Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

@Gilligan my friend, the public test is made for that. Truth is, it’s hard to predict everything and they are making the public test to discover more about it. Stacking both those titles could be a good experimentation if you can compare it to “Khan alone”, or “Khan and something else” vs “Khan + Wanted QZP”

@NinjaFox Lucky for me Wanted Qv2 is already part of my stack, so I’ll just switch it out :point_left:


Look for @Ibnabihatim and @Vesper journal.
@Ibnabihatim you should write an official review on the website

Thanks Buddy!

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What I can find quickly



I will write it soon and put it as a review . It’s my Thanks letter for sub club . :pray:

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What if we make two versions of each title?
One stackable, and one non stackable.


I assume that would cost SubClub roughly twice the costs then, in API costs and build costs.

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That might be worth it if it makes the subs much more versatile.

Versatility, by definition, would mean stackability :wink:

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English is my third language but you get what I mean… xD
If someone is running one title, he uses the superpowered 15 minutes version 1 time instead of multiple times.
If he’s stacking titles he uses the less powerful ones.

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It could be an option for a custom sub. If you just run your custom, you could produce something strong.

I still think that the general line of product should be as simple as possible, but I like how they made terminus, T2 and solace avaliable in custom.


And too many SKUs to maintain and update. Not to mention, people do NOT listen when we give recommendations, mess themselves up through overexposure, then write in to support complaining.


I resemble that remark (on occasion). But main difference is I can only complain to myself. I never blame SubClub. I experiment and iterate.


Yeah, but the issue has been rampant in the past year. In the beginning Subclub was all about developping and experimenting…

With the growing base of customers and the increasing popularity, you have all types of personnality who are attracted here, including bad customers who try to scam, fraud or steal.

Same with society… We have so much laws and regulation because some people can’t handle themselves.


SubClub still IS all about developing and experimenting. Thankfully. And really that zone is where progress comes in. Nobody ever makes progress by just sticking to the known. Hence all the testing going on with the testers (Whoever they turn out to be. Can’t wait to find out honestly)

I love this place.


Tested the second version of the prototype sub at 15 minutes with great success. Now… let’s see if we can actually stack this thing, lol. If we can’t do at least 4 loops of this in a day, then the 15 minute version may not be feasible. You’d lose your ability to stack, and Zero Point works MUCH better when you can.


Are we talking stacking like emperor and khan or like rich and emperor lol?

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Will it be allowed to stack a Qv2 custom with a Q:ZP sub during the public test period, or will mixing technologies not be permitted during the public testing period?

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Looks like SC have reached the final frontier of testing. It will be great to see SC open up testing to more members.

Saint i compiled a list of members who are willing to do your bidding as they are loyal to you only.


We will do whatever you want us to do we bow to you Saint…thankyou


Next up is public test mate :heart: