Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I was reacting to this.

Don’t get me wrong I am all about experimenting,…
I even think most people wouldn’t have landed here where they not about that.
I actually wonder why there is no sub called “everything” that would just listen to your desires automated. (and it’s not a critic, in my book subclub is the best)
But then I’m not the one writing the scripts so I may be overlooking parameters I’m not aware of.


It’s why we need both mindsets. Some (like me) are like "Try it and see what happens) and others are all “NOOOOO! These are the rules! Stick to the script!”

We need both to make this shit grow.
I’m loaded on both Crown and Beer right now, so keep ithat in mind if you see any typos. but I’m more the experimental type. Overexposure on ZP probably isn’t good for MOST people. but the point of experimentation is to explore and identify baselines. there’s no such thing as one recommendation that works for eveyrone. the very definiton of “Average” goes against that idea. Some can handle more, some cannot.

I love playing pool and eating fries ugh


All you have to do is highlight the text and tap on the Quote button



i want this wanted zp, im beginning to understand what its like wanting something soo bad is like :joy: can borrow ?? jk

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thnx (and ten more characters)

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I think that what Saint is implying there is that overexposure could actually cause serious psychological problems. That was bound to become a possibility as they kept increasing the ability to make profound changes quickly.
If some yo-yo decides to run sixteen back to back loops (as inevitably will happen) and winds up in a psych ward or worse, it would open SubClub up for liability. They do need to take that kind of thing very seriously.


Yeah. I get that. I just will always favor the experimental side of things as that’s what helps set guidelines.


Let’s not forget this guy.


I gotcha, and I REALLY want to try my next year plan in ZP. It sounds awesome.
However I handle potentially dangerous things carefully and with respect so I could do it safely. Not everyone is like me.

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Yeah. This is why we can’t have nice things.


@SaintSovereign can you please add “hunter eyes” into the new build.

Thanks in advance.


Must be the kind of guy who feeds on tide pods challenges. Hope he is well and safe now. ( he’s lucky to have added sanguine though :slight_smile: )

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These feedback… I’m so curious to try this new tech! Never has it been seen in the history of subliminal that much change in a short amount of time!

Usually the results comes in gradually. Now it seems like the results comes in after 1 loop and the physical shifting can be noticed every few days! This is insane!!!

@SaintSovereign are you and Fire leaning toward eventually doing some public testing for ZP technology?

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I definitely agree. We need some people to push the envelope and see what happens. But anybody who pushes the envelope needs to remember, that there is risk in such a move. Subclub is trying to guard against people pushing the envelope and then complaining about how the sub doesn’t work… or that they are in constant recon.

Having said the above, undoubtedly some of subclubs innovations and breakthroughs came from pushing the envelope in a “reckless way”… and as you said, we need these innovators.


This what i want to see evidence for physical changes in middle age men.

Not to sound like i am having ago at SC but i never so any physical changes on wanted. Even with the facial modules from Q. That i used in my earlier customs.

Some of us may argue it could take months or years. To me 10 weeks is enough time to see at least minor changes.

If they cannot get the physical changes to work for men in their 40s and older they should state this. If they dont then i go and build a physical changing sub it doesnt work, SC get my money and all that happens is my wallet gets lighter.


The more I read here, the more I feel like Zero Point is turning into Hero Point!


Of course. :wink:


Do you have feedback regarding stackability with Qv2 and Ultima?

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I am curious about improvement if any in male enhancement :sweat_smile:

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