Main Disc. Thread - Power Can Corrupt ZP

Is it correct to expect " PCC " to make you street wise?


This is from the old versions pre zp where you have challenges script . Not related to PCC

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It literally makes you everywhere wise


You’re right.

I took that directly from the sales copy for RICH.

I definitely am glad to see new and improved scripting because anyone who develops themselves and has achieved success knows that challenges just seem to come with the territory.

I’m also sad to see that that’s not a part of RICH anymore because well, the copy speaks for itself. It’s really what sold me on it for the time being before I run my custom, which includes PCC.


Ebon maneuver also does that in the q store.

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No it’s not about being part of rich anymore , there was a script called " manifest challenges "

Saint and fire removed it from all subs including , emperor . And replaced it with " learning from your past experience"

This is not a bad thing , actually this is the only factor that excited me about ZP . And I am sure others also .


Oh! Yea, that kind of had me a little wary of trying certain titles. Because life was already presenting all of these challenges and that’s the last thing I thought I wanted.

The reframing helps ease my mind because I know that challenges are a part and I always overcome them. I just didn’t want more challenges as I already had enough to deal with as it was.

I definitely appreciate insight and tapping into our own wisdom. That’s a piece of lol, wisdom throughout all time. Look within. You already have everything you need. That whole thing yet we will travel the universe for what we’ve always had, always were, and it’s always right here.

I’ve had great experiences using Sub Club titles though. I definitely am excited to see how ZP Refresh changes the game and unfolds for everyone.


Challenge manifestation was not a good thing in MANY ways, but learning from past adversities definitely let you have Ebon maneuver type of effect in Rich core.
@SaintSovereign ease clarify this, cuz I also don’t want more focus on annihilating thief and scammers, and don’t want ebon maneuver if not NECESSARY.


@SaintSovereign This paragraph is from 48 laws of power book.
Is this kind of scripting included in PCC?

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Running all minus Spartan… Great stuff!
And Spartan probably would make it even more badass! Saint mentioned SMX + Spartan as a potent combo.

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I’ve found myself saying less since I started listening to PCC. This has been an issue for a time now where i find my self revealing too much. I’m glad it’s being resolved currently.
Law no.7: lately I’ve been deligating duties to people working under me. This started since Khan stage 3 but now I’m getting better at it.
I’m left pondering the amount of benefits I could get from this sub if I stick to it on the long run


I am running that stack right now

What is SMX ?

Sex Mastery X

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Thanks mate its seems bizzare that spartain and SMX are very different yet they would make a good combo ?

Here is the question & answer.

Spartan - Sex Warrior! I’m just joking! I couldn’t help myself.


LBFH really seems to go hand in hand with PCC, for those desiring that. and I’ve done PCC in the past but LBFH really seems to be the missing ingredient, the special sauce for me anyway. I found this post and I’m finding that this self love and whatever is in LBFH is really removing some of the causes of being taken advantage of for being a nice guy, or a good guy.

So using them together is probably phenomenal. PCC will bring that masterful, elegance to your dealings instead of just letting your emotions get the best of you.

This is a master manipulator.

“A person who controls or influences others in a clever or unscrupulous way.”

This is why we must love, accept, and trust ourselves, so that we can stand up to unscrupulous behavior.

When we doubt our feelings, and push them away, and then write a story like, “Oh they didn’t treat me so bad, I must have done something to provoke it” or you use toxic positivity and say “I shouldn’t have reacted so negatively” we are giving in to the manipulation and abandoning ourselves. It okay to respond “negatively” there is nothing wrong with you when this happens.

Of course own your response in a situation, but make sure you communicate that the other person MUST own their behavior, otherwise there can be no helpful resolution.

Nothing will change and you deserve to be seen, heard, respected, and loved.

(Manipulative people find what other people are sensitive to and use it to get what they need.-unknown)


Just read that. Does PCC change that? Or is it “just” more ROI?

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Does PCC “includes” Fearsome ?