Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

they will not really be able to give an estimate, because these guys will test out everything like formulating a math equation. While solving the equation if they find something else or an anomaly, they will explore that… so just go on about your day and don’t expect anything(otherwise it will just f with your feelings)


If the duration is shortening, shouldn’t the power get turned up to maintain one loop a day?

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That’s hilarious bro!

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Ever more great news from Saint, the only news am waiting is the availability of QZP from thecustom store but am as hyped as ever. This make me want to join the test group but I have to stay strong on my stack

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I’m running Khan stage 2, I don’t want ZP to overpower Khan. Would one 15 loop every other day show results and not overpower Khan? I’m talking about wanted ZP.

Sure, if you only wanted to run one title at a time. Since everyone wants to stack, the power must be balanced to accommodate them. If we turned everything at max power, where 15 minutes would get incredible results, you’d smack right into ferocious recon and stonewalling land the moment you tried to stack another sub.


Fair enough. At this point even I want to stack quite a few titles.

I’m so ready :slight_smile: Advancing human potential like no other! SubClub’s products will become so powerful that they will become a billion dollar company and help professional sports teams win championships with ZP ultrasonics during team practices. Scientists, Inventors, and Doctors can discover and develop new things to help people, etc. Just think of all the possibilities of human potential being advanced by the passion and concern Saint and Fire have for researching and always experimenting with their products. This is so exciting


@Gilligan my friend, the public test is made for that. Truth is, it’s hard to predict everything and they are making the public test to discover more about it. Stacking both those titles could be a good experimentation if you can compare it to “Khan alone”, or “Khan and something else” vs “Khan + Wanted QZP”

@NinjaFox Lucky for me Wanted Qv2 is already part of my stack, so I’ll just switch it out :point_left:


Look for @Ibnabihatim and @Vesper journal.
@Ibnabihatim you should write an official review on the website

Thanks Buddy!

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What I can find quickly



I will write it soon and put it as a review . It’s my Thanks letter for sub club . :pray:

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What if we make two versions of each title?
One stackable, and one non stackable.


I assume that would cost SubClub roughly twice the costs then, in API costs and build costs.

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That might be worth it if it makes the subs much more versatile.

Versatility, by definition, would mean stackability :wink:

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English is my third language but you get what I mean… xD
If someone is running one title, he uses the superpowered 15 minutes version 1 time instead of multiple times.
If he’s stacking titles he uses the less powerful ones.

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It could be an option for a custom sub. If you just run your custom, you could produce something strong.

I still think that the general line of product should be as simple as possible, but I like how they made terminus, T2 and solace avaliable in custom.


And too many SKUs to maintain and update. Not to mention, people do NOT listen when we give recommendations, mess themselves up through overexposure, then write in to support complaining.