Main Disc. Thread - Rebirth ZP

No, sadly not.

Well I just bought it so we’ll see the results first hand!


Looking forward to see another review from you about how it goes for your woman.

Who here has tried the Rebirth ZP refreshed version? My first run of it is tomorrow and I’m excited to see what anti recon can do.

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i’m excited too, so go ahead!

Rebirth is an incredible booster, it creates a space for you to step into a new persona, and in doing so allowing integration to happen with otherworldly ease and smoothness.

If you feel like you are walking in circles with your programs, that you hold onto certain things preventing you from full execution—then Rebirth is for you.

I’d suggest this to anyone who is introducing a new program as it will allow much easier and faster integration. Once you embody the program you can attain greater heights with it by using Limit Destroyer, as your results improve more and more by surpassing past limitations.

Rebirth is more for integrating and embodying the program to it’s fullest extend by removing blockages and easily sculpting your identity.


Does Rebirth, like Regeneration, remind one’s their past mistakes or painful memories?

On paper I understand the difference between Rebirth and LD, but how they work exactly in comparison in practice? I ask as I have LD and as far as I notice it is a smooth non painful sub, and I wonder if Rebirth is worth getting or if Rebirth’s result can be achieved by using LD.

Rebirth will help you to establish new Ways, and smoothly embody the persona of whatever program you are integrating.


@Houdini I used rebirth for the stack following the midpoint of the year since I had completely switched my stack and goals from what they were in the six months prior. I think it helped a bit.

It’s good if you are introducing newness in your life.

A new program, change of goals, changes of your dreams, need to get out of something that has weighted you down? Rebirth is there for you.


What tool, what kind of tool , something different subs?

This is a question for a support ticket. The only sub i know where it is explizit mentioned is Khan ST1. From the description Stage 1:

Total Breakdown will also serve to remove subliminal programming that is unhelpful. If by any chance a previous subliminal you listened to had programming that is harmful, Total Breakdown will destroy it. It will not remove any positive programming or programming that benefited you.

Think only way to know for sure is a support ticket.


Try ROM ?(revelation of mind)

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Yes, you are right, in DR it is also mentioned in the description. I had overlooked it.
Anyway, good luck and success with your stack.


My bf just listened to this for the first time. He is very new to subs. He also purchased Limit Destroyer but hasn’t listened to that one yet.

He became very tired & felt like he was in a dream like state.

He got a headache. Decided to go home and rest.

Messaged me the following:

You ever think. That for certain things in life

That we aren’t supposed to remember certain things? That they’re better forgotten.
I know there’s a purpose. Memories come for reasons.

I just have a lot of memories come back. About my great grandfather. My late grandmas father. I don’t know.

What I noticed is all my childhood memories coming back vividly.

I think right now it’s best if I take
It easy, I’m having a lot of heavy shit come up.

Everything I witnessed as a child. My grandma didn’t kill herself that was a cover up. I know why I don’t like warm water. I know why I had a lot of dreams now. A lot of things make sense to me, it’s a darker side to life but it’s better let go in awareness than repressed.

I’ll have to let it process and integrate. My entire body and soul is reacting

A life of buried trauma in my brain.


Is it possible to experience recon where you start thinking feeling and saying unloving things that you don’t truly mean?

Or is it like your inhibitions drop and you start expressing your true thoughts?

Like your true colours shine?


Yes! Those are the exact same things that happened to me during my LBfH cycles. The key is stream of consciousness journaling, because most of the time you don’t want to admit your thoughts and feelings even to yourself.
In my first cycle of LBfH the results kicked in only after I poured out my true thoughts and feelings on paper. You can go for any other medium you are comfortable with, but it really is important. It helps with healing.


Very tough to say. It can be either one. Like if they’re afraid or having secure beliefs altered it might cause what’s known as splitting as a defense mechanism.

Splitting (also called black-and-white thinking, thinking in extremes or all-or-nothing thinking) is the failure in a person’s thinking to bring together the dichotomy of both perceived positive and negative qualities of something into a cohesive, realistic whole.

Fancy explanation for black and white thinking. But in some individuals I think when you start challenging really difficult stuff and there’s no ground beneath you so to speak it’s easy to find comfort in extremes.

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First and foremost I wouldn’t judge him for expressing this but also don’t let him take things out on you, draw a solid boundary.

He’s obviously working through some difficult stuff at the moment so journaling and weightlifting would be good outlets or screaming into a pillow is a good too :joy:

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He also trains in kung fu, so that would probably help a lot.

I’m not enjoying this experience though when he says hurtful things. I start questioning everything.

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