Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Like @AlexanderGraves said:

You can’t reprogram yourself to a blank state, we’re humans, not a computer that can be easily formatted to factory settings.
However, if you do wish to feel like you were completely “reborn”, then use REBIRTH in a stack with one Major archetype sub, with rebirth as the first sub, and the archetype as the second, for at least 1 full cycle, and watch how you change as if you were always born that way :wink:


I immediately thought of Rebirth + Emperor. :wink:

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You could say that I like to vibe with people’s subconscious, more than their conscious :sunglasses::call_me_hand:t4:

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This is a good perspective. It’s about finding the right solution. I went to a hypnotherapist once and her one size fits all solution immediately destroyed any rapport or trust I had in her.

That being said I’m curious how one would approach submodality work if the individual was inherently distrustful of most people?

I guess self hypnosis would be the best technique to allow a state of accepcting all suggestions of the ZP subliminals and increase absorbation.

Just started really reading into it yesterday, this technique/video has been mentioned a lot on Neville/Manifestation subreddits.

Actual exercise is only a few minutes, starts at 5 Minutes.

Gotta try that a few days.

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It remembers me a bit of the patern I tried instinctively but more on a rest days scale rather than time of exposure

Going at first with a middle one of 1 on 3 off to let the script flow in gently and let my mind get a taste of it

Then retaining with some 1 on 5 off, to make sure my brain knows what it want with the script and do some actual efforts to join neurons in that direction without assistance ( actions on my behalf too, always)

And Reinforcement with the classical patern every other day, once the structure is self made and the thinking/neural pathways have been created, they’re now set in stones

Conversationally is the approach I use with best results


Also another belief that can be questioned.

How would you know if that weren’t true?


Well unless the following is available to him:

  • professional hypnosis.
  • total memory loss through an accident.
  • self induced dual identity disorder.

Then it wouldn’t happen, simply because a pure “blank state” is like asking for complete detachment from and erasure of everything, from the tiniest to the biggest thing(s), that defines the individual, and since “triggers” are everywhere in a person’s environment (unless he also changes his geographical location), it will inevitably bring him back to how he was, unless he made a conscious effort.

But him making a conscious effort to not “revert” back is a paradox in itself, because what would he be trying to prevent himself from reverting back to, if he started from a blank state :stuck_out_tongue:?


Lol now I think we are diving way too far off the beaten path of what my question was actually asking.

I was using “blank slate” as a very loose term to essentially mean how do I effectively remove MOST or ALL of the negative scripting I’ve grown up with through out dated means of thinking from my family, friends, etc. And install new scripting using subliminals like Emperor, Stark, WANTED, Primal Seduction, etc and them actually remain a part of “who I am”.


Faster EFT is quite fast at scrambling old patterns.


I have no idea what you just said :joy:


“Faster EFT”. Probably should have put it in quotes to be more clear. My bad. It’s by Robert Smith. Tons of demos on YouTube

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This is essentially what Stage 1 subliminals in multi-stagers do.

Khan makes you a blank state and removes programming from society and other subliminals specific to khan’s goals.

EOG does the same, but for EOG’s goals.

DR does the same, totally and completely, for EVERYTHING. It is about making you a blank slate.

See Ksub’s post about EOG for an indepth example of this. Very well articulated.

Elixir is also another program with “Limit-removing” technology. It could be stacked with whatever sub you’re running to help you become more of that blank-slate. From the sales page…

“When used in a stack, it will focus on the greatest issues that block you in tandem with the subliminal you are running. Running it with Mogul for example, Elixir will be finding and dissolving the greatest wealth limits.”

May I make a mild change to what you said? Think about it this way…

What if it you could become a blank slate. But, in this case, the human mind is incapable of remaining a blank slate for more than a few milliseconds… and therefore once achieving a blank mind, you would instantly reprogram your mind with whatever programming you next put into the mind. So, you could become a blank slate, and then if you watched porn, you’d just reprogram yourself back to the same bool-shod you programmed it with in the first place.


Please, report back on that.

When I introduced myself to this forum a long time ago, I said how I spent 8 months in a meditation center, the silent retreats hosted by the vipassana center and SN Goenka.

I experienced what I believe would be the first Jhana, a concentration Jhana, NOT a wisdom Jhana, in case you know what I’m referring to.

