Main Disc. Thread - Renaissance Man

I almost have this anxious need to get the shit done that I have been putting off or procrastinating on. My brain is telling me that I can’t be complacent or get comfortable.


So this one gives you skills?
What i meant by that it seems like renaissance men are like some type of hypercompetent humans
Who are capable of dominating all type of skills
Will this make me more talented at singing? make me a better singer, songwriter etc?
sorry i don’t understand quiet well all the characteristics that this could give me


New guidelines? :thinking:

Hah, same here! Can’t get to the level I want if I slack off or don’t do enough.

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On the same track here

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Jesus, I’m amazed with this new major program.

Guys, I tried to draw a human figure after a long-ass time, haven’t really drawn like in a month or so.
The technique, the flow, what the heck?!
It’s like you subconsciously know what to do. Proportion changes, strict study of the figure and trial and error. I’m so surprised this is the first thing I whip after a month, and it’s… it’s great! I just stared at it for couple of minutes asking what the fuck, did I just really do that?!

I haven’t run another loop! Just once, yesterday.


I wish I could see the look on Saint’s and Fire’s when they fee the fruitsof their work.



Have you tried out your new photography skills too?

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Not enough man! This is the first time I really try the camera out. Although I’ll practice later in the day with some basic objects and to fiddle around with the settings.

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Captain America posing for the “sexy Avengers” calendar? :rofl:

Fantastic drawing skill! My first thought was I’d love to be able to draw like that, but it was immediately replaced with “scratch that, I need EF so I can look like that.” :stuck_out_tongue:


I as well did one loop of Renaissance Man and have been seeing effects ever since. One other very noticeable observation I’ve made is that I became left-handed from just one loop.

Now I would just love to see the male equivalent of Seductress with this technology.


I would imagine that or something like that is in the pipeline along with other awesome subs. I wont be surprised if we get another emperor title this year with a different family legacy or famous person.


Fun “Behind the Scenes” development note: Renaissance Man began as Emperor: DaVinci’s Legacy. Then, we realized we wanted to focus less on empire building and more on cultivating creative self-expression and craftwork, so we expanded beyond that. By now, there’s enough empire / wealth titles to stack with RM if you want that scripting.


@SaintSovereign I still wonder titles like QL and Alchemis, stark, DR t can they not do the craft work part and helping with creativity / expression and such in a similar way ? I’m sure RM has its own uniqueness (and archetype as @Simon calls it) but to what extent can those titles cover this aspect for someone with an already fat stack like mine?


So for the feedback to @SaintSovereign and @Fire. I ran one loop of renaissance man and I felt more of life, and more love for people and life. I have had thoughts that tell me that there is an exciting life waiting for me. That means so much for me in these times…

I always got people’s perspective and feelings but now it is on another level, it so much more refined and polished. It makes connecting so much pleasurable and easy.

I am also more insightful on how everything is connected to our shared experiences. So the other day I was reading a Facebook post where people commented what movie they watched multiple times. Then someone said zoohan lol. I replied(paraphrasing): love it. All zoohan wanted to do is to cut people’s silky smooth hair but he had to do a different job. We all were like zoohan once. I see so much beauty and connectedness in this statement. Bet the person that initially wrote it was more like, it is a funny movie(which it is) that makes me laugh hard!

I have multiple connected insights that day.

Also my body felt so relaxed it is amazing. I was also consciously working releasing unnecessary tension patterns but after I ran the sub I noticed it was so much easier like my subconscious was helping me.

Ah yes! And I feel more and I am so grateful that I express my emotions more. I used conditioned that it was not manly. Now I have more vulnerability, which is what I truly needed in my development!

Overall good results but this is just the first loop lol. Very powerful stuff, congratulations on the innovation and creating such an unique and excellent title

Edit: my senses seem also heightened and I love it. You know guys, I like extreme sports because it makes me feel so alive. You know what I also realized makes me feel alive? Love and Beauty. This is def the sub impacting me, I never talk like this


Having come from listening to YouTube subliminals before discovering SubClub, my early experience with reviews on subliminals usually consisted of scrolling through comments while listening to them. You probably did something similar when you listened to H***o ady.

So when I read that you switched to being a lefty after one loop, I laughed my ass off remembering all of that kids that would comment, talking about that they could see overnight changes to their eye color and what not, lol.

Do you find that RM suits your goals, Hermit? Based off of the little I (think I) know of you, this title seems pretty congruent for you as a person.


What! Too Cool

Would Emperor in a custom with Renessaince Man
mimic Emperor: DaVaninci’s Legacy?

Any other modules or cores you’d recommend I add to get a similar affect to the original vision?


Um yeah ok :roll_eyes:

That generally takes at least four loops

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I always got a kick out of the ones that claimed to be super powerful and had multiple warnings. *****This 10 minute audio when listened to once or twice. Maybe five times will change your eye color , gender, sexual orientation, straighten your teeth and hair , or make your hair curly all while winning the lottery *****


oK I HAVE TO SAY this works fast
i feel like my singing got better after singing silently
And my photography skills got a lot lot better
i am not a photograph. my friends say i take bad pics
but unintentionally i took pics of myself and they look professional
i didn’t even try
It was just like i knew how to take pictures