Main Disc. Thread - Power Can Corrupt ZP

Sounds pretty cool!!


And your goals are?

Power and women😕

How do you define cool?:thinking:



Yes, it does.



Do WANTED, PCC, Commander and GLM gel together in a good way?

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Nah brah, u one of the cool dragonssssss :dragon: :dragon: :dragon:

*flies away hissingly

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I know one guy who is using GLM and PCC he is rapidly rising up the ranks.


My concern is WANTED
I made a t2 custom with those cores without wanted, even with this limited budget of mine, but I am thinking about wether should I include Wanted along with spartan, sex mastery and diamond or not.
Maybe a tinge of bad boy ain’t bad +commander, GLM and pcc. But I want to be sure

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I think this would be an excellent stack wanted, spartan and diamond are physical shifting they will work well together and SM will hook into diamond.


How long would one have to run PCC to get its full benefits or until its full installation? Curious since it’s a narrow title. I estimate between 1 and 3 stack runs.

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I would say at least 3 cycles.

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I used to experiment with it because I was shedding a lot of the limitations at the time and seeing through the social veils so to speak.

One time at work somebody asked me to take out the trash. Well obviously being asked by a team leader I couldn’t say no. But I could see a different angle on it, but then I find out that many people never see beyond the “normal” ways of things whether they’re good or bad. So I said No I don’t want to do it but I will. Because that was the truth. I didn’t say it mean I just said it honestly. Of course it wasn’t appreciated and probably lost me points for the moment but I maybe it won me points on some unconscious level. It was a female who asked me and I answered.

I also used to be just honest but I wouldn’t do it in a pushy way, I’d do in a “I really can’t lie but I don’t want to be mean but I still have to be honest” kind of way and sometimes in other situations people found it endearing.


This made me think of when G. Gordon Liddy was on the witness stand re: Watergate stuff and they asked him the “Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth…” thing.

He said “hell no!” lol

Reading your line you said to the manager made me think of that and I laughed


yea. I was having fun. Another one was when people asked how I was. How are you? I dunno, but I am. :smiley: And they didn’t know how to respond.


Khan + PCC must be a crazy stack. :stuck_out_tongue:


ask @Luther24

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@SubliminalUser I’m just gonna drop this here and ninjastically fly away (~‾▿‾)~