It’s about as advanced as saying, in fitness terms, I was advanced enough that I did a muscle-up. Jacked… but not world-class by ANY means.

Meditation is the process of creating a blank slate.

If you look up meditation’s theology, it is essentially a process of eliminating all reactivity. Reactivity is what conditions the mind. When you react to sadness, you condition yourself to react to negative sensations with an unbalanced mind… and you condition yourself to only feel happiness by the absence of negativity, which will never happen for very long.

Similarly, when you react to happiness, in meditative terms, that is actually a bad thing as well, because you condition yourself to react to positive sensations with a sense of craving and attachment… you condition yourself to only be happy when they’re present, and to react to their passing with a sense of anguish and grief.

Meditation is not about the absence of pleasure. It is about the absence of craving. About feeling pleasure regardless of whether or not there are any positive sensations. About feeling pleasure even in the middle of negative sensations like physical pain or emotional grief.

When I had that Jhana experience, that was almost a blank-slate. I had no reactivity. I was pure consciousness, in the sense that I was not reacting to anything, except with a slight attachment to the postiivity. But even that was 90% purity, and was prfoundly life altering. Being in the meditative environment, I was able to reprogram myself for days and days after that with love, kindness, non-reactivity, mental purity. That’s why even after 2 months of that experience, it was enough that I’ve never wanted to watch porn since that moment, permanently changed my body language, altered my smile, changed the resonance of my laugh, removed massive tension from my body.

But it was a slower burn. I had been working for months, before experiencing that, which is what made it possible, and also, which is what actually makes it more effective and permanent.

Take another example. DMT is a fast-acting blank slate inducer. But it’s effects come and go so quickly that people have hard time gaining specific, measurable insights that truly enhance their life. However, they’ll still come out of the experience changed. HOWEVER, when you take that same DMT molecule, and mix it with substances which slow down it’s process so that you remain a blank slate for 8-14 hours, the results are much more more effective. That slower version of DMT is called ayahuasca, a tribal healing medicine. Iboga lasts much longer and is said to have much more far-reaching effects still. Meditation retreats are even longer still, at 10 days long at the minimum, and people have potentially less INTENSE results, but certainly more numerous and permanent effects…

The longer someone is in a blank-state for, the more impactful the results are.

So, no, I am not saying that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to instantly remove a thought process. It probably is possible. But the quicker an effect comes, the quicker an effect goes. Even if it were possible, I wouldn’t search for speed. I’d search for consistency.

That’s what I like about subliminals most of all… some people come here for quick results, but many people are here for year long journeys that utterly change their lives. I’ve changed more from 2 years of subliminals than I did from 8 months of meditating, even though my results from the meditation are what most people would call “impossible.”

The Buddhists define enlightenment as the complete elimination of all negativity… and they say that negativity in any form grows like mold. Unless you completely remove 100% of it, it will always grow and multiply. Even if 0.00001% of it remains, if it’s not cut off at the source, it will grow back and multiply.

Fast acting results will bring a belief pattern from 100% to 0.00001% very quickly, but potentially impermanently. However, a slow-acting healing modality like subliminals will bring belief patterns from 100%, to 80%, to 50%, to 10%, to 0.0001% eventually… and if they become a conscious part of the lifestyle of the user, then that person will learn how to live a life in such a way that the belief patterns he’s trying to eliminate never grows or multiplies ever again, and eventually goes from 0.1% to 0.001% to 0.000001% etc.

But, I guess this is a hard-wired belief, and slap me for believing it, but I don’t think that a belief or set of beliefs, let alone consciousness itself, can ever go to 0% negativity, so long as the user is unwilling to live an input-free life. Certainly not from a 5 minute youtube video, or something that someone has made their “career” to help people with. Sorry. But marketing don’t sell me that way.


Interesting addition to this conversation. On “removing” thoughts versus just overwriting them…


I didn’t even saw this post passing by :flushed:
Thak you, now I understand better a few things

Also plenty of fresh blood coming onto the forum
That’s awesome!

Ahem a new people…
Plenty of new things to read about and see how people who start with ZP evolves :eyes:


@rqx Thank for the Marissa Peer video. It has been in the back of my mind to start self hypnosis again, then up pops this. I love her method. It is so easy to learn. Thanks again.