Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

I’d say 90% of that is from Emperor and 10% (the joy part) from Chosen. But I sense Emperor is the main driver of this.


That’s very enlightening and makes a lot of sense based on the experiences I’ve had.

Daredevil sounds cool, but Primal Seduction seems to be calling my name :wink:

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That’s so interesting. Thanks for sharing!

I wouldn’t have imagined Chosen to have that effect, although I only ran the OG sub for a single cycle before swapping to the experimental Chosen From Within, which has practically made me forget how the OG made me feel.

Lots to think about, thanks again Ice.

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You’re very welcome.

The positivity from Chosen really does seem to shine through to give that sense of joy and optimism throughout the days. I am fortunate to be working in a field where I am helping other people on a daily basis (healthcare) which I’m certain helps Chosen execute that positivity and joyousness.

Another thing to consider: those who are leaders tend to “have their shit together” and are typically organized and disciplined individuals. Leaders, in my experience, aren’t usually people you look at and think of as lazy. They’re people you can look up to and aspire to be like, and that oftentimes comes in the form of being highly productive, while making it seem easy.



In your opinion.

What would be a good stack for a intj-t? Using that framework as a guide.

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Sorry man, I’m not a master at the types. I just know myself. :man_shrugging:t2:

The subs work with and leverage your personality anyway.

Run whatever fits your goals, and you feel called towards.
Stack to add skills, or restrict undesirable effects.


In 2020, some of us did try long-term stacks based on Personality Types or Astrological Charts

Ultimately though, I returned to the short-to-mid term Goals & Strategy way of choosing the subs.



No 5D ascension at the moment, but the promised 5G adoption is finally here and we can all experience “frequencies at a higher level?”. Perhaps those 5D ascension enthusiasts mistook 5D for 5G.

It’s the same as “the world is going to end this year” and "the world economy is going to crash (this time it is different)“. Say it every year and you will definitely get it right one day.

I once PhotoRead “Hannibal” (The 3rd published and last Thomas Harris novel chronologically regarding Lecter).
Did that to experiment with what Paul Scheele of Learning Strategies Corporation calls “Direct Learning”…which in the original version was Photoreading some “How to” books about a certain skill, and possibly a biography of someone who mastered that skill.

After all that, they’d have these people do the equivalent of Timeline Therapy, visit their future and then look back to see how the skills manifested.

Me and some others on the old Photoreading forum at LSC wanted to see if this would work just Photoreading about PEOPLE. To gain their insights, etc. Basically combining Photoreading about people with Napoleon Hill’s idea of the Council of Advisors, or whatever he called it.

I did it with Dr. Lecter, just that one book. It worked so well that for a while, his voice was in my head and would offer me advice on things. Like my own personal inner Dr. Lecter.

I Photoread the book. Then lied down after, on my back, eyes closed.

I just kept thinking “Hannibal, are you there?” several times…nada.

On a whim, I thought “Dr. Lecter, are you there?”

and heard Anthony Hopkins’ voice (rather than Brian Cox) say “Hello, Bill”

Talk about waking the fuck up out of a trance in a flash.
Turns out “he” only answered to “Dr. Lecter”…lol

The most striking thing I remember of “him” helping me out with something is I was at my kitchen table one day working on a cryptogram puzzle…and was stuck.
I closed my eyes “Dr. Lecter, I could really use some help with this one”

I opened my eyes, and very briefly, where one of the letters was on the page, I instead saw the letter it should be…like “he” was showing it to me. I tried it out, and it worked! It also served as a lever to get me unstuck on the rest of the puzzle.

He never gave me any culinary recommendations, probably a good thing.

EDIT: That was on 2003 or 2004 when I did all this…“He” hasn’t shown up for a very long time now.


Did you try the same method with other books?

I remember there was a guy called Win Wenger who was supposedly an expert on photoreading.

He mentioned in his book that a lady managed to give a speech in French overnight just by photoreading a French dictionary, and someone learnt how to repair his car by photoreading a manual on car repair.

I am not sure whether his anecdotes were true but they made interesting reading.


I’ve since PRd all the Lecter books in an attempt to “revive” “him”…but nothing came of it. I think it worked the first time because I was genuinely interested in trying it out.

