Main Disc. Thread - Objectives / Product Copy Updates / ZP Refresh

Yes, I’m eating much less coconut flakes (oil) than I did one year ago.
I believe it’s mainly about increasing the energy level when it comes to dealing with recon or improving the processing.

Yes. :sunglasses:

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Like a boss! I use the Oil as extra brain power for processing. When I have recon I exercise.


Quantum Limitless on deck. Will take a bit. Already rebalanced and contains the early anti-recon script. New anti-recon script may reduce recon a bit, but the biggest upgrade will be conversion into 320kbps.


Thanks a lot for sharing these infos for each title.


Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate ?

Had to google that lol.

You mix the powder with your coconut oil and drink it?

Did Diamond with ME get updated as well? I see the updated Diamond but not the one with ME.

Thanks for all of these updates.

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Welcome after 2 years!
All are upgraded to ZP
Just some RELATIVELY minor changes have occured, such as the anti-recon tech. Earlier ZP version reduced recon significantly and results are VERY much better.

The one available is the one with ME. I need to go back and redo the one without.


Quantum Limitless is ready to go.


Beyond Limitless on deck. Benefits from rebalancing and anti-recon. No changes to core.


I always wondered if the one without ME has more imprinting effects.

I always wondered if the one with ME
is any different or more synergistic
than my custom with Diamond core
plus the ME module…
The custom core available
I believe is “without.”

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Beyond Limitless good to go.


Diamond with ME is literally just Diamond… with some ME scripting. No other differences.


Thanks, yes I will.

Quick question: How long should I continue with 3 minutes for? A month, or indefinitely?

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Funny you say that, I actually just bought MCT oil as well. Think there was a open bounty thread that spoke about its use.


Great. Start a new thread about it

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I am on EoG stage 3. I have been doing two cycles of 21 days with 5 rest days (so exact recommendations) for each stage. Stage 1 was by far the hardest. Just buckle down and ride the wave. I am very close to launching my first podcast and that Idea didn’t hit until the end of stage 2. I am proof you gotta listen to recommendations.

Oh I also got a 28% raise and promoted up two levels after being in what I believed a dead end position during stage 2.

I am not trying to brag, I am trying to show definitive results. Hopefully it inspires someone to finally stick to it. (Before this I was a serial switcher)