Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Primal Seduction, Iron Throne and Primal Seduction Iron Throne Ultima are 3 separate products and all 3 got Primal Seduction ZP.

They all share the same base script in all 3, just in different formats (PS: full version, PSIT: full - healing, PSITU: full - healing in Ultima).

Limitless and BLU are different in the way that the former is more about increasing your intelligence and IQ over the period your using it, while as BLU is for temporary enhancement for focus and to think better, like for an exam (like taking a highly effective nootropic).

If you’re a student, then using limitless would help you throughout the whole academic year, but BLU would be best only before your study sessions for exam and an hour or 2 before taking the exam.


Primal Seduction has healing in it.

Primal Seduction Iron Throne has no healing in it.

And Primal Seduction Iron Throne Ultima is an Ultima format of PSIT.

Now Zero Point is a build which doesn’t require healing in the typical sense of the word. Even though healing titles such as Regeneration are now rewritten in ZP, I suspect they are written very differently than a healing title used to be in Qv2. Which explains why PS Qv2 and PSIT Qv2 have been converted to the same PS ZP.

And since Ultima will no longer exist due to ZP (as far as we know), both PSIT Qv2 and PSITU Qv2 become the same in ZP which is again PS ZP.


Beyond Limitless is an ultima so if this is true does it not mean owners of Beyond Limitless Ultima should get Limitless ZP?

Since the goals of BLU and Limitless are different, we will get different titles.

So Beyond Limitless ZP and Limitless ZP

I’d say most of these are childhood issues unresolved.

Approach anxiety? A child is not afraid of anything. It’s wondrous and exploring.
These fears are trained.

I also noticed that recon on ZP while the negative effects are more in the background, when it’s worked through, it’s fkn obvious.

I.e. quite recently I had a breakthrough in my mind. Before that I had days of feeling low/down. All of a sudden, something clicked in my mind. I knew the recon was over. The thing was resolved. And that newfound mindset keeps popping up in my mind. THe subconscious.
ZP did it.
And that’s been something that had been bugging me for DECADES. Took about 5-7 loops of Chosen, lol.


I had this whole piece prepared about the how and why of my atypical gaining, but I figured we spent enough time reminding ourselves of it already.

Be ready for another big one from me…

Short answer: Yes

Long answer

Imagine you’re about to have a complicated surgery. You’re tense, don’t know what’s gonna happen and you’d rather not do it.

The doctor sits you down and talks to you, putting your mind at easy. He is friendly, has a warm voice and just generally makes you feel that everything is going to be alright. He knows what he’s doing, he’s done it lots of times before and he’ll make you better than new. You hug your loved ones and smile as you doze off.

That’s Primer. It puts your mind at ease about the subliminals which come after. As long as it’s effective, your mind is okay with listening to the subs. Your mind is smiling and nodding, knowing that it’s gonna be better than new.

Next imagination exercise. A woman just had something bad happen at work. She is upset and goes to a man to tell her story, to get it off her chest. As she does, the man starts thinking on how to remedy the situation and proceeds to tell her how best to deal with it and overcome it. This kind of annoys the woman because right now she doesn’t want to solve it just yet, she just wants to be heard. Eventually her logic will take over from her emotion and she’ll appreciate the help, but in the beginning it’s rubbing her the wrong way just a bit.

Alternatively, she could go to a female friend of hers. As she tells the story, the friend just listens and agrees with everything she says (even if the friend has no idea what she’s talking about). The friend knows that all she need right now is to vent. And once the venting is complete and the woman is ready, that’s when the work can begin.

A ZP title is like that friend and her ability to calibrate to what you need at that moment until you’re ready to begin the work. A Q title is more like the man, it’ll want to start working on solutions right away. In the end, the initial resistance to a new Q title is probably about as long as the preparation stage for a ZP title. But it’s easier to work with the latter.

So, ZP Primer is the doctor putting you at ease, which either puts you in a better frame of mind to begin working with Q or to prepare yourself for working with ZP Flow. It helps with both to different degrees.

I do that too, actually. My taste in music is very much influenced by my state of mind. What little recon I have is usually first detected by me switching from the smoother and gentler music to more hard-hitting music, indicating my mind is a bit agitated. Which then allows me to intervene and take some rest from subliminals or deal with it through a walk in the forest or a meditation. Or even vigorous exercise.

I remarked to Saint not long after Q came out that not only did I see the tone on the forum change, I also saw the musical choices on the Music Thread change. They became more rap, rock and beats. Only the few of us whose forum posts don’t get affected by the subs continue posting music in the same style.

It’s interesting.

Actually, there is a genetic component here. In ancient tribal times, humans lived in tribes of around 200 people. And pretty much everybody knew one another. If a beta male approached a female above his status and she rejected him, it was pretty much a permanent rejection from all women in the tribe which could even lead to banishment or other forms of punishment. So approaching was not done lightly.

Part of this idea is still in our primal brain. Much like how a lab-grown mouse gets agitated when it sees the shadow of a predatory bird even though it has no idea of that bird’s existence, human males still get agitated when we approach a woman which we feel is above our status. There tend to be two solutions to this.

The first is to do it so often that the fear loses its foundation. Rejection doesn’t mean banishment and possible starvation and death, it just means try again. Although obviously getting rejected by a member of a group does tend to have effects on one’s chances with the other members of the group.

