Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

An Ultima custom I assume…what’s in it in addition to Rich :)…did this merge Rich, Paragon and Renaissance Man ?

Wondering how this would stack with Emperor Q and Dragon Reborn?
I’m decided to stick to Emperor for this whole year. The only thing I planned to add is Dragon. But now if I add this to it, what do I get?:thinking:

They overlap, but serves different purposes. Ultimas can be easily stacked with other titles and serves as boosters. EoG will go “deeper,” but requires much more time and mental energy to see results. With R.I.C.H., you can infuse any stack with wealth building properties much easier.

R.I.C.H. also focuses heavily on manifestation and destroying wealth ceilings. It’s a precision tool, versus the sledgehammer that EoG is. It’s all about your needs and wants. EoG will take up a whole slot in a three title stack. R.I.C.H. can do the same, or you can run it as a booster and maintain that space.


Not a bad stack. It should synergize with Dragon Reborn, and if you have any emotional hangups with wealth, will help you overcome those issues much quicker. Will also heighten the wealth building aspects of EmperorQ.


No, this is 100% original scripting. All brand new. :wink:


@SaintSovereign If you’re more in a hurry for cash would it make more sense to run Mogul short term with R.I.C.H . Then switch to EOG for long term?


No doubt - competitor with this attitude is SOOOOO fucked up…


You’re resisting…DAMMIT STOP REISITING! Buy my unfinished healing sub and if that doesn’t work its YOUR fault. Lol…Ahh we’re better days man.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

Say Yes!

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figures :slight_smile: Will you be running this Ultima with Paragon and Renaissance man?

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Saint; why are you doing this to me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Right when I anchored on a new costum until Renaissance man reveals himself, a new pack is announced :pensive: I am excited actually.

I will be pulling the trigger for RICH tonight.

Question: what’s your consensus on RICH with The Alchemist? I could be wrong, but I feel that The Alchemist is one of the titles that would work well with everything. Will I heat lead into gold on a Cast iron pan, though I am out of chemical X :thinking:


Thanks for the insights!

@James The other thing I’ve noticed about Ultimas is that their impact could last for days or weeks. I think 1 loop of LEU has been running somewhere in my head for about 12 days… maybe more.

Alot of this is seen in the tv shows like House of cards.

I feel disgusted if I have to act like this to prosper, but always knew in the back of my mind it was needed. But then again it is so crazy to behave this way, what boundaries are there? A true haven for sociopaths

Thnx for the video

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Within the past 12 hours I’ve run 2 loops of RICH Ultima. Here’s what I’ve noticed so far:

  • Subconscious financial day dreams. Got lost in them for several minutes until I realized what was happening, the daydreams felt real.

  • Thinking about money, wealth and business nonstop

  • Annoyed when interrupted today which happened excessively I was doing business research.

  • Noticing fears of success and failure rising. Didn’t know I still had any of these.

  • Seems I’m recharged with energy out of nowhere when tired.

-Huge drive and pull to grind and hustle. Even during short breaks, all I can think about is how to create more income and sharpen my financial literacy and business acumen.

  • I’m also moving with urgency to tend to personal matters so I can hurry up and get back to business planning.

  • Began reading a book that contains tips on how to develop the mindset of a small business owner.

  • Even during short breaks, all I feel is a burning desire to hustle and grind. It’s hard for me to sit still today.

  • I’ve also invested some money into kickstarting a business that assists others in complete financial makeovers, both in terms of their wealth and their financial education.


Hey everyone! I know today might be an emotional day for people here in the USA. However, let’s please stay focused on the topic… and subliminals… and personal development… and off of politics.

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I really like these ideas, kind of pre-sets.

Maybe we should have a dedicated thread to certain stacks and people’s thoughts on usage? I’m sure that’s what journals are and also I’m sure that’s what the dream character thread was for but maybe these would help people when planning their stack around.

  • The INNOVATOR stack: StarkQ, Mogul, R.I.C.H. Ultima (run as a major program) + Limitless Executive (run as a booster)

This stuck out to me the most. Hmm.

Edit: The release of this title and the above idea stack has possibly changed my plans and everything about them for me…hmm


Curious to know more about this new Ultima core.

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How powerful will be RICH for stock market trading? @SaintSovereign

Yes, very much so. EoG, HoM and the such are for long term mega wealth.