I’ve not done it with other exemplars yet.
I did just drop an idea into the roadmap though regarding this.

EDIT: I actually DID do this one regarding Warren Buffett…there are TONS of books on that guy.
I will sound weird saying more, but I’ve got a mental “Sanctuary” I created using my skills as a hypnotist. From Sanctuary, I have a way to get to a “Construct” space like from the Matrix.

My amalgam of Buffett is standing there in the construct space kinda walking around and has been for 2-3 years now maybe. When I go in the construct during my little mental escapades, he waves and says “Hi (Palpatine’s IRL name)” the way only Buffett can.

I have a “control panel” in my construct which resembles an old teletype keyboard like I used to use on submarines in the radio room.

Once, a few years ago, I was lying bed, in the construct, just messing around, and I typed in a command on the control panel keyboard for my body to ramp up pheromone production by 300% or some crazy number.

The wife stirred in bed about 5 seconds later, woke up…wanted it…I obliged.
I’ve yet to be able to recreate that though.


Having gone through this extreme for many months of running Emperor, I see things very differently now. Emperor ZP doesn’t push me to this extreme at all, in fact I have been more proactively social.

The way I see it is you’re making a sacrifice for the benefit of your future self. The question is how is your ROI. If you’re seeing new revenue streams and structures that could lead to further freedom, it’s worth it in my opinion. If you’re shaping your body into the best health, shape, and attractiveness you’ve been in, it’s worth it. If you’re developing your character in the extremes of discipline, intentionality, and work ethic and you can translate that over into faster and more effective action with whatever you choose to do, all worth it.

What I noticed was I was doing this but at some point, it went out, all my energy, focus, and extreme discipline were going towards proving something that was going nowhere, yielding no ROI or benefit for my future self.

Whatever the case, just consciously making time to do things for fun and their own sake is a great practice, and actually seems to boost productivity and effectiveness.

Emperor ZP I’m giving another cycle so let’s see how it orients this intense but meaningful focus next round


I did the Silva Method course and one of the things that I was taught was to visualize a space in the Mind’s Eye where a "panel of advisors"would be available to solve your problems.

Think Napoleon Hill espoused a similar approach.


That’s super insightful @Azriel thank you for your input. That’s exactly on the money with my experience


I’d have created a new thread for this issue, but me spending almost an hour catching up on ZP updates–and grasping insights–has me airing this here. Also, I’m on day 2 of a 3 day washout.

I’m wondering “am I planning on using the subs which work best for me?”

I’m an INFP, like @Budewr, @Palpatine, and @AlexanderGraves are. I lean towards creativity and expressing myself, and I am drawn towards helping people. What I’ve focused on for eons is healing old thoughts and behaviors since I’ve had this “I am broken” mentality. I lean into feelings heavily, and I find stuff I reject in myself quickly, leading me further into more “healing”.

I’ve made plans to start Kahn St1 since its healing is good. It has a very strong masculinity and sexual push in it–which are parts of me I’ve often overlooked and dismissed. I still ask “is this what I really need?”

For the last 2 days, I’d been feeling different, like my curiosity, awareness, and objectivity meshed together. I wondered about @RVconsultant’s reply in my Chosen thread regarding using Alchemist to remove negative thinking. I even had the Alchemist buy page open last night, but I’ve not purchased it yet. Others have pointed me back to spiritual focuses, but I’ve declined often due to irrational childhood beliefs about God. It’s all based in fear though; not a good measuring stick.

And then, reading this thread has me really itching to pick up Mind’s Eye, something I’ve considered more in recent weeks. And I did use Renaissance Man in QV2 with clear and vivid results. Both help creative people blossom.

To summarize: I’ve been seeking to be healed from feeling like a “broken man”. It’s an endless circle. And not a joyful place for me.

What stack(s) might I consider going forward? I’d like to be ok with me once again–and I’m desiring some results soon. I’ll be ready to start a new stack Monday. It’s Saturday now.

Major hitters:
Dragon Reborn
Stark (I loved this years back)

Possible add-ons:
Sage Immortal
Love Bomb
Mind’s Eye
Renaissance Man
Power Can Corrupt
Elixir (Thanks @James)


So I’m gonna try to hit this from the MBTI angle.

