Main Disc. Thread - Mogul ZP

Up to two hours one way in the middle of a lockdown in the UK risking arrest


I misread that as ā€˜misheardā€™.


@James I donā€™t know if youā€™ve ever listened to the Tim Ferriss Show. If not, I want to recommend it to you. I feel that itā€™s very compatible with where youā€™re going and what youā€™re building.

I think it will be an excellent mix of inspiring perspectives and actionable strategies and information.

Iā€™ve been on vacation from it for a while now. Iā€™m listening to the latest episode right now, but this would be a good one to check-out:


Scott Adams did an episode years ago on affirmations. He says that crazy things happened when he would take an affirmation and write it down 25 times or something. His format is ā€œI, Scott Adams will become a famous cartoonistā€ I think he used it to pass a test one time in college or something or to get some opportunity when there was no way heā€™d get it but it came true. And he will stay consistent meaning heā€™ll keep at it. Iā€™ve not had success with written affirmations but I didnā€™t realize he would just keep at it sometimes if thatā€™s what it took. I think Iā€™ve done it for up to 3 months at a time before throwing in the towel.


This is actually that episode.

I believe that subliminals are affirmations. Thatā€™s part of whatā€™s so innovative about the technology. Part prayer/part meditation/part affirmation/part yoga.


Ok I was very tempted to get R.I.C.H but after tons of reading on the forum and self analysis Mogul is what I need. This will help me build a good foundation for my business. I struggle with setting prices for my artwork and reiki services I lack productivity when it comes to being consistent with my YouTube channels I have tons of videos that I have not uploaded. I had to question myself why? Editing videos has been a bit of a learning curve for me and when I do spend hours on editing and upload the video and only get 5 views Iā€™m totally discouraged and feel like I have wasted my time. So in other words I tend to give up on myself alot and underestimate my value. So I think Mogul is definitely going to help with that. I started 1st loop of Mogul today Iā€™m very excited and while I purchased I noticed the time on my phone 2:22 so yes this is definitely the right move I got the confirmation. Iā€™m wondering do I need to start a separate journal for my Zp mogul experience? Iā€™m stacking with Ultimate Artist and Seductress.


I remember in the book The Six Pillars of Self Esteem, by Nathaniel Branden, I had to write end of sentences to create new thought association in my brain.

For example, you had to complete these sentence with the first anwser that came to your mind :
Example for ā€œLiving consciouslyā€ -
If I bring 5 percent more awareness to my activities todayā€¦
If I bring 5 percent more awareness to my insecurities thenā€¦
If I bring 5 percent more awareness to my priorities thenā€¦

The goal was to write as fast as possible 6 to 10 completion to unconsciously change our thought patterns!

Could maybe be done with Wanted?

  • Being Wanted for me isā€¦
  • If woman desired me more it would meanā€¦
  • Being more attractive would bringā€¦
  • To be more attractive, I can start byā€¦

Weā€™d have to have @SaintSovereignā€™s recommandation to see if that could work to consciously guide the script and have the best results possible.


You could do it either way. Me personally? I like keeping everything in one journal because that reflects how Iā€™m integrating all of these programs in my mind and my life.

But it can also be clean and attractive to go the Bento Box route, and neatly compartmentalize all of the different parts and try to isolate the effects of each element of the stack.

haha. Guess Iā€™m more the stew peas/gumbo or pokĆ© bowl type.


(But I can also appreciate a good bento box. Gimme dat tempura!)

EDIT: And just for the love, Iā€™ve got to throw in a feijoada. yum!



You always have the perfect answer thanks for the visualsā€‹:rofl: the stew pic kinda looks like the chilli I made for dinner tonight so I will take that as a sign to keep it all in 1 journal :blush:


yum! :star_struck:

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Dag I should have posted a pic of it :rofl:

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Iā€™m wondering about adding Mogul ZP to my listening schedule. Regeneration and Chosen have been flushing out some old mental hangups, and tonight I realized (or rather, remembered) I love having positive results with money. Results meaning having some gain, mentally if not also financially.

As Iā€™ve played and imagined money scenerios in my head, I notice that my prescripted norms and beliefs about money (many of them bad)ā€¦arenā€™t any more real than imagining success with it.

I chase what I know to be true, but ZP has been clearing out some truthsā€¦which really werenā€™t trueā€“or even wanted. Iā€™m seeing hope grow in me.


Iā€™ve been feeling this way lately too. Itā€™s not an anger I feel when they complain about life etc etc, itā€™s a frustration that they arenā€™t willing to try and search out a better way. I know thatā€™s what iā€™ve been hyper focused on lately.


Something I just came across.


Thank you.

Listening to the audible free sample now. read by the author.


Another good one is ā€œThe Toilet Paper Entrepreneurā€ by Mike Michalowicz. He uses the analogy of how people usually start skimping and using less toilet paper (make it work) when supplies are low.

The basic message of the book is about adopting that mindset even in times of profit/abundance so you make each dollar in the business stretch as much as possible.

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The guy who made Gumroad.

Fantastic website where I still sell most of my products (no you wonā€™t find them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

SUPER easy to use and no worries about taxes, they do it all.
Guy knows his trade.


Mogul zp results


Lol I need to do mogul. My mind is saying wow! Youā€™re showing us all the expensive books. As Iā€™ve been a long time ā€œarchivistā€ of the $1.99 books. Some of the publishers do a lot of $1.99 sales, hayhouse, hierophant, the publishers of the don miguel ruiz stuff and some others that I know of.


That wasnā€™t intentional but I see your point. I have been going through something similar when it comes to money.
I am asking " is this action or purchase going to be beneficial for myself or anyone I care about?"
Itā€™s such a weird but kind of cool feeling to have