Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

I have been having the most stress I have ever had, in relation to university assignments, that I find too challenging and my emotions are telling me No! and me fighting with myself and trying to persevere. I am considering not continuing university, at age 33, I don’t think the stress and lack of money is worth it, especially as I have no money to pay rent and no money to eat.

I think this is what people call rock bottom.


Maybe use Sanguine is excellent against stress and very good for optimism


Yeah, I could try it at a later date. I have to get money for food first.

What are you studying?

BA Management and Entrepreneurship


How much time do you have left? Stress definitely interrupts the brain’s ability to learn efficiently. But if you’re almost going to graduate it would make sense to try to stick it out.


I completed a foundation year and now I am into my second semester of year 1. So 2 more years left.


2 years seems like a lot but it can go fast. Maybe map out a pros/cons chart to get a better idea? It sounds like a tough situation to be in. What made you want to go for that degree?


I have decided to leave university.

I want to align with financial freedom and have multiple streams of income, someway and somehow. I don’t yet have all the answers, but I know that is the direction I want to go in and what I want to align with.


What diet are you on? @Upwards

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Are the zp titles are no longer preview? Asking because we can build customs now.

I wouldn’t say I am on a diet, unless you are referring to me not having any food to eat? LOL.

A few weeks back and before that, I was making sure I get enough protein/carbs for each meal because of my strength training, I was always trying to eat enough for my training.

I am not going to be concerned about that going forward, caring about increasing my weight and muscle mass is really superficial and there are more important priorities. So from this point onwards I will just eat to live rather than eat to grow muscle and gain weight. I don’t care about that any more.

I mean what type of food you consume regularly

Are you vegan/vegetarian?
Do you take supplements?
Is your food intake for example rather low carb or low fat?
Are you eating a lot of junk food?

I eat meat, but there are times when I eat a lot of plant based food, mainly influence from GF over the last few years as she is plant based.

I take multivitamin + Omega 369, B complex, 5htp when needed.

I was using MCT C8, but ran out about 3 months ago, didn’t buy any more. It was mainly to see if it helped with recon.

I don’t eat low carb. But I wouldn’t say high fat, but make sure I get healthy fats into my diet mainly.

I wouldn’t say I eat a lot of junk food, but I do like a KFC burger, and Pizza now and then.

I only drink 2 cups maximum of black tea with milk a day, or 1 cup of coffee instead on the rare occasion, as I am super sensitive to caffeine. I don’t drink soda, mainly water and usually drink through out the day always doing my best to gave clear piss.

I rarely drink alcohol, I enjoy MJ on the rare occasion, have dabbled in psychedelics in the past, mainly ayahuasca in year 2014 and shrooms in 2014, 2015, 2020, for spiritual, trying to understand self, get insight reasons.

I find it challenging to function in this 3D world, I feel like how society is… it’s everything I am not, so a big part of my life is trying to be someone I am not, just to function in this physical life in a primitive 3D world.


Do you still eat raw meats?

@Upwards Do you have a journal here? It seems like you’re going through a rough time and others might be able to help you sort it out. Lots of different perspectives and experiences on this forum, it’s a really good resource.

This tells me you’re not satisfied with the status quo and want more for yourself. Nobody should feel forced into a role to function in this world.

Nah, I don’t currently have a journal on here. I do write in a personal one on my computer. I have avoided writing on here in a journal as my thoughts and feelings in written form when fully expressed can be quite crazy, as I think and feel so many different perspectives at the same time, which can be quite paradoxical. I think this is partly because I have to try and translate my thoughts, feelings and images into a written form which is quite challenging, as they are not always so simple or black and white, as I can see like 10 sides to one thing, never knowing what is the right one or to make it even more confusing… if they are all right LOL. So yeah writing is weird, I find speaking easier to be more precise for some reason. I also have a tendency to have to explain everything in detail so I am giving the full picture of where I am coming from, which can be quite long and taxing.

I might start a journal, if I feel inspired, I will think about it for a while.

I won’t clog up this thread any longer with my stuff, thank you for all your replies and questions, I really appreciate it a lot! It helps more than you know :pray:


Which is fine really. As long as you journal somewhere, it will aid the subliminals. But maybe you already know that :slight_smile:

You write pretty clearly though.


Are all the titles objectives being loaded on the site at the sametime?

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Something tells me that this weekend we will get some news regarding the Objectives.