Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

There is truth in this.

That is why I have more expectations from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Mark Zuckerberg.


Thank you so much lol

Does this mean other ultima titles will be added to the Q store like paragon, limitless executive, PSIT, and sex mastery 2

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i dont hate all the rich. i hate politicians who steal the money from our taxes. and somehow theyre all rich?
and you cant tell me some businesses will not use bribes and loops to go around the law
i hope this ultima will make me join that group because i cant beat 'em


There definitely are people who have abused their power. I don’t like them either.

But it isn’t necessary. You can get rich without “losing your soul”.


I would join them and then turn the tables on them.

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Yes, of course they’ll be added. Dunno if they’ll be added today. Might be part of the next module pack.


Politicians are in their own category lol. Most of them are to some degree are corrupt especially in America and most other Governments. I think something happens once you get to that seat of power. Also a lot politicians aren’t good at working together lol.


Ultimas can give you the ultimate headache if you choose to resist !!!.

Famous last words of competitor company “you are resisting you are resisting its not my fault now go and buy my 1000 dollar healing sub” :grin:


@SaintSovereign How is this different from EOG?

They understand the Rules. Most people do not. :wink:


FANTASTIC video, all very important points!

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An Ultima custom I assume…what’s in it in addition to Rich :)…did this merge Rich, Paragon and Renaissance Man ?

Wondering how this would stack with Emperor Q and Dragon Reborn?
I’m decided to stick to Emperor for this whole year. The only thing I planned to add is Dragon. But now if I add this to it, what do I get?:thinking:

They overlap, but serves different purposes. Ultimas can be easily stacked with other titles and serves as boosters. EoG will go “deeper,” but requires much more time and mental energy to see results. With R.I.C.H., you can infuse any stack with wealth building properties much easier.

R.I.C.H. also focuses heavily on manifestation and destroying wealth ceilings. It’s a precision tool, versus the sledgehammer that EoG is. It’s all about your needs and wants. EoG will take up a whole slot in a three title stack. R.I.C.H. can do the same, or you can run it as a booster and maintain that space.


Not a bad stack. It should synergize with Dragon Reborn, and if you have any emotional hangups with wealth, will help you overcome those issues much quicker. Will also heighten the wealth building aspects of EmperorQ.


No, this is 100% original scripting. All brand new. :wink:


@SaintSovereign If you’re more in a hurry for cash would it make more sense to run Mogul short term with R.I.C.H . Then switch to EOG for long term?


No doubt - competitor with this attitude is SOOOOO fucked up…


You’re resisting…DAMMIT STOP REISITING! Buy my unfinished healing sub and if that doesn’t work its YOUR fault. Lol…Ahh we’re better days man.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

Say Yes!

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