Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Thanks, Alex.

Yes, I didn’t agree with that rule when I was listening to Q but I cannot deny it now, when on ZP. It’s also about changing your stack. I could run Mogul and Wanted/DR with ease and I didn’t experience much overexposure but it’s a “light” scripting whilst now, on Emperor and DR, it’s definitely heavier and it’s easier to get overexposed.

15 minutes of swimming and 15 minutes of intensive cardio training are not the same for our bodies. We need to also remember that for me doing heavy cardio training would be much less demanding than for my five-year-old nephew so using the same routine would kill him if he tried to match me no matter what. We need to try to be really self-aware when using ZP since it’s not a toy.


Currently running DR chosen Emperor and the ol Emperor is def the toughest to run for me so I feel you there.

On ZP which sub you run definitely plays a role.


It may be that the best course of action would be gauging each sub since we can run a “light sub” every other day whilst running something tougher, like Emperor, could be something we should tackle in another way, running it less frequently.

Experimenting, experimenting, experimenting, and observation, observation, observation - that’s the very core rule of the Dark Art of Mental Alchemy.

The recommended pattern is just a general guideline for newbies and something that more experienced mental alchemist should NEVER ignore.


I am still confused as to how less is more. Seems counterproductive

I can understand why some users will over expose. Yet i also understand why we should never over expose. As you have clearly stated in the long term it can lead to stone walling.

When i grew up in the 80s and 90s the internet was never part of my world. If i wanted to order a book for example i would have to order it from the library. If it wasnt there i would have to wait upto 2 weeks.

Nowadays no longer do i need to wait i can get my book instantly. No need to travel tk a library shop. Just sit in bath and order it online.

We now live in a world of instant gratification. We expect to see results now so naturally people get impatient and begin overexposing.


I don’t know how many times I saw you post this, get an answer, accept it, and then come back weeks later with the same question :joy::joy:

I guess some beliefs are hard to shatter :rofl::rofl:


There’s an old Chinese saying: not the one who has eaten most but the one who has digested most.


@James if you continue to over expose you will also stone wall :rofl:


I’ve never experienced stonewalling on ZP but I’ve always stuck with the recommended pattern. At some point, I just seemed to get to the point I wasn’t able to make any significant progress on Wanted but when I started running DR I noticed that some objectives of Wanted got activated.


Yes Sir

I have been limiting my loops . I’m just not sure how less I should go. I run one or two loops every two or three days. No insane number any longer.


Yeah I know . I have a horrible memory. I am not joking when I look at some of my posts from the past and either completely forgot I wrote it or instantly feel like it was someone else. I wrote that? Especially posts that are incredibly thoughtful and articulate


Great to hear James

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It shows that things are changing for you.

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James has evolved in a very positive way compared to how he was 12 months ago.


Never heard of this saying.

But many Chinese parents like to tell their kids, “The salt I have eaten is much more than the rice you have eaten.”

We can interpret this as saying that less becomes more over the long run.

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Chinese proverbs are very useful they can fix everyday problems example

Chinese man goes to kungfu master yip man for advice

Chinese man: “ohhhh great master how can i find ways of making money”

The old kungfu master smiles raises his hands to the sky and says

“ahhhhh sooo when one wants to find a fish do not climb a tree”

The chinese mans eyes sparkle “aaaaaahh sooo master thank u”

He smiles and goes home hours later he sits at home scratching his head looking rather perplexed.


So the master simply replied. Go to a successful business man instead of a kung-fu master b----


The Next Level.




This level is something out of world. Godly beats

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