power , drive, alphaness, empire build and more.

So why do you feel the need for Stark?

I am starting to feel like there is a fame sort of thing with RM, and some good social on it and i am starting to enjoy it and want more of it lol. Plus stark has even more intellectualness and innovation in it. I would run them both if they went well together like khan and stark do.


Definitely a form of recon lol but it is more then that its showing me how it would be on stark. Like i just saw a vision if i started running this with stark and the attention and creativity i would get… this is not like any recon i’ve ever had lol. It could also be that maybe my mind thinks i’m more of a stark person then an emperor, like it goes more with my goals more.

But i am going to stave off for a month and see what happens … hopefully lol

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Sounds like a lot of shiny object syndrome going on!

Still chugging along with DR (though taking a break rn)


What stage are you on? I’m running stage 1 until the end of March. I like getting my shit together. Makes me wish like hell at times I had Dragon Reborn, Ascension, and Executive ten , twenty, or thirty years ago

I seriously feel that any guy who wants to get his shit together run Dragon Reborn, Ascension, and Executive. For women same but Ascension for Women instead


I’m running stage 2 until the end of March.

I wish I had DR in high school


I agree. I wouldn’t have been so fucking awkward and needy. I probably would have been the easiest kid to get along with

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I would not have spent longer than I should have trying to figure out WHY I was the way I was and jumped straight to how I can change that (which is to say, listen to DR and not worry too much about the past)


I wish I had had Libertine in high school! :heart_eyes:


Very true. I guess it’s a sign of growing up or maturing. I just feel bad at times because of all the stupid shit I did or said and the people I hurt or alienated

Makes me a bit nervous that you might actually mean that

Yea I feel you. Would have been better to not make the mistake in the first place. Anyway, I can’t wait for DR to become even more powerful through name-embeds and power increases, because clearly SC has made even more innovations in scripting and manifestation since DR (which is hard to believe).

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@SubliminalUser It blows my mind how much I have changed from running Dragon Reborn and I still have a shit ton of trauma to work on

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Oh well, it’s too late for that anyway. Priorities, values and self-respect.

@Sub.Zero Yeah true. Sometimes though it’s frustrating to feel like you’re the only one around you how wants to heal and mature. That most people have their identities and existence tied to their trauma and current world view


Say my name - You’re Heisenberg - You’re *** damn right!

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Did you notice a differrence between executive and limitless executive?

there is a huge difference between “Beyond Limitless” and Executive in one side and RM in the other side in terms of productivity, discipline, focus/concentration. RM has destroyed in a few days a number of bad habits I had which were reducing my productivity.


I think that the willingness to grow and mature should be rather one’s badge one should wear with honour. They may laugh, they may curse you but at the end of the day, you will be the one who did his best to live a decent, fulfilling life and maybe even managed to help someone at least a bit.