Main Disc. Thread - Objectives / Product Copy Updates / ZP Refresh

This is where LBfH comes in. It energizes you a lot and we need to remember that the newest technologies got implemented into it and it’s just another ZP evolution. We need to remember that ZP is not a finished technology yet as well and there are more advanced versions ahead.

Look what SC did. First, they took care of recon (the anti-recon scripting) then they increased the power of the scripting by balancing the primer to actual scripting ratio and now they’ve improved the power level and put in some more goodies we know nothing about in LBfH. We need to be patient the evolution is progressing.

We need to be patient and just try to understand how this technology affects us and learn to gauge it and adjust our listening patterns accordingly.

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This is one of the reason I feel it is paramount to give our honest feedback on the technologies.

I always fell in Love with Q, I like ZP but I’m still most in Love with Q.

Zero Point is better for healing, but external results, auras, energetic scripting, even the scripts executed better (for me on Q) not sure why that is. I’m saying for me, because others may have different results and I do not want to generalise.

I remember how deadly seductive I was on Sex & Seduction Q, which I have never experienced on Zp, the results are also a bit inconsistent and I was speaking to women. Same thing with Q it manifested scenarios where women reached out and like the most cunning circumstances where I’d find the best things to say at the right time and plan a meeting.

Some of things I have yet to experience with SS or PS currently. But it may still come we’ll see… :slight_smile:

So basically — I feel that Weapon X does not work so well with Zero Point. At least from my experience right now.



This was also posted earlier in this Thread, I suspect it was a different Zp version one that was mixed more with Q? Idk.

But I remember on PS Q EVERY SINGLE TIME I had to call support, or have a phone call with some kind of call center I’d be a women on the phone (no expectations) and it would benefit me a lot because she’d be attracted even through the phone because yes Primal affected her from a distance and she would do anything to help me out lol.


It’s because ZP makes you the zero point of your reality and it starts from changing you so that your reality can change.

That was one of the results I got (the first post in the picture) when running ZP Mk.III and there was no Q in it at all. The very same ZP Mk.III the current technology is based on but the current one got modified. That ZP Mk.III generated a lot of energy. There must have been some powerful aura in it (as it was Wanted). ZP is still a work in progress.

This is because zp just hits deeper and causes bloom, so results may take longer but are more lasting. It is one thing to have your subconscious executing the script to see external results, but it is another thing to have a whole integration and internal alchemy.

Q and zp are like different processes.

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Oh this was actually you LOL.

Yeah… well, one day out of the 6 weeks I have been running Primal Seduction now I have seen the effects. Of Primal for example the staring, adoration, and smiling at women because you love them and interacting with them… an also the effect where I’d see beautiful women left and right but that was when I did 2 full loops of it.

I used to get those results very consistently.

I think I have to run more but less powerful files LMAO or maybe that’s just because I want 1 hours files hee hee :smiling_imp:

No but seriously, I actually had those effects the day after I ran 2 loops of PS.

Not sure why it has not worked since then (the manifestations) and the Primal excitement etc

When I was overexposed on Q I would not be able to write sentences or I would feel full now I do not feel full just some weird aches in my brain (but no headaches) and some feeling of ehhh I’d say a lack of emotional excitement and engagement with the world.

Yes, I noticed that. Hence I’m sticking with PS in the hopes that those results may eventually come :slight_smile:

ANYWAY I’m noticing Ascension strongly so I guess the integrating of Ascension is taking precedence maybe over PS

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Excited for you !!

How about also allowing your consciousness to sink down into your root and sacral and staying connected going through this experience. I have noticed that your default point is that of your head and heart, coincidently that is also what I have observed with most ENFP’s(I know you are well opened up in the upper parts).

Primal is focused on inner work a lot, it aims at changing you internally and the external results just follow the internal ones. PS can be slower if there’s a lot of inner work that needs to be done.

That’s very true when it comes to not only Primal and PS but as a general rule:

So the results seem to have come to you slower, probably, due to some internal changes that needed to occur in the first place so that the external ones could manifest.

You may have got overloaded or there were some more issues the program encountered as blockages you need to work on.

You’re getting overexposed.

That’s why I decided on Primal Seduction because it helps me to reconnect me with my body and the world around me.

I’m glad and happy about my Spiritual journey because I have a open Heart and I love so much, forgiveness is second nature to me, I’m compassionate, caring.

I just want to party like a wild animal for a little bit :innocent: before I pursue my life purpose with full dedication.

Maybe I should go on Primal instead of Primal Seduction then?

Like I said my results with Primal Seduction have gone away probably because it’s integrating on a deeper level OR because Ascension is temporarily taking precedence — Ascension has been astounding though :slight_smile:

I actually think so and might get some horrible recon lol…

I got to go thank you for the convos :innocent::pray::fire:

If you need more inner work to get done. PS would get you there sooner or later but later than a solid Primal run.

Or because PS encountered some blockages it needs to work on in the first place. On ZP your current self-development level matters:

Sure, hopefully, we won’t get banned for hijacking the thread.

