Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

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Thank you dear :lion: but this function is not available for me at this point.

A total and free conscience for me is the ultimate goal in life. Free to live and experience fully. Have an exuberant day!

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Must be because you are a new user. You will get able to message other users once you have a certain number of posts on the forum.

Meanwhile, i encourage you to open a journal in ths relevant section to achieve these deserving goals.

What products did you purchase? I would recommend Seductress for women.

Rawrrr you Lion. I most heartfully thank you for that kind suggestion, but I doubt I’ll use that program :wink:

Anyhoo… have a beautiful day. I might put something together in a journal when I return.

Goodbye for now! :mantelpiece_clock:


@Lion man I really hope so. This problem has been irritating me lately. I wish I could at least test it.

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I don’t compare the ZP process to computers simply because there’s no need to do so. It’s all about changing the vibrations in your body/mind and your hypnotic state (since we’re in a hypnotic state all the time) and that transforms your patterns (emotional, behavioral, thinking, and talking). For example, you were hypnotized (and keep getting hypnotized all the time) by society to be a “beta” male, and when you’re exposed to hypnosis that wants to instill in you the “alpha” male archetype recon (healing, hypnotic alteration) occurs till the new hypnotical state has successfully dominated the old one or at least to the point when it becomes predominant.

@Malkuth @RVconsultant @Billions @AlexanderGraves @Palpatine @Tobyone @James @Invictus @SubliminalUser @Luther24


Right. Computers have programming that can be deleted effortlessly. That is not so easy with the human mind. You’d have to run DR for that, and we all know how challenging that can be. Once you program something into the mind, it’s hard to unprogram.

I think we say things to ourselves CONSTANTLY. And they reaffirm. It’s a very hypnotic process. When we start listening to a subliminal, that feel-good effect comes from constantly saying the same thing the subliminal is saying to you. “I’m GREAT!” or whatever the scripting is.

Then, your brain goes “wait this isn’t what I like saying” and goes back to the old BS because it’s the easier route, and the change isn’t permanent from the very first loop. It needs to be conditioned in.

So when that happens, the goal of the user is to continue using subliminals to say what they would prefer to say to themselves as opposed to what they usually say to themselves (pre-subliminal vs. post-subliminal dialogue.)

Even when the effects stop feeling so prominent because your brain is trying to revert back to old pathways, you need to keep on listening to the subliminal, to train your brain into the new conditioning that was rewarding, but, because of it’s greater postiivity and action-taking mentality, because of a highly evolved mind’s propensity to take more responsibility and be more emotionally mature… a post-subliminal mind is more energetically demanding! And the mind is a lazy, calorie-saving creature, it does not LIKE spending energy.

But, if when the mind tries to revert back to pre-subliminal thinking, you condition it and continually bring it back to be in line with the goals of the subliminal, that process of conditioning is what permanently KILLS the old line of thinking.

Without training and conditioning the mind to stay in post-subliminal thought processes even when the mind is fighting to stay stuck in it’s pre-subliminal ways, THAT is what will permanently kill the pre-sub thought processes.

Without this process, listening to subliminals is like doing drugs. You’re just chasing short term highs that don’t last and don’t have a lasting impact on your life.

(Theory, not fact, take everything I say with a grain of salt)

(@Monarch had you in mind while elaborating on this)


So in simple words:

Programming yourself with ZP, till the old programming (societal) is overwritten.



So what would the theory be on training and conditioning your mind to stay in post-subliminal thinking? The only idea I have would be longer exposure but then zero point would be the less effective option because “less is more” with ZP.

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That’s a belief I don’t subscribe to. It can be done in an instant using submodality work.


I agree with this.
In fact, I’ve consciously “erased” certain behavioral scripting multiple times (almost always with Emperor after a week or 2 of use :rofl:).

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More consistency.

Not more exposure.

Let the mind move to post-subliminal thinking with the help of a subliminal. But understand what that subliminal is. It’s like a crutch. A cane when you’re learning how to walk. A third wheel, while learning how to ride a bike. The goal is to one day have those thoughts become permanent. Not to use the cane or third wheel forever. But to have it be an aide for you while you learn how to walk on your own.

