Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

agree. let me run RICH ZP for 13 years straight and I’ll tell you how I do feel after 10000 years.


If you used it all the time and didn’t see results you might get money back :wink:

and that would be the first result for me if I was super hyper mega ultra hardgainer hahaha

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Am only running Ascension right and I have tried running a stack of 2 and 3 titles.

In addition to Ascension being light, the recon for it is barely there and there is more room for a single title to breathe and manifest.

Plus it is easier to know which title is giving you results which allows you to pinpoint and keep track of your progess and hence enhancing your subliminal experience in an easy to undestand way.

Reminds me also of the time I was a tester for WANTED ZP by itself and even then, the results were fast and marvelous (especially the nonchalance and being wanted aspect).

It’s worth running a single title for a month or two. Nothing better than personal experience to see how it feels. Highly recommend.

EDIT: regarding shiny object syndrome, I am over it now after a week of Ascension. Now is it because of Ascension or because of running only a single title? A bit of both.

Since running a single title causes less recon, it could help avoid shiny object syndrome because many times recon does push us to change our stack.


I think your point about recon might be spot on. Khan and WANTED sound like a great combo to get recon especially if you still have a lot of hang-ups that you haven’t dealt with. I spent a few hours in the sun today, went for a group run where I was able to talk to people, had a crap load of sugary foods, and took a nap. After waking up my mind feels very clear so I can say with confidence that I was going through recon. I’ve decided to drop WANTED for now as I’ll be using it later on down the line in one of my customs, for now, though I’ll be focusing on Khan Solo.


I’ve been thinking a lot, and realized there’s a big hole in the Sub Club titles that I hope will one day be filled.

There is no alpha multi-staged subliminal.

And you might be thinking

What are you talking about, haven’t you ever heard of Khan?

To which I would say,

OF COURSE I’ve heard of Khan, it’s one of the best SEDUCTION subliminals out there!

But what do we have in terms of multi-stagers for someone that wants to be an alpha male???

Mogul has EOG for a multi-stager
Sage Immortal has the Alchemist
Regeneration has Dragon Reborn
Primal Seduction has Khan
Ascension has ???
Chosen has ???

Where’s the multi-stager for someone who wants to put 100% of their focus on MASSIVE transformation in their internal and external status, without the distraction of a title that gets you obsessed with sex.

Maybe the experiences that @SaintSovereign has had making all of these Chosen products titles will culminate in a 4th product in the Chosen line… a multi-staged product that encapsulates the first three programs into one perfect multi-stager and focuses on the ultimate non-romantic alpha multi-stage subliminal? Or perhaps a combination of Ascended and Chosen, both of them pushed to their absolute limits


Finally, someone said it. THANK YOU

This is exactly what I would love to see. There are a lot of titles I won’t run due to the sexual side. I for one have been trying to overcome my sexuality and running Alpha/sexual subs would be to my detriment if my goal was the opposite.

Thanks Billions, You’re awesome :slight_smile:


Let’s get it trending!


Most likely, tech has advanced enough for single stage, where healing can be handled by ZP primer. If really needed, a dedicated sub for healing can be stacked on.


@Billions, @Geoff, @SubliminalUser - it’s a great idea. It’s something I would love to run after I finish Ascension.

Have added it to the Roadmap (with due credit to @Billions) so do upvote it.

CHOSEN: ASCENDED ALPHA is the working title:


@Billions that’s also what I was thinking. I stopped listening to Emperor because it was making me too super horny and a lot of sexual thoughts. An Alpha title with strong confidence etc but without the sexual part would be perfect !


I didn’t think this would be so popular! @Invictus, thoughts? @Monarch

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Ascension multi Stager idea called Monk. Wealth + Learning + Fitness. Taken from the idea of using monk mode to improve to a higher degree. Remove all sexual and social scripts completely.


I can see the appeal from a business standpoint; other vendors have had separate multi stage products for both alpha and seduction.

Though, in general it would be a bit unusual to have an alpha title without any boost in sex drive as they are often tied together.

Also, I thought dragon reborn was considered an alpha product albeit heavy on healing.

The entire point of being an alpha, or running an alpha title is for mastery of sexual energy.

It’s literally what makes a man, a man. Such a waste of potential to avoid that sexuality aspect of a subliminal.

It would be an absolute failure.


Do you think everything that’s been built in history, present, and future by men was created by people who didn’t have absolute control of their sexual energy?

Steve Jobs said he didn’t participate in sexual activities during MOST of his time building Apple.

Mike Tyson wouldn’t have sex or ejaculate for months and months before a fight.


That sounds like a personal belief presented as absolute truth.

Is Chosen an absolute failure? Is Stark? Is Ascension? None of them are very sexual - Ascension, the most sexual of the three, is still quite light.

GLM, PCC, HOM, and Inner Circle aren’t sexual either.

I would call those pretty “Alpha” subs, too, though. Are they failures?

Love Bomb is a fantastic subliminal. Where’s the sexuality in that one?

Note how with Love Bomb, it’s even a FANTASTIC seduction subliminal. But it gets its results from non directly-sexual means.

The lesson? You don’t have to be horny all the time to be having sex all the time. You just have to have worth, know your worth, and express your worth.

Which is exactly what a 100% alpha subliminal is meant to allow you to do.

How sexual or non-sexual you want a subliminal to be depends on nothing more than your goals and what you resonate with most at the time.

Just because sexuality is important to life overall doesn’t mean it has to be my #1 focus RIGHT NOW.

Truth is, my sex life is fantastic. And I don’t need to work on it. At all. And I don’t want to work on it. I’m all in on business, with good sex whenever I want it.

Emperor and Diamond helped me get my sex life there, but I completely dropped them once they got me to a point I’m happy with because now any additional sexual scripting is literally a distraction that would make me less satisfied with subliminals and reduce the quality of my life, and make me reach my #1 goal slower.

But, being in that position, there’s no multi-stager for an advanced user like me. There’s no Amped up Ascension/Chosen to go all in on for social and personal power.

Perhaps the middle ground around the sexual energy conversation is having this proposed title be one that helps cultivate and master sexual energy as part of it’s alpha programming, BUT gives you greater control of it, to transmute it back into productive efforts when needed, and then to express it sexually when given the opportunity or whenever you desire to, instead of feeling this never ending need to always express your sexuality with women all the time.

Of course, you’ll always have free will to express sexuality however you like.

This title could balance out Khan’s outward sexual expression with a title prioritizing inner expression of sexuality, with that energy ending up in someone’s legacy instead of someone’s legs.


What do you consider absolute control of sexual energy?

I would go about that like this:
Ascension->Dragon Reborn+healing “boosters”->Ascension Mogul+Primal->Emperor+PS->alpha male custom

all the way I described above->alpha male custom+Chosen

Not jerking off into tissues every night.