Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

I will be honest I have had much better results listening to 7 mins and even though I have seen more experienced users utilize that method as well, as far as I know it hasnt been confirmed so its your choice but I have noticed the following:

  1. Less Reconciliation and when I do get recon I am able to handle it much better and seem to have a more logical approach rather than an emotional one

  2. Not as groggy after using my stack for the day

  3. The stacks seems to process much faster post listening which kinda lifts my brain fog quicker

  4. Faster integration, I seem to notice results much faster sometimes within 2 hours after listening.

Honestly I would just try it out for a week but finish this week out first if you havent already and see what happens. Just pay attention to how you feel maybe write a journal, and if you dont like it go ahead and go back to 15 mins.

Hope this answers your question.


This answers it well. Thank you @Uber_Elysium

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Being quite sensitive to subliminal recon, I now listen to 3 minutes of a track, 2 tracks per day.

I have also realized that I am what is, in this community, called a ā€œFILTHY DIRTY STACK SWITCHER!!!ā€

So, alongside high recon, that motivated me to test out an even more reduced method than the original billions schedule (monday wednesday friday, every 3rd friday off.)

This schedule will be 1 day on, 1 day off, 2 tracks per day, 3 minutes per track, for 11 days. Then I take a 3 day washout. Then I repeat. So itā€™s a 3-day washout once every 1.5 weeks. The total length of the cycle is 14 days, so it always starts on a monday and ends on a sunday.

Iā€™m thinking that this will be my next cycle:

Monday: First day. Ascension Chamber*** to boost results. Mogul Custom + Commander
Tues: Rest
Wed: Mogul + Commander
Thu: Rest, etc.
Fri, Sun, Tue: Mogul + Commander
Thursday: EOG STAGE 1***, Mogul Custom
Fri, Sat, Sun: 3 day washout.

*** Ascension chamber at the beginning of the cycle is to boost the overall results of the stack.

*** And EOG ST 1 at the very end of the cycle is there to get long term healing regularly scheduled, so thatā€™ itā€™s never procrastinated, but at the same time, never interfering with the work weekā€™s productivity or sending you into too much turmoil. Also, it being the day right before the washout, it has lots of time to process, so it doesnā€™t ever override the rest of your stack. EOG ST 1 could be replaced with any other healing subliminal, regen, CFW, DR ST1, Khan ST1, etc. etc.

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an issue that disappeared completely that i had before, came back today for some reason
im on the 5th day of my washout, so maybe its physical recon or reverse results

What you described seems more like overexposure than ā€œreconā€. No wonder you get better results exposing yourself to the programming less than recommended.

It may depend on the programs youā€™re listening to and how much challenging they are, how much theyā€™re trying to expand your current comfort zone.

What programs are you listening to?

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m still staying with the 15 minute listen. I donā€™t feel like experimenting.

(Then again, Iā€™m also still playing one of my Qv2 customs on alternate play-days. haha. so maybe Iā€™m not on the cutting edge at the moment.)


The same here. I donā€™t feel any need to experiment. Iā€™m totally satisfied with the progress Iā€™ve been making.


Yea, I stopped the experimentation for now. Itā€™s nice to save time but Iā€™m looking for an official recommendation from SC on this one.

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I never used Qv2 but this was definitely my experience on Q, I was compelled to go along with the sub rather than it slowly broadening my horizons. I think there is a benefit to both ways however. As of right now Iā€™ll stick to using ZP but Iā€™d like to try Qv2 at sometimes so I can see how their results differ.


Hmmmm interesting lol I didnā€™t think of it like that. So Iā€™m currently running Emperor and Primal Seduction, alongside rebirth once a week. All ZP of course

These are really demanding programs that try to expand your comfort zone quite a lot. But that exhaustion and fogginess point to overexposure more than any kind of crisis stemming from the fact those programs are expanding your comfort zone a lot.


How does one ask to change itā€™s forum username I forgot :sweat_smile:
Should I make a topic about it or send a PM to a mod ?

I never thought Iā€™d need to change it but I just donā€™t associate myself anymore with the thoughts I had when I first choosed it

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Think this the way to goā€¦


Perfect mate thanks

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Okay so do you recommend I drop one for now, continue? I do know the fogginess goes away after sleeping hence why I do it at night now. I also have had good results especially with confidence with healing. But if you and other experienced users recommend I drop one I will probably do it after a washout or the next listening week. Also thank you for the insight!

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@SaintSovereign could you pls look at our dm? Takes 30 secs to read and most likely only 10 secs to respond, just need that last confirmation before ordering.

If youā€™ve managed to deal with those symptoms I donā€™t see any reason to drop any of your programs. Just observe yourself carefully and act accordingly. You have a really great stack, btw.

What about your dreams? Are they numerous and vivid every night? If so it means youā€™re overexposing but if you can handle that, thatā€™s totally fine.


I have been managing them pretty well, I have my days of course but that happens. I will admit yesterday was my first run of Rebirth and today after I woke up and got moving I feel like a damn machine today lol I will continue to observe my reactions though

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Thatā€™s the very key in the Dark Art of Mental Alchemy.