If you ALWAYS used a cane, you’d never learn how to walk without the cane. But If you consistently practiced, and when you got fatigued, went back to your cane, and then went off it again, you’d get to the point where one day, you won’t need the cane at all.

The reason why “less is more” is because you’re teaching your mind how to think that way without subliminal influence. Teaching it how to think post-subliminally without the constant supervision of a subliminal, or the constant support of a “cane”

That’s why I find that at first, I want to listen to a new title for the full 15 minutes. But then I only want to listen to it 3-5 minutes. It’s the difference between first TEACHING myself how to walk (15 minutes), compared to reminding myself/practicing walking over the long haul (3-5 minutes)

Now, this doesn’t mean that I don’t ever want to go off subliminals. Because the mind is not a binary “can” or “can’t” walk. It’s not “good” or “bad.”

It’s like an elite gymnast that ALWAYS has something new to learn. At first, it needs help doing a simple backflip. But then it can learn how to backflip on it’s own, so it gets assistance learning how to do a backflip with a twist. Then it learns that on it’s own too. And no matter how much it grows, it can always grow more, until one day it’s doing triple backflip twist corkscrew macaroni’s all day every day without any trouble whatsoever.

So while once upon a time, Mogul felt like it had SO much to offer, now I feel like I’m walking on my own with it, and am expanding my repetoire to focus on all that EOG has to offer.


I agree to an extent. The deepest, deepest beliefs are the hardest to remove. They’re the hardest to even locate. To say that any modality can remove any thought with 100% efficiency and accuracy instantly sounds like wishful thinking to me. However, over time, subliminals have DEFINITELY shown to remove programming at a rapid rate. Remember Invictus that you’re a super-responsive user, and you had a lot of experience with all subliminals before ever trying emperor, which would’ve given you a baseline openness and cognitive flexibility even beyond the natural state you already possessed.


Is there a subliminal that really addresses these issues you’re bringing forward in this discussion? Essentially is it possible to work with a subliminal to become a “blank slate” that way we can EASILY install the scripting of alpha, wealth, seduction, etc subs without experiencing drop off and potential recon. :thinking:

That is very sneaky program who believes it cannot be deleted. :thinking:

More like a virus. Those computer viruses that you cannot click away?

Dragon Reborn is the sub you’re seeking, BUT it’s not so much about being a blank slate. I don’t think you can because there is constant programming simply by being alive.

Imo this is also not necessary.

You need to breach through the wall of the wrong SELF-TALK you have which was instilled by wrong beliefs from the past. Once you accepted this is BS, your mind will start to talk in more positive ways and from THIS a new reality can bloom.

Let me pull a @Malkuth on you here:

See an alpha sub as a seed you want to plant in your garden (mind).
Once the seed is planted and has proper soil (your self talk), it will grow on its own.

But there is so much overgrowth and weeds in your garden, you need to remove that FIRST.

All ZP Primers have some sort of “healing” to make way for the goals of the sub. See it as a knife to slowly and precisely cut the path towards the subs’ goal.
Dragon Reborn is like a berserk with a machete. It BREAKS it all down. This is probably the closest you can come to a blank slate with ST1.

This is, however, why many also get “tired of the healing grind” quickly because being a blank slate is not nice. You need some seeds in that garden.


I think his belief there is a limiting belief probably rooted deeply :wink:

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It is a spell, enchantment, curse that needs to get broken.

It lives and breaths and if we do not protect our minds it will infect us. Energy is the only reality and as we are surrounded by it, it gets absorbed within our own system.

The more this program is given the right to exist the more it requires to balance THE :balance_scale::balance_scale::balance_scale:

@AlexSQ seeds as you said and if their fruits are poisonous the gardener needs to get rid of them and plant something beautiful instead :slight_smile:


Now that you mention it, everytime I “erased” it, I was also consciously doing it by using the visualization techniques I learned with Mind’s eye :thinking:

Makes sense


The way I see it is how a powerlifter trains, doing a few high intensity sets with long rests periods.