Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

What about INTJ-T
Thanks @SaintSovereign

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Lol Saint really opened up a can of worms with this one


I feel bad that I kind of started the topic of personality traits…but at the same time I want to know what my stack would be :man_shrugging:t3::man_shrugging:t3:



@SaintSovereign you can pass my request, i was just curios on how would others perceive an infp or how would you, and what would you think that suits them better

rather than a plain request for a stack of your recommendation



What if someone doesn’t have a personality?

Maybe @DarkPhilosopher can enlighten us


i want to ask,

can i rest for 2 days from lets say paragon ?

im so happy i had some results with stark that i want to do 2 more days of it before doing the 3 ZP Title pattern recommendation for listening

can i do that? or is that against the pattern?

i have ascension stark and paragon

day 1 :
1 loop of stark
1 loop of ascension

if im following the pattern directly i should be listening to paragon on the 3rd day 1 loop of it

but can i skip paragon for lets say 2 more days and then add it back to my stack and then go about the 3 zp title pattern ?

i want more rooting of stark like 2 more days of it , im so happy its working for me, but does anyone know if thats against the listening pattern?

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I think you would be fine doing that.


More rest days are ALWAYS good. Unlike more loops.

Rest gives time for processing. Plus ZP titles are powerful :+1:


Hahahahahahaha. DP, you gonna let him get away with that? :wink:


This is what I mentioned in the PM I sent you.

I am not sure if this is the case for me, but I will be testing it after the next washout.


Every time I run RICH, for example, I get a blockage in my digestive system. Not something medical, it “feels” blocked. I would argue, that’s the lower chakras.
They ARE responsible for survival, I.e. money, right?

So after a bunch of recent ME runs I had this “insight” to run Sex Mastery, maybe even stack it with Primal, to fix the sexual issues that I KNOW exist in my lower chakras. This could free up the blocked energies towards manifesting more money.

(Mind you, RICH still works, but I FEEL it could be more)

To match this to the message of Saint. For money to truly come into your life (or let’s call it ABUNDANT ENERGY which is what a lot of money really is) one must heal a specific emotional blockage.

I really can only recommend everyone to run 2-3 loops of Mind’s Eye for the inner intuition. The insights I get are awesome (although this one could be not it haha)

That’s a BIG stack, but I like the idea of Stark or RM being the balance.
You’re right (I am INFP), when I ran Chosen I was too much “in the skies” and not really focusing on the earthly things. On Stark this got better, but the best on RICH so far.

I might, however, replace Emperor with PS. Primal definitely plays better with my natal chart.

THANK YOU for everything by the way @SaintSovereign and @Fire
I know y’all are working you’re asses of and we’re still demanding new titles all the time, but I - for one - truly enjoy the “ERB-Idea” :wink:
(Expansive, Restrictive, Balance)


i think i explained myself not in the best way, while re-reading my post lol

what i meant is

Day 1 : 1x stark 1x ascension
day 2 : rest
day 3 : 1x stark 1x ascension
day 4 : rest
day 5 : 1x stark 1x ascension
day 6 : rest
day 7 : 1x Paragon
day 8 : rest
day 9 : 1x stark 1x ascension
day 10 : rest
day 11 : 1x paragon
… and then resuming with the 3 zp titles instructions

thats what i meant, like can i ditch paragon for just the next on days and then add it back and resume on my 3 zp listening pattern ?

freak i cant even explain myself well, i had only 3 hours of sleep cause of stark it made me feel like im on 192923932mg of coffee

anyways thanks bois duno if im making sense hahah but i will see.


This is fine. You are still following the 3 ZP titles max, 1 loop each and running Paragon once in a while in the beginning.

You can actually continue that Day 1 to Day 8 routine indefinitely (along with the washout every 21 days of course).


This has been my experience, although due to restricted ability to take action in some areas the development I’ve seen is in the area of my work: Since starting ZP:

  • Nominated for employee of the month
  • Noticing more customers telling me at end of calls “you’ve been amazing, you’ve calmed me down, fixed everything, thank you thank you!” and being effusive in their praise
  • Still employed by a major company despite not taking the jibbly jabbly
  • Bank balances going up without changing anything major in my actions
  • Given free vouchers for sites like Ebay to a pretty significant (to me) value

And that’s without even going into other spheres.


You know, if you truly believed what you say there, you wouldn’t need to write 4,000 word posts because cosmic karma would take care of it.

But what I see in this and the post before that is a hurt ego, a spiritual ego.
You talk down on people because you know everything from the higher realms. This FULLY blocks any introspection.

I know what Saint is referring to because I was the person you misguided. Maybe not intentionally. Maybe everything had great intent, but intent alone is not sufficient. You also need to reflect on the actions you took, and they WERE harmful for the company.

If you could FINALLY accept that you DO NOT know everything lol then maybe we could have some of your insights back (many of which I highly appreciated, and remember Saint hesitated a while before banning you because of what you contributed).

There’s a lot of negative energy in your post, covered in “enlightenment.”


I read most of this before it was deleted and it made my eye twitch like wild, you gotta do something about yourself guy. It’s like a nest of snakes in your energy.

E: I came here to post that I’m not sure which subliminal it is but I’ve noticed a massive increase in my hand/eye coordination overall. And better proprioception as well. I was hoping to see these results from Spartan but that’s not in my playlist yet!


You running ME, Stark or RM?

I did a single loop of RMZP the day it was released, don’t own stark. Had been running ME and MEZP previously though. It seemed the obvious culprit for this gain, but I’ve not put any effort into visualizing these particular tasks. I’m just finding myself doing them effortlessly, I’m wondering if it’s Sage Immortal’s “get through your mundane day efficiently” scripting.

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I wasn’t implying that @DarkPhilosopher has no personality. I was looking for his philosophical musings on the topic

Now @RVconsultant that is an entirely different situation



I am super excited for EOG ZP but I may not run that quite yet. I had a physical done at the doctors office yesterday and I have some health issues that need to be addressed first so I will probably go with Emperor Fitness ZP stacked with Dragon Reborn ZP. What’s the point in being wealthy if you don’t have your health?


This is amazing. I like this schedule.
I see I was not able to think out of the box to make a subliminal listening routine. I was somehow arranging my stacks in between 7 days. But I see I can use two different weeks in two different ways lollll :joy::joy: