Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

$49.99, I mentioned this earlier. Prices have to go up a bit due to the complexity of creating Zero Point titles. The price of customs will not change.


I really hope for Paragon, cause nobody touched it yet and I am eager to see the healing potential of Paragon ZP.

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It’s not really a public test. We’re calling it the Zero Point Preview Experience. There’s one new title and a couple conversations of existing ones, allowing you to experience what Zero Point has to offer while work on converting all the titles.


So there will not be a public test?


We can create journals and report back but we’re not on the clock or anything

Testing has already been completed by private testers

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Paragon will be in the Zero Point Preview Experience along with the new Alpha Leadership title, Diamond, and R.I.C.H.

These are the currently confirmed titles, with more being considered. WANTED may be included a bit later.


If you already own any of the titles in the preview, you’ll be able to download the ZP version at no additional charge.


Does this include those of us whom picked up Diamond for free when you first released it?

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And when can we expect “release” of the preview?

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Of course.


Thats great news, thank you :grin:

I would be in favor of ZP Limitless as I think that would give a sense of how a deeper-running slower title fares.

Assuming, of course, the scripting for that isn’t too complicated this early in the game.


When testing is complete. We gotta make sure Zero Point is as compatible with Qv2 as possible. We’d never just abandon those who spent a lot of money and time on their customs just because we discovered a different technology.

Fortunately, it appears that ZP and Qv2 plays very nicely, enhancing the latter’s effectiveness at less loops than you run now.


Trust me, I definitely want to run Limitless myself but we’re still learning stuff about ZP. We want to make sure that we create the best version at launch rather than having to release updates.


Lemme know if you need a tester for that one

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Will Limitless be in the Zero Point Preview Experience?

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Lol scroll up two posts.


Oh I thought Wanted was already finally developped :open_mouth: I Wanted to switch it for my current wanted in my stack

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It says here that you are still learning stuff about ZP, but it doesn’t say anything about preview of Limitless. The same goes for, I think, all products, no? So my question still remains open.

The physical shifting has to be researched a bit more. There’s no indication that there would be long term negative effects, but we still need to investigate. Some of the physical shifting results were so incredible that I didn’t even post ‘em in this thread.

That being said, we may release a version with the shifting turned down a bit, as the bulk of the results testers received came from the other scripting.

We’re also considering Primal Seduction and Libertine for the preview.