The second and in my opinion better way, but which can take a lot longer, is to raise the man’s own value estimation. If he believes that his status and value is equal or higher than hers, then the primal instinct doesn’t trigger when he approaches. He’s one of the tribe’s alpha males and being rejected would have negative consequences for her instead.

It’s the whole outer vs inner game thing again. Inner game can take a lot longer. But that’s what we have submliminals for, right?

Anyway, some of the logic-based fears come from parents constantly telling the child “no” as they grow up (always better to make sure the child can’t reach power outlets or dangerous chemicals rather than tell them not to touch them, a yes-child grows up with much more potential compared to a no-child). Other of these logic-based fears come from primal instincts, what was logical in the past but may no longer make much sense now. In both cases they come not from your conscious mind but are triggered somewhere deeper as a result of programming, genetic or formative.

Fun sideline: scientists once investigated people at the end of their lives and found that most people at the end of their lives have a connection to about 200 people. These are the people they can actually tell you something personal about. Just like that tribe.


You know, it’s a great thing that SC decided they will do this. They had this idea before I suggested this but it’s great to at least have the notion that they take into account feedback.

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Rich ZP has started bringing radical change in way I am shaping road map for my company.

Not only sales are rising , I have hired area sales heads , brand promoters and invested in exhibits among other steps .

These might not sound anything special but for me I never had this exposure for my company and all this gives me confidence that we are gonna make this big .

Rich / Chosen / wanted, The trinity is really changing my inner landscape, the way I see and perceive things and way I handle things .


Awsome mate!

Rich probably pushed you to move your company forward :wink:

Yeah, this is the thing I’m working on with PS and Wanted. As my last journal entry signal, my status is going up socially. I do not mind making risky jokes about people, teasing them (not in a mean way, I mean I love my family), my voice is deeper, I naturally speak in a deeper, calmer voice (like, my vocal cords did not change, I was still able to speak that way before, but I had to force it, now it’s natural!).

Depending on the social environnment, I will automatically adapt my voice to the deepest I can to make sure I’m heard proprely.

  • More expression of myself
  • Deeper voice
  • Teasing others

Are all expression of social status and it is going all the way up!


Hey Saint,

Do you have an estimate available for approx when Seductress ZP may be released?

Asking for a girlfriend.


The Case for Heartsong

The public preview has shown us how powerful ZP subs are, especially with respect to all things related to attraction. People have had some interesting manifestations while using such titles as WANTED.

That’s why I’m here today to list down reasons why I think a version of Heartsong ZP should be available for testing sooner than later.

  • Single Stage: Just like with every other title tested so far, HS is single stage and therefore easier to create a prototype for as well as more accessible to users.
  • Objectives. HS helps one find the ideal partner or forge an even better connection between current partners. Who doesn’t want this? It appeals to nearly everyone :-). A significant portion of the ZP testers were in existing long term relationships so they would have benefitted greatly from running it earlier. Then there’s also the significant portion of the Preview testers who’d ideally like to find the perfect person, as much as the adventures on titles like PS ZP might be great. The other thing is that many people think it’s not possible to find such a person for themselves. Whether they’re right or wrong, we should admit that certain conditions in the world do make it a bit challenge (pandemic being a clear factor). Should HS ZP to address these needs we’re talking about a life-changing breakthrough for many.
  • Speculation: Lack of physical shifting in this title enables SC to more freely experiment with higher powers of ZP, since it seems physical shifting and the higher (unreleased) powers of ZP don’t mix very well currently. Personally, when I tested an earlier version of WANTED ZP there was some strange stuff going on physically speaking so I understand why SC turned it down a bit.
  • Manifestations and the notion of 45-day stack rotations. I’m likely not the only one who’s not interested in having HS in my stack all the time. I’m not sure if that may even be the best way to run this. Why? Well in the manifestation world (being inspired by Goddard here) the idea behind planting the manifestational seeds is that we shape the seed properly, plant it then be on our way. Notice that last part. We drop the seed and take our attention away from it. Given how Heartsong is highly focused on romantic manifestation—the kind of manifestation which trips up so many people (just look at how many videos talk about this)—it would be a great test of ZP’s manifestation abilities. Not only that, the 45-day stack rotation idea would be in alignment with “plant it then be on our way.” What I would do, for example, is run HS ZP as part of my first stack rotation (January 1—February 14), switch it out for another sub as I work on other goals actively and let the manifestations of HS fully unfold. Of course, I acknowledge that manifestations on HS ZP are going to occur in the middle of the stack. But the notion of washout-blooms would likely be best realized on a heavily manifestation focused sub like HS ZP. It’s also my suspicion that multiple people who are in the preview test would like to align stack rotations with the beginning of next year.
  • Because HS ZP’s objectives can take quite some time to achieve or see results in, it’s a great idea for people to get started on it sooner and get to the rotation end that I’ve discussed above.

I give a thumbs up for :heart: :musical_note:


A Case For Emperor

  1. It’s not Heart Song


I’m liking strictly for the sarcasm. Because you bring the A-Game to sarcasm


BLU is going to be released as its own ZP title. So if you’ve already purchased it it, you will get it in your downloads when it is released.

Mogul ZP now available: Main Disc. Thread - Mogul ZP


Oof…I got excited and remembered I don’t own it :rofl:


Heartsong is the last ZP I’m really looking forward to.

…so far.