Main Disc. Thread - Primal ZP

I will see to that. I wanted to run Primal so it can shatter my beliefs regarding choosing screen over real warm women .

What is that ??


Sounds big

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Engage in hobbies
Run, Exercise
Use the pent up horniness on dumbbells and lift that shit like no tomorrow (if at home do push ups till fail as soon as you get horny)
And if all else fails and you exhausted all your options …put porn blocker on your phone and give away the password …make it very hard for yourself to have access to anything that stimulates you down there (IG, tiktok are triggers, snapchat sometimes IMO) … after 90 days you’ll be disgusted by it. Good luck

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My Emperor custom has Primal and Stop Porn and Masturbation…

It has been a struggle here and there, I tell you hwat.


Sex Monstrosity :gorilla: :fist_right: :boom: :peach:

Primal Seduction
Sex Mastery X


Is this your build, or is there a @SaintSovereign post that he recommended/build this?

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That’s the one Saiyan did 4 subs of and Saint built it to test out


lol @Palpatine has answered this question like four times now.

@Saiyan4Blue experimented by stacking four subs (DO NOT DO THIS). I got curious and made a version of it, taking out all the excess stuff and focusing it solely on sex / seduction scripting and ran a loop. Got the worst recon I’ve ever experienced.

The sex, however, was absolutely indescribable. It wasn’t worth it, though. Sex Monstrosity will remain in the vault for now.


I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Sex Monstrosity today


Sex Monstrosity: Iron Throne


was about to say that maybe i should build i upcoming custom solely around 1 subject or category an see what happens lol. Also my bad i probably should have searched the sub name.


Who wants to plan a heist? :sunglasses: :grin:


It would be cool even if it was exclusive to q store in module form. I’m currently running most of the monstrosity stack that way.

We’re looking into creating the experimental vault for experienced users. You’d only able to purchase if you’ve bought a certain amount of programs and if your account has been open for a certain amount of time.


Would definitely use this as long as I qualify for it. Want to test myself as much as can going forward, want to improve exponentially in these area of life Health, Wealth and Relationship.

I think it would be cool.

Experienced customers could benefit, and perhaps new technology could be discovered.

However I think restricting access is important because with experimentals, we need controlled conditions, such as people exercising self-discipline and accurately reporting what they are doing.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Does anyone know whether Primal motivated them to exercise and improve their physique, I remember it had Spartan lite?

Spartan lite had PS not Primal as far as I know