Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Been doing 7 mins on 3 occasions with custom nothing to write home about.

When do you think the ZP test will finish?

Sorry SC already tested a pool of products in review mode. Overall people were happy.

What i mean is now customs are public release it will be interesting to see the feed back.

Bro my custom is guiding me to maximise the effect of Inner Gasoline.

I am currently not feeling libido, but I am working on my stress (Mainly by cutting my caffeine intake)


Hey @James!

How is it going with QL?


Can anyone comment on this? Are ZP modules that powerful?


Hey @SaintSovereign and @Fire . This part from book Tufti the priestess by Vadim Zealand . Is this apply to how we listen to zp

"When you compose reality (by listening to a sub), the script (life) rearranges itself to fit your composition, even if you cannot perceive this happening. All you have to do is systematically illuminate the goal frame (keep listening to the sub) . But you will persist in having everything run according to your plan , and in this, you hinder (cause lack of results) the implementation of what you have imagined "

  1. Is this how we hinder our results with zp by (persisting in having everything run according to our plans) ?

  2. Even if you don’t see results (keep listening to the sub ) is this right ?


I did play ascended Mogul for the first time then I slept and I waked up after 2 hours and I experienced this “perceptual shift” this didn’t happen with all the titles I played before in zp . The proplem now is that I am unable to put this experience into words . How to solve this .

I can’t say it’s grounded it’s subtle than that .
I can’t say certainty because it’s softer experience
This is not feeling jovial or happy it’s more like my perception field has expanded ,you know it’s like the first time you learn to read by yourself that feeling of unlimitedness that opened before you .

Maybe it’s amusement , light heartedness , being laid back and relaxed .


Welcome to The Desert of the RealZero Point


Yep, be prepared for more of this, reality shifts, glitches in your perception, etc.

See it for what it is, a reminder that your reality is changing directly. Don’t be afraid!


Super recon, if I understood Saint correctly from a post the other day. He said something about too few modules repeating the script too much and causing recon.

I imagine it would be recon with a side of recon.


You’re right, I deleted it because we don’t know. Someone mentioned it in another thread, but before we spread even more rumours, let’s remove it.

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Leave people better than how I found them… is my new relationship mantra.

I realize how much influence and power I hold over people, especially people I’m involved with, which is why I decided to adopt the mantra. Wanted, Diamond, Heartsong, HOM, Stark and Ascension(2 different rotations). The best way I can describe it is that I have the blueprint of how to get close to someone, I’m well aware that no one size fits all so it’s custom to each person and it’s so effortless.

And how far people are willing to go for me is scary. 16 year old me would have abused this… which is why I’m glad I developed enough maturity to not do so.

Anything that holds me back, either I limit or eliminate without thinking twice about it. (Sage playing a part here)

The changes that are taking place are so deep. It hasn’t all been easy. I’ve grown in ways I never expected and I’m grateful for ZP and I know for a fact that I’ve barely scratched the surface. I’m going to continue with my rotations for some time, then replace Stark with EoG.


I have been having the most stress I have ever had, in relation to university assignments, that I find too challenging and my emotions are telling me No! and me fighting with myself and trying to persevere. I am considering not continuing university, at age 33, I don’t think the stress and lack of money is worth it, especially as I have no money to pay rent and no money to eat.

I think this is what people call rock bottom.


Maybe use Sanguine is excellent against stress and very good for optimism


Yeah, I could try it at a later date. I have to get money for food first.

What are you studying?

BA Management and Entrepreneurship


How much time do you have left? Stress definitely interrupts the brain’s ability to learn efficiently. But if you’re almost going to graduate it would make sense to try to stick it out.


I completed a foundation year and now I am into my second semester of year 1. So 2 more years left.