Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I disagree. I’m loving the results I’m getting right now and I’m using 3 ZP titles… the transformation I’m undergoing is so profound, it feels like something from a dream.


Cut it out. You know what I’m referring to, and I’m not sitting here arguing about it.


Your journal please .

Currently, I am running PS ZP and Mogul ZP and I am liking the results I am getting. I am also just listening to 5 min of each title and experiencing no recon.


It’s private. I don’t mind posting results, which I will sooner or later.

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If you have an online journal here on the forum . Share it to me if possible .

Wishing you the best :muscle:

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Ehhh, no.

Which means it’s the most optimal listening pattern for YOU.

So you’re stacking those 2, seeing results, and then you have the audacity to make this statement?!

Why are you contradicting yourself?
You frustrated due to recon brah?

It does.
Haven’t ran DIAMOND ZP since the private test, my gains down there have been maintained, and the skills I acquired, as well as the taste of my juice still being sweet (according to my girlfriend).

All of those came from DIAMOND ZP when I first tested it.

So now Mr. @sid, why are you projecting your frustration about your own objective experience on the forum as if something’s wrong with ZP tech?

I have written so many different posts, recommendations, made threads, to help prime the people here for ZP, how many listened?

Have you sat with yourself and questioned yourself about what you really want?
Are you self aware enough to notice even the tiniest bit of change?
Do you have enough belief in yourself, the subs, and your desire, to the point that you know you’ll undoubtedly get the results and achieve what you desire?
Do you take enough action?

You honestly reminded me of a certain someone from a while back, who envied others and then started blaming the tech.
Don’t be like that person.


I have been thinking about doing the same, but wanted to wait for an official confirmation. I’m referring to the 5 min run.

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I notice I am able to integrate the scripts faster. Maybe it is due to not having any recon. One other thing I noticed is the results felt supercharged when running it for 5 min. The supercharge feeling was not immediately after running the script, it came out of no where when I was on a rest day and was not taking action that day.


Seeing smth . Doesn’t mean it didn’t work . But comparing rich to ultima . It still little .

I am not projecting smth .I share my experience as it is .

I have great result with RICH ultima and other titles. And gracefully shared on my journal . I have an old journal here shared before full of results .
When I write my opinion I write from the perspective that I am sharing valuable point of view to the founders

because zp are experimental



I never denied the fact that your concerns regarding your experience doesn’t matter, however, what you don’t realize, is that you’re basically attacking the tech instead of just “sharing opinion”.

Let me show you what I mean, it could help your Stark ZP progress as well, since I’m going to teach you something nice :kissing_heart:

Firstly, when you make a claim this big, saying that the only encouraging ZP reviews come from people that use just a single title, then you’re basically brushing off the tech’s efffects.

We have people like @Ice @Billions @Myster @Davisnwc @GoldenTiger @Vinci who have been journaling their journeys (with multiple subs by the way) and having amazing success.

note: I don’t spend as much time on the forum anymore to check every journal, but these ones I remember off the top of my head)

Secondly, you’re making a claim that 2 rest days work better than 1, and while there are some people who would benefit from that, you’re acting as if you found out something that hasn’t already been mentioned in the official guidelines before.

Which reminds me, weren’t you the one who posted a schedule that consisted of a lawyer game pattern where you basically listened to your loops on a 22 and 26 hours intervals?
Basically, trying to cover up the fact that you’re doing at least one loop everyday?
And now somehow, you magically had the epiphany that the main guidelines pattern is the way.

Stark ZP doing good work for you right there :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

And lastly, this.
There’s no other way to take this as anything but you making a negative claim against a tech that the majority of the users know how to use, and have been getting results with their stacks by following guidelines from the start.

So, now that I told you all that, you should use this opportunity to increase your self awareness, by realizing that you’re probably in recon, which is causing you to make such claims as a result of your own frustration, due to your own experience.

If anything, this will just hurt your results more, so I suggest you take some time off from subs, and rest your brain.

Don’t hurt yourself by making it worse.


@Invictus . When I write anything related to zp I write because they want to know our experience and opinions .

You see my writing as an ATTACK and simply this not .

I understand your enthusiasm for zp the same enthusiasm I have because of two reasons

  1. removing the Ultrasonic from the ultima titles
  2. removing the challenge manifestations script .

this bullshit .
I only share results and my journal full of them my answer taken out of context .

Edit :

Actually what you speak about is a question I asked from 4 months ago . And shared recently . And when the answer from the support ticket came . I changed my listening .

but you said this 23 days ago :scream: :scream: :scream:

even Simon called you out on it :scream:

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Yes I shared this recently because someone asked the same question . So I shared the support ticket answer .

Edit :

And I ended this in abeautiful way .

:joy::joy::joy: For the expression

Relax and have a good day .

Bye :wave::wave::wave:

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I got emperorZP
I have been running khan some days now
One day I ran khan in the day and was having and establishing dominance by verbally dominating people and sometimes making fun of them(safely)
And it was 8 pm when I started running my zp stack, when I listened to emperor, in the middle of emperorZP these thoughts emerged where I was disqualifying my behavior today and people were looking at me like they wanted to find weakness in my facial expressions, like this “disqualification” thought projected outwards and fire the neuropathways which disqualified me, and they were looking at me searching for that weakness sign. Like when you look at someone in a disqualifying manner, but it was soft cuz I established a lot of dominance. At first, ideas on the matter is appreciated, second: the question is that is this phenomenon I noticed is dependent to the difference of objective and archetype? Another question is that if the build difference also impacts the matter or not? For example if I was listening to Khan ZP along with emperorZP how would the results be.


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@sid I’ve been applying my own incredible method to get the answer to this question. Some scoff at my method but it has a 100% success rate.

Anyway, it took some time but I finally have the answer:

DR ZP is going to be released on 28 January 2022.


:pray::+1:Thank you!That speaks to my heart. I appreciate you.

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