Main Disc. Thread - Mogul ZP

Another good one is “The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur” by Mike Michalowicz. He uses the analogy of how people usually start skimping and using less toilet paper (make it work) when supplies are low.

The basic message of the book is about adopting that mindset even in times of profit/abundance so you make each dollar in the business stretch as much as possible.

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The guy who made Gumroad.

Fantastic website where I still sell most of my products (no you won’t find them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

SUPER easy to use and no worries about taxes, they do it all.
Guy knows his trade.


Mogul zp results


Lol I need to do mogul. My mind is saying wow! You’re showing us all the expensive books. As I’ve been a long time “archivist” of the $1.99 books. Some of the publishers do a lot of $1.99 sales, hayhouse, hierophant, the publishers of the don miguel ruiz stuff and some others that I know of.


That wasn’t intentional but I see your point. I have been going through something similar when it comes to money.
I am asking " is this action or purchase going to be beneficial for myself or anyone I care about?"
It’s such a weird but kind of cool feeling to have


Mogul zp dream and insight:

I don’t envy intelligent people because I am
I don’t envy celebrity because I am already satisfied of my influence on my friends, family and business partners
I don’t envy caring loving people because I am one already .
I don’t envy athletic people or regular people who practice sport , because I already care for my body beautifully
When it comes to money it’s a very different story , realised this as I see video of a man of my age speaking the same language achieved what I didn’t achieve regarding business and money , I didn’t watch the video because it felt painful really painful . While sleeping I dreamt of a successful friend who is successful at business . It was neutral dream .bit by bit (Attunining myself to the energy of success with money )



it happened again.

Just like the first time I ran RICH months ago.

I ran my loops of Mogul today.

Ordered lunch.

They duplicated my order. And then refunded the mistake. I was alone and was not even going to finish my actual original order. I don’t believe in eating after you’re already full. Was saving one part for later.

Then suddenly, my wife inexplicably comes home. She never does this. But she had a schedule deviation. And she had not had lunch. So, she ate some of the extra food. Still have enough for an adult.


Also, suddenly got an invoice of money I need to pay. From a tutor of my son who has been procrastinating for months at sending an invoice. This one is money that will go out, but it’s still a money-related manifestation.

I also just paid the income tax payment last night, and squeaked in just at the deadline.

It’s very interesting that I get these external manifestations that are so very external.

Son’s not due home for another 2 hours. Maybe he can finish this food.


Day 2 of my 5 ZP sub-free processing days.

Got 2 Mogul manifestations:

  1. Got a contact out of the blue today. Service request on a once per month basis. Think I’m going to accept.

  2. Got a Water Bill e-mail and did not feel like opening it. Clicked on it and read ‘Balance Due: $0.00’.

There is a long way to go with my financial situation, but every manifestation helps.


Mogul has this feature:

Completely detach from and neutralize all negative societal programming in regards to money, success and generating wealth”

Shouldn’t it be enough?


had another 5-day processing period. Ended on Saturday. Tuesday was my ZP day.

I ran 2 loops of Mogul ZP and 1 loop of CHOSEN from Within.

Felt absolutely nothing. Played it while I was working on some routine work tasks.

It was not one of those times when I become aware of a bubbling up of euphoria or exhilaration. Instead, I just played the loops and continued on with the day.

Oh, okay. So I guess it’s like that.


the next night–last night–I walked home from work. It’s about a 3 mile walk. A little less.

And as I walked, I thought, and verbalized (thanks smartphone for making me appear not insane), and worked through things. And about 15-20 minutes into my walk, I experienced a sharp remembrance of my resources. I remembered my progress. I remembered what I’d manifested during 2021. And I saw how I am getting closer and closer to realizing my core goals of: working from a place of deep motivation, enjoyment and commitment; attaining financial independence; establishing Calling and Vocation.

It’s closer now than it’s ever been.

And yes, it’ll be monetizable.

So, yeah: Mogul ZP.

(with a possible assist from Chosen from Within)


Originally posted this here, then decided it belongs in my journal. Basically dropping down to Mogul and Love Bomb for at least a week to see what it do.


For me, it’s a holding pattern (for now) of Dragon Reborn and Mogul ZP, with the third slot swapping out for various whatevers. In the previous play period, I ended up leaving that third slot free and just going with Dragon Reborn and Mogul.

But I’m getting the call to ‘live on the wild side’ hahhaa (right). I’ll allow a third title in from time to time now.

The next play period starts on Friday February 11. And I’ll be advancing to Dragon Flight.

Roo roo roo! (simulated non-canine dog-sound)

Running the ZP trial in September and October kind of shifted the plans a bit.

But that was kind of the point. I felt like I was getting into a bit of a rigid, forced-march rut. Doggedly trudging towards my goals. Definitely not the best attitude for manifesting anything joyful. The ZP trial broke that up. And I also finally faced the fact that I Am Working Through Dragon Reborn. (i.e., it’s not a brief jaunt away from my “actual” playlist.)

Anyways, here we are.


The other night, I looked at my “ZP Masked” and “ZP Ultra” playlists…realized I have like 4.5 hours worth of ZPs for each type (Masked vs Ultra)…I’ve bought quite a bit haha.

I briefly thought “Hm…just set all the ultras up and go to sleep”…decided against that :wink:

No telling what that could do to me.


Good call, I say.

Basically like telling your mind, I don’t know what I want right now, so don’t worry about it.

(hahaha. unless it’s not. Your mind could react completely differently to what I described.)

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I know you said you want to lighten your stack but what about adding in RICH ZP? Extra positive manifestation


Saint told me that with the amount of manifestation scripting in Mogul, I really don’t need rich for my stack.

I might consider it once my custom ultima is made though.


I didn’t realize there was that much manifestation scripting in Mogul. Awesome

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I’m sure adding in R.I.C.H. would make it even more pronounced. Like when I did AscMogulQ and LimitlessQ…they both had overlap of the productivity/anti-procrastination scripting as i recall. That hit HARD.


That explains what’s been happening to me this week.

Between Monday and today, I’ve gotten financial opportunities equaling almost 23% of my monthly salary. Can’t deny it.

There’s one that I may need to reject though because there just aren’t enough hours. We’ll see.

You know, it’s actually encouraging to see that this can happen while running Dragon Reborn.

And it’s also (slightly) amusing that I’m not feeling particularly happy. Dragon Reborn + Mogul ZP = Grumpily growing while also being given opportunities.


This sounds FUNomenal