Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Aw so close. I have Ascended Mogul not Mogul.

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Oh yeah :sunglasses: I wonder what will be the next title to be transformed into ZP!


another weird dream I dont really remember . I dont know what was going on Im bad dreamer. It was like to be in many versions same situation simultaneously and be aware of others versions.
I know it could be that audiobook about synchronicity and multiple quantum realities I listened couple weeks back, but chance to have some dream I remember is slim and to have multiverse dream is some other level.
Im running Wanted ZP LimitlessZP and RICHZP so this dream is probably caused by RICHZP
Im still waiting for MindsEyeZP. Iwould drop Limitless mercilessly and play Minds EyeZP instead
I know we comited to run stack 45 days but …


Yes definitely heartsong. And then emperor :blush:

Yes, this is my experience too with RegZP!

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Instructions regarding QZP listening schedule for 2 ZPs and 1 Qv2 say:

Day 1: 1 loop of ZP1+1 loop of ZP2
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: 1 loop of Qv2
Day 4: Rest

and repeat…

My question: can we get away with running 2 loops of each title?

I just feel underexposed running these titles only once a day each, considering that I would run Qv2 about 4 times a day without issue, 5 times a week.

Can anyone from the research group and/or mod team comment on their experience/listening schedules please? @Lion @SubliminalUser @AlexanderGraves @Invictus @Palpatine @James


If you have 2 or 3 titles in your stack, run 1 loop each for the Public Preview Testing Phase that we are in. After this Phase, we could get new instructions.

It’s just that we think we can handle more loops but so far it has shown to just increase reconciliation. In fact, SaintSovereign has said that with ZP, less is more.

If you are running only 1 title though (and it is ZP), run 2 loops every alternate day.

You are not underexposed. That feeling is plain recon.


I’m currently on my first week of running Primal ZP, Diamond ZP and Rich ZP while following the instructions 100%.

In the last few days i have noticed a very good positive result that i want to provide as feedback.

First , some quick background.

I’m a rare personality in that im extremelly smart and have tangible achievements in life that prove it but im also very emotional and have struggled all my life with anger and controlling my temper.

To give you a specific example, by the time i was 12 years old i was so smart i had been placed into a special class for gifted kids where we did the year in 5 months instead of 10 months like normal kids. But by that time i had also been suspended from school multiple times for fighting with other kids and talking back to teachers.

Over the years i have spent a lot of money and time on various attempts to control my anger and temper. i have tried everything from traditional therapy to medicine and nothing really worked.

In the last few days i have noticed an noticeably increase in my ability to control myself. situations where i would usually get angry and start yelling, my brain will send me a message like “nothing positive will be gained from continuing this interaction, walk away now”. and i will control myself and just leave.

It has not been perfect as i do remember losing my cool and yelling 2 days ago but its been noticeably better then usual and im just finishing week 1 of ZP.

It’s still very early since i need to put myself in more difficult situations where i usually struggle to keep my cool to see how much ZP helps but something noticeable that is positive seems to be happening when it comes to my ability to control my emotions/temper.


Hi @MadaraUchiha when there will be Sanguine ZP it will be perfect for you probably. It is excellent when you want to control your temper/anger. I don’t know when it will be published in ZP format


RICH and PS are not added to Main Shop ZP Preview.


@SaintSovereign - Ticket #5157 regarding this issue was sent a week ago. Still “in progress”

WANTED was also not listed back then. Now it is there.

When Beyond Limitless ZP is out, how and in what ways will it be different from Limitless ZP?

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So the S&S Weapon X Subconscious Coach Technology is working fine in the ZP build.



This is something I noticed very quickly after using ZP. I’m not using the same titles as you except R.I.C.H but I’ve got the same result in regards to my anger. I was getting angry and having mood swings and all that kinds of stuff, and whilst, like you said, it isn’t perfect in terms of I still get annoyed at things (mainly CoD now a days haha) I realise I can keep my cool a lot easier.


It seems to me that the copycats finally understood that they cannot mess with us.


“The transition to a higher order of functioning — or hooking on to a higher neural circuit — is often accompanied by considerable anxiety or a turbulence in personal life which seems as if the organism were falling apart or breaking up. This phenomenon of instability is really the way that every living organism — societies, human primates, chemical solutions, etc. — shakes itself, as it were, by myoclonisms or similar convulsions into new combinations and permutations for higher and new levels of development. So perhaps the space-time Utopia of a new area of primate exploration has some validity after all, as indicating that the more vigorous the disturbance or myoclonism the greater the quantum jump into a higher neurological circuit. This is one reason why I firmly believe that the transition to the next spiral will not be smooth nor without much suffering and chaos.”

Introduction by Israel Regardie
Prometheus Rising
Robert Anton Wilson


How accurately this explains reconciliation and can we assume that degree of reconciliation directly correlated with inner-growth?


Interesting info, thanks.

I had no reconciliation on Wanted whatsoever and the growth is immense.


While there’s some good points in what you quoted, especially how how the transition is often accompanied by considerable amount of anxiety or a turbulence in life, it’s not all “accurate”.

The keyword there is often, as @Sub.Zero mentioned not experiencing any recon on WANTED, the same goes for me as well.

In fact, when it comes to both WANTED and Chosen, those 2 alone have NEVER caused any type of recon, yet anyone on this forum will tell you about how much those 2 programs (especially WANTED) have affected my life and changed it.
In fact, the amount of inner growth I have gotten from those (in the form of self realization) is far more than any growth I received from anything else.


Interesting piece! I would say, if there even is a correlation, that degree of reconciliation is directly correlated to how far removed the objectives and thought-patterns from a particular sub are removed from your current state of thinking. Since a lot of new neural corrections will have to be made, as opposed to someone who is closer to the objective of a sub, where existing neural pathways can be strengthened and more connections can be branched out easier.

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