Main Disc. Thread - Objectives / Product Copy Updates / ZP Refresh

Sometimes I like a little exclusion in the morning.

With a fresh mint tea.

Bracing stuff!

(Inclusion will come soon enough. :wink:. Probably sooner for you. :joy:. My stack’s full right now.)


What is the purpose of this specific iteration of Chosen?


I experienced both concurrently :rofl::rofl:

On a side note:
You will be one of the people who might end up running the new sub with either DR

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With how awesome and detailed EoG objectives were I def can’t wait to read Khan when they are released… I hope they are released tonight


Thank You. Made my night

I had a feeling. Especially now with ZP and reading the updated objectives.

@SaintSovereign & @Fire

Thank you so much for EOG ZP. When I start making a fuck ton of money I promise to give back and start helping people the way I wish people would have been there for myself and my Wife when we needed it.


Thank us by building yourself a custom so you can be hype with us next round of upgrades :wink:



Okay, forgive me…

The Way of Nature must really work, 'cause Saint nipped that one right in the bud.


Yes! Updated stacking ideas!!! Although references to Ultima (and Iron Throne) need to be removed:

  • The BILLIONAIRE stack: Emperor: The House of Medici, The Ecstasy of Gold, R.I.C.H.
  • The SEXUAL THRONE stack: Khan, R.I.C.H., Primal Seduction: Iron Throne
  • The INNOVATOR stack: StarkQ, Mogul, R.I.C.H.
  • The R.I.C.H. Artist Stack: Ultimate Artist, StarkQ, R.I.C.H.
  • The CAREER ACCELERATION stack: Ascended Mogul, Power Can Corrupt, R.I.C.H.
  • OR: You can also use R.I.C.H Ultima as a standalone if your sole focus is wealth – and it will work fantastically.
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Subs left to get objectives:

  • Khan
  • PCC
  • Inner Circle
  • Limitless Executive
  • Ascension Chamber (official objective format)
  • Aegis Initiative (COVID 19 Experimental)
  • Remote Viewing X
  • Astral Projection X
  • The Legacy
  • Limit Destroyer
  • Rebirth
  • Sex Mastery X2
  • Muay Thai Mastery X
    • I’m sure that the Boxing Mastery X objectives are perfect for MTMX, as well.

@SaintSovereign Have you tried Chosen Nature and watching a documentary on nature ?

Hi Saint,

Just saw this among the objectives for EoG.

Begin creating your business / social / romantic empire using the resources you have now, rather than having to “save up” before starting.

Aren’t we supposed to have reached a certain level of financial success before running EoG?


I think that’s from Emperor too. I bet it fits here too though


That’s for HoM.

EoG helps us with achieving greatness in our wealth goals especially if we have issues with money beliefs and having trouble handling our finances. It has ST1 for that purpose.

Basically, EoG helps the poor become rich and the rich become wealthy.


I think a great path would be to listen to EOG ST1 first, then listen to Mogul for a while, THEN listen to EOG’s remaining stages.

EOG is much bigger, farther reaching, and slower than something like mogul. Mogul is, on the sales page, meant for someone who’s new to subliminals, or just starting a business. So yeah, Mogul is technically more beginner friendly. But EOG just takes a long time and has a lot of scripting to run through. However, if someone has a block achieving financial success, EOG ST1 might be more helpful than Mogul, to help you quickly eradicate that block.

Whether you start with EOG or Mogul just depends on how patient you are and what you want to focus on… ST 1 will heal limiting beliefs, which will prepare you for ST 2 “finding what you want to do in life.” Mogul will help you start now and build up a business, even if it’s just tiny at first, but get it off the ground quickly.

Both are beginner friendly, I’d say. Mogul is just faster.

However, EOG ST3 and ST4 would definitely not be beginner friendly.


Alright. These objectives are really great.

Having this does add a lot to each of the programs.

Sometimes I’m an extremist, no-frills kind of person. So, all along a part of me has felt, ‘What the heck are people demanding objectives for? Wouldn’t you rather get more programs instead?! After all, you’re inevitably going to find out the objectives just by running the programs.’

But, yeah. I’m seeing these Objectives laid out on program after program, and okay, fine; it really does enhance the experience of understanding the range of what’s offered.


We’ve had a mixture of perspectives around this question. Not just one.

I, personally, felt that I needed to do other things before getting more benefit from EoG. And we have talked, in the past, about how having some wealth-building system(s) in place (e.g., a company) would allow you to get a higher quality of results from this title.


another factor to keep in mind is that we’re now looking at the ZP version. That adds changes as well.

That ZP factor might even shift the balance towards a more flexible, inclusive range of effectiveness for a program like Ecstasy of Gold.

Ecstasy of Gold was my first purchase with Subliminal Club. And I’ve mentioned before that I think that EoG directly guided me to developing with Alchemist and Quantum Limitless. But that’s just my own story. For me, Alchemist and QL represent the internal resources that will allow me to take better actions around wealth. But that’s highly individual.


I had been running Mogul to help with my failing business but I think more needs to be done in terms of non-financial root causes for my business not doing so well.

But maybe EoG ST1 will be helpful.


What are those non-financial root causes?

More pertaining to personality I guess - low productivity, lack of confidence, anxiety, fear of being judged, fear of failure, imposter syndrome etc

I am in my 2nd cycle of DRST1 ZP and wouldn’t mind running it for a 3rd cycle before moving on to something else.


@King - check out the following brilliant post by @ksub who is running AM + EoG ST1: