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@SaintSovereign Has Sanguine been updated? It doesn’t say latest files

Search for “balanced” in this thread. We discuss it a lot. There was an equal amount of primer vs. core scripting in each title. In this one, it was 55% primer, 45% core. Now it’s 25% primer, 75% core, which we have found to be the best mix.



This is a complete sentence.

One of our concepts tie into Subliminal Club, lol. But, I kept thinking about those weird brand tie in games from the 8 and 16-bit console era:


@SaintSovereign Did you see my question?

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This vid activated a core memory from my childhood :joy:


Many products in the Download area don’t mention “Latest Files”.

If the zip file is ~70 MB, and each MP3 about 34 MB, then it is the updated version.
The preview files were almost half in size.



Is there a difference in the creativity aspect between UA and RM?

When I tried UA in its pre-Q, Q, Qv2 and ZP versions (before this 320 kbps and anti-recon refresh), I didn’t feel any creative push.

But RM was always inspiring. It helped me be more curious and inspired me to write loads of poetry, articles and witty one-liners.

Either it is the creativity aspect or something to do with my personality being more inclined towards being a Renaissance Man who is interested in various things at the same time as opposed to being excellent at one art via Ultimate Artist.



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Wow, this guy is not BSing us with these updates.

I don’t know what you did, but the power of creativity is incredibly high. Inspirational and automatic flow. I’m seeing things on a whole different perspective regarding the novel I’m working on, which is taking it to a whole new level and removed the damn block that I refused to see past because of forcing the plot in one specific direction.

Its like having a support system that tells you “how about we try it this way?”, “Have you considered doing this instead?” Basically seeing things from different perspectives and dimensions, think omnidimensional module. Its like the pieces of the puzzle are rotating and fitting on their own, and the thread is woven perfectly like some kind of spider.

Despite the explosive creativity, it smooth as a seal’s butt. Truly shocked indeed, I have no idea what the earlier version was now that I’ve tried this one. It did feel lack luster, now that I look back. Worked nevertheless, but rough.

Definitely worth the wait. Your love child finally got what it deserves :smiley:

Thank you :+1:

All of this is just for writing, can’t wait to see what this baby does to my other creative pursuits


That is smooth af! So I’m told haha


Is the current version of Zero Point, Q and Zp merged?

I found I had much more manifestations more often on Q, Zp is strong on the internal maybe the manifestations come overtime.

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When zero point first came out Saint mentioned (paraphrasing) that ZP works through first internal changes then external manifestation when Q worked from external to internal. The current new rebalanced ZP still works the same way.


Well, I kinda prefer that — it’s the Way, because now you are affecting from “Heaven”downwards, inward to outward instead of reverse.

On Qv2 manifestations were ridiculously strong.

But often, while I had those manifestations I did not feel deserving internally. Zero Point feels more like it does a lot internally, but the external effects, and manifestations are far less (so far, for me).

Is Zero Point just Zero Point or was it merged with Q?

I remember from the testing that QZP, and pure ZP were tested.

On Zero Point you changed internally and thereby realign your external life.

I liked how Qv2 had a lot of external manifestations too, it helped a lot, almost each time I would run Primal Seduction a girl would text me, or someone would reach out, I would see beautiful women everywhere, etc

So far I’m not seeing so much like that from PS but Ascension is working fast so I guess PS has more to be worked on.

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It’s a completely different build to the point where Saint and Fire had to rewrite each script.

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It’s very noticeable too (the difference)

I wouldn’t know :upside_down_face: the subs I used on Q I don’t use on ZP and the ZP subs I used I didn’t have them on Q lol

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Was this on PS Qv2 or PSIT (w/Libertine) Ultima v2?

I was getting a lot of external results when we were testing Wanted Mk.III and the final version of ZP is based on it although the power level is lower. Now it seems to me that LBfH has the power level increased and I see more external results but LBfH is an auric-based title.

On the other hand, I saw a lot of results on Mogul kicked in only when some essential healing that sub offers had got done so that may be your case as well. You may need more healing and internal work get done before your external results explode.


On Q it was powerful, I had a lot of energetic effects, a lot of internal effects, and a lot of manifestations.

Qv2 barely noticed the Auras, had insane manifestations, but not so much internal effects it almost teared me up internally lol…

Zero Point feels profound internally, big changes that are massively natural, I notice the energetic and aura effects (not so strong yet but definitely present), manifestations… not so much for me so far.

I guess it depends upon the build method.

By the way Q tremendously energised me, I really loved that build. Qv2 I hated, Zp is much better especially this last version in terms of reconciliation it’s so smooth, no emotional turmoil whatsoever, I just see the changes improving day by day.

I wish the build method was a little bit stronger on the manifestations though. Like balancing a little more on external effects, but still focusing mainly on the internal growth.

But that’s just my experience hence why I asked I want to know what others are experiencing as it is obviously extremely subjective…

Yeah we’ll see… on the old builds I had massive manifestations like external things in terms of women on dating apps, or just general coincidences.

I’m sure ZP still has it but that build method is different. And it might be that I need to manifest it from the inside out so that it will come only once the internal matches this

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