Go get them tiger! lol

How do you decide on that?

Deep introspection, estimating “who you are” right now and your current situation, and defining what you really want in that area of your life and who (the attributes) you need to become to get what you want “naturally” and “effortlessly”. Then do the inner work to become that hero.

Actually Ascension is manifesting powerfully for me so I feel like Primal Seduction is just temporarily “behind the curtains” :slight_smile:

This is why consistency is SO important with ZP give the programs time to integrate and stick with them you will see incredibly results

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Tomorrow or Tuesday. I took the weekend off.

That’s hard to say. They’re different scripts, but should induce similar effects. UA was always a hard title to get right. I think we finally did. You’ll like UAZP.

lol, I told everyone – we don’t “BS.” We told the truth about the updates. For those who remember, ZP is comprised of two components: a primer (specialized, standardized scripting in every title) and “flow,” the core title scripting. Those who tested ZP will tell you that we had some of them try a version of Zero Point called “ZPPF,” where the “primer” and the “flow” files were separate. From there, all the early ZP titles had a 1:1 ratio of primer vs. flow scripting. In other words, 50% was primer, 50% was flow. After testing an adjusted ratio of 25% primer to 75% flow, we noticed muuuuuch better results and decided to update the Q software and titles at the same time.

Nope. See above. The only thing changed in most titles was the bitrate and ratio of primer vs. flow / core scripting.

Kinda. It didn’t work “external” first, it was just a lot pushier in trying to get you to take external action, which would reaffirm the internal. ZP is opposite. Work deeply on the internal and allow those results to “flow” externally naturally.

It always started internally. We just had a lot of scripting that tried to get you to take action now, allowing the inner and external to reflect upon each other like an immediate mirror. ZP takes a different approach.

QZP’s recon was too high. I think it was @AlexanderGraves and @Sub.Zero who were affected the most.

If anyone feels they’ve experienced INCREASED recon with the updated titles, PM me with details. If it is a true widespread issue, we can always update the instructions or drop the titles a power level.

Same. I still run 3-5 minutes because I have an absurd flow factor, but the new titles cause markedly less recon. Love Bomb For Humanity can get me a little snappy (all emotional healing titles do), but it’s definitely easier to run.

Well, yes. We’ve always said that you can go DOWN in exposure, just not up.

Not true. People, do not start false speculation about things. You may ask, of course, but please do not make claims that have no evidence to back it.

For awhile, I’ve been reluctant to talk about the inner workings of the tech, as we always have people trying to spy, but I’ll give you an interesting tidbit: ZP scripts are, on average, 25% shorter than Qv2. The information rate is only a moderate step up from Qv2. It’s based on Terminus technology, like Terminus itself.

And the notion that results unfold after a few days of processing is not new. Qv2 did the same thing. Most of you just didn’t notice you results / recon cycles. The difference is that the Zero Point primer is asking you to pay attention to changes in your inner and outer lives to confirm mentally that changes are occurring. Now, you are noticing your results / recon cycles. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can always go down in listening time. Just don’t go UP. Less exposure will never cause an issue.

I would, but given that I have multiple business properties to manage, I can’t allow myself to recon too much, given that I play a rather large decision making role. I can’t even lose a day and a half of productivity to recon.

I mean, look at this thread. People having issues with even the nerfed ZP – there was no way that we were publicly releasing OG Zero Point.

It’s the same feeling you get now if you’ve run a Zero Point title and experienced the “energizing” effect rather than the sleepy one. It was just much more intense.

OG Zero Point. It was potent, but unsustainable.

Yes, he most certainly is.


Awesome! Will definitely test this.

UA and Khan were the first titles I purchased from SubClub 3 years ago so I have a special place in my heart for them. Also why I wanted UA to work so bad.

Are there any changes to be made in the Ultimate Artist Core in the Q Store due to this?


No changes to core. Just rebalancing. But it’s a big one. For some reason (I have it written in my notes somewhere), UA was like 75% primer, 25% core. Now, it’s the opposite, hence the new results.


Yes, I felt as if I had been getting crucified. Literally. :blush:
But what if we implemented the newest anti-recon tech in it? Just wondering.

So far so good. I follow the recommended pattern.

It was just a statement, I’m not going to complain about anything because I know you know better than me what to do and I wouldn’t dare try to push you for any change to the tech. I did it once only when we were testing ZP but I had no choice because Mk.III was so great. :blush:

Perfecto :ok_hand:

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I’ll put it like this: part of the anti-recon scripting / upgrade / update was removing the last remnants of that version of Zero Point, rofl. It’s a lost cause.


@Houdini it’s time to start grieving then. :blush:
No worries, I will always be there for you. :heart_eyes:

But to emphasize it once again, QZP gave me a lot of recon and one of the QZP prototypes got me to the point where I felt as if I had been getting crucified mentally. I pushed forward for the sake of the test anyway but it was really painful.