Main Disc. Thread - Primal ZP

Yes absolutely do NOT run subs like Primal. You need to build the groundwork first.
I would recommend GLM or a custom with Stop Porn and Masturbation which works SO WELL.

However, read
THIS alone solved any remnants of porn addiction. Read it FULLY, just takes about 5 hours.

The willpower method doesn’t work because it makes you feel like you missed something. When in reality you only GAIN by quitting porn.
Porn is what CREATES the void you’re feeling, it doesn’t solve it. But the dopamine rush keeps you coming back.
After all, it’s not the MO you’re seeking with porn, it’s the CHASE.
Finding that ONE clip.
Otherwise you would just go to your fav clip, 3mins in, shoot your load, and you’re done with it.
Why spend an hour searching a new clip?
The chase is what addicts you.

Read the link above, it’s free. I tried MANY things in the past, nothing worked. This one did in NO time.
Plus, of course, my anti-porn custom.


@AlexSQ Lol, would you say Primal makes you too horny?

I have started to read it.

I wish Saint made PoMaQ into a ZP charger like he once suggested in the Diamond thread

Inner gasoline works for me


Got this in my custom!

I think Gary Wilson called it the searching and seeking aspect.


can confirm the Primal

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From my journal

So its been one listen although I have had a few things happen that I know is Primal related.

  • Very relaxed and confidence is rising, although despite me being relaxed I am taking a lot of action, which is probably also tied to Ascension
  • Appreciate the beauty of women. I will definitely check women out more, however I am not a horndog about it lol. I will check out a women appreciate her beauty and move on with life and probably forget about her haha
  • Noticed that women seem to be a lil more respectful towards me, and a little timid? Although if I speak to them they relax.
  • Voice got deeper. Now I am a bass/baritone so I was shocked to hear it get deeper but I realized that it was because I was so relaxed. At least 2 people have commented already.
  • Some women have been staring at me and have flirted with me by commenting on my voice, but I have sounded like this since I was 16 and im 28 so it doesnt really work on me anymore since I hear it all the time lol but it was nice to hear.
  • While I haven’t needed to be dominant yet I can already feel the power building within me, I will say its very controlled.

@SWITCH is absolutely right i believe its a tactic to control us men rather like the lure of the Sirens of greek mythology. All looks nice on the outside but its not real.


I hope by open you mean actively visiting

As someone who was once addicted to porn, I agree completely.


Even one Peek, I can’t because by the grace of God and my mentors. Finally I’m free from such Psychological Poison.
Watching Porn is slow sucide used by one to punish his or herself.

Once you learn that Porn is the cause of the misery and self doubt all this time, you will be happy to be free from such trap.


Pornography is insidious. It’s tricky because you don’t know how badly it has affected you (and your outer) until after you’ve indulged.


Ironically, watching my own stuff feels fucking fantastic :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It’s like watching a nostalgic anime scene :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Ngl after Project Stud Muffin, imma try this out :joy:

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From my journal


Ive never tried these before but ran this for 2 loops today on headphones in masked mp3 formation approx 40% volume, not noticed anything different feeling wise…
presume obv need to give it more time - my other queries is if its better to play through speakers? and am I free to go about other activities or just listen that on its own while resting

If you plan to use speakers, you will need to use the ultrasonic version as they are meant to be used with that.

You can do either it depends on you really. But most people do the second.

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does not feeling any fatigue or any different after listening through twice indicate I could be a hard gainer or too early to tell?