INFPs lead with Fi. Contrary to the myths surrounding the internet it’s not emotion. It’s a well practiced subconscious method of parsing and filtering data from the outside world. But this lands INFPs into trouble when they’ve had less that desirable world experiences. It can lead to being stuck in a loop, sometimes what’s perceived as healing to an INFP can actual just be a thought spiral about old situations played back over and over. I can’t say for 100% certain, but it’s possible INFPs are more prone to trauma and getting stuck in it due to this. Fi is kind of like closing your eyes and navigating through the world. Imagine just growing up doing that but you just get sucker punched everywhere in the perceived darkness, not a good feeling.

Which leads me to the next function in the stack that’s important. Ne. Ne is the web of experiences INFPs have. Unfortunately if you’re bogged down in emotional damage the tendency to turn inwards cuts out the Ne experience. Which is ironically what probably would help most. INFPs need external experiences and new events that break the old patterns and loops they might be stuck in. Easier said than done, I’m the perfect example.

Then the last two, which are still important but I won’t dive into. Si. Basically the experiences in life Fi refers back to to support Fi’s conclusion. Again not good if your past has been rocky. And Te, external thinking. Basically the ability to plan, strategize, or externalize what goes on inside the INFPs mind.

All that being said. It sounds like you could use a stack that will get you out of your head more and experience more joy in life, but also a sort of “protective” layer so past wounds don’t interfere.

My recommendation would be

Stark(This might activate your Ne more and encourage you to get outside your head more and into the world. Away from the broken mentality

Love Bomb (That broken feeling, it’s a painful one. Self-love is important for that)

Maybe PCC depending on how you tolerate three titles. PCC would be good to put a stop to any individuals who might want to swoop in like a vulture and re-trigger old wounds. Prevention is better than having an emotional crisis and trying to re-heal episodes of emotional upheaval.

All that being said this is my perspective. What I’ve learned over the years is sometimes one sided healing focus can land you in a bit of trouble. Of course I’m a hypocrite because I’m running Regen solo right now lol. But after 2 cycles I plan to switch to Ascension or come up with my own stack.


Your conclusions about thinking styles were spot on since I could really grasp the thinking styles.

The endless cycle? Yep. The one thing that popped up in my head instantly considering Stark as my main sub was doubt. All sorts of internal whining popped up. But Love Bomb is the soother in it, cancelling endless doubts and fears from emerging. I used LB with my last run of CFW, and I felt it.

Lastly, I’m having more desire for Sage Immortal vs. PCC. I think, but am not sure, if elements of PCC are in Stark. May I hear your thoughts on this?


Stark sounds like a good fit because you already have positive association with it. I think your intuition is correct.

Sage Immortal seems rather complex and deep. The reason I recommended PCC is because it has a very clear straightforward focus. It would serve as a good add on that wouldn’t kick up much reconciliation due to it being more about awareness and protection. I’ve never personally run it, but I had the manipulus module in my qv2 custom for a bit and it was very helpful.

If you’ve been doing a lot of emotional healing and struggling, then you’ve been in a lot of pain. And when there’s a lot of pain there’s inevitably dissociation. Sage Immortal might be too expansive when what you need is physical grounding.

But ultimately it’s up to you. What is your primary motivation for running Sage Immortal?

I’m not saying this is you, but it does happen. Sometimes what’s known as “spiritual bypassing”. Where individuals attempt to escape deeper more complex emotional problems through escaping into spiritual practices. The quest for more spirituality is born out of escaping vs organic development. I’m of the belief that before heavy spirituality practices one should have a relatively firm grounding in the physical and have mastery over it somewhat.


Amen brother. :sweat_smile:

Too true. There is still a strong urge to legally and deceptively hide from truth often. And the washout I’m in is allowing stuff to surface still. Thanks for calling it out.


No problem. I never know if I’m on the mark with these inights, so I’m glad when it helps. But I think if anything stark and love bomb would be an awesome combo. I’d sleep on the Sage Immortal vs PCC a bit and see how you feel.

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Hoping for Beyond limitless zp after these two release.