Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

ZP making me not want to wake up ahahahah
This tech is working on my inner soullike nothing else

For real people I feel like I’m part of the few who have kept their sub since the start of the preview and it pays more and more…
Please give it the time it needs like I do… There is too few people sticking with their main sub for long enough…


I’m on day 5 of the washout after a 21 day run. Consistently followed the ZP instructions as written.

During this run, yes, I noticed the usual - better posture, increased confidence, more assured and dominant speaking, less self conscious thoughts.

But…it was seemingly nothing too monumental.

However, during this washout things have bloomed like crazy!!

I feel right now like I completely shifted realities. Looking back constant little progress was always being made but it kind of seems in retrospect like I was in a sort of daze, during which major shifts were underway - unbeknownst to me.

Like on a level outside of my perception.

The craziest realization I’ve just had upon looking back, I can name at least 4 specific things over this last month that I started implementing without much thought. I would have said these had nothing to do with subs, they were coincidence, almost random.

Now though, it’s just plain obvious these all came together in a synergistic way to embody so much of the sales/description page.

This is how manifestation works folks. Only in hindsight does the strange, nonsensical path make sense.

I’m shook :scream:


Yes, I would recommend the follow listening pattern: One loop a week


I was thinking about 2 a week recently. I am already at 3 a week which still seems too much for me.

But you might be on to something here!

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That’s exactly what I’m thinking, one or two listens a week :pray:

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Yes this is a idea, when I did a longer washout it was nicer, think the z subs are heavy input they need time to really bloom.

Just reported yesterday how well that schedule works, also for Qv2 titles:

With ZP titles, it is even clearer:

So I sometimes take more days rest after 7 days of results, if that makes sense.


Wow :upside_down_face:

All of you guys talking about less exposure, and here I am, limit testing :rofl:

I think ZP is more “personal” than any type of subs we used before, because I for one, feel them instantly as I listen, then feel like I already finished processing everything.


One thing I noticed: The less exposure, the more reconciliation you get (from one loop) lol.



I thought about this because Q+ you were supposed to use once or twice a week right?

I’m wondering about the differences between what Q+ was and how ZP is because even Saint said one-two loops per week is possibly all you need for ZP.


Amazing! I did this with Ascended mogul for 3 months last year - 1 or 2 loops a week and the results were outstanding.

Gotta try this route with ZP - Stark once a week, here we go!!


For me, recon is very program dependent, like I can do a max listen of 5 different and unique subs (1 loop each) and don’t feel any recon, even after days (I do feel some overloading), but I can’t really do the same with any and every program.

For example:
I can do more than 3 loops of Stark ZP per day and feel amazing with each loop, but just 2 loops of Emperor ZP make me feel overloaded and feel recon creeping up.


What SaintSovereign either doesn‘t know OR doesn‘t want to tell us :wink: is that there is something in ZP titles (possibly the ZP Primer) that decreases the need for loops, also for Qv2 titles! Try it out guys! One loop a week!
I have never had so many people in real life, reflecting back to me (through compliments, comments, their behavior etc) how well I am executing the script.


Will give this a go for sure.
Might aid my healing process because CFW is kicking my ass.


Thanks will try this, do you even think for the zp 15 mins can be reduced to 6-7 mins

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Yes, I have once actually tried out listening only for 5 mins and 1 min to the ZP titles (instead of the full 15 mins), every third day:

Incredible results… seems to further boost the results of Qv2 titles. But for the results regarding the ZP title itself, it doesn‘t feel right. Nothing I wanna do longterm. I prefer listening to the whole 15 mins.


Wonder if that is more to do with allowing the ZP to execute instead of processing.

One day processing and the rest of the week to execute.


If you are following 3 ZP titles official pattern, you are listening to every title only twice a week.

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Can you clarify these last two sentences? What doesn’t feel right with ZP?

Edited my post

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