Main Disc. Thread - Mind's Eye Q

I can totally understand this because I was a skeptic too at first. The idea of angel numbers was first introduced to me when I read youtube comments on subliminal videos. I always laughed to myself, thinking “Well where are your real results? It’s easy to find a bunch of numbers in youtube.”

But then they started happening to me, first when listening to a dense booster sub on youtube and then even more so once I came to subclub. The key for the number manifestations for me is they happen when I’m not looking for them and always catch me by surprise. It is similar to Neville Goddard style manifestations where they happen when you let them go and aren’t actively trying to make them come true.

I like to be a bit skeptic but I also try not to close off all possibilities because I’ve learned that I could always be wrong about things and I don’t want to miss out on them if they’re there.


I personally think what Jcast is saying is great, and believe his opinions and contributions are valued and to be respected.

it’s great to question things and think critically

and I would hate for mysticism/spirituality, synchonicty perspectives to be turned into dogmatism
and it’s ‘truth’ imposed like an ideology

At one point I dropped everything to become more grounded, as I was bypassing my life with spiritual and abstract concepts

I also believe there is a difference between skeptical, thinking and using it, and it using one.

I believe, Skepticism, like cynicism, is a pervasive part of being human that we are born into and must be responsible for.

Strong skepticism tends to develop in powerful minds, which use it as a way to navigate life and protect the ‘younger self’.

It needs to understand and for others to understand to feel safe, and cannot continue without that. I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS WHAT ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THINGS IS DOING. But if you ever meet someone who is obnoxiously skeptical, they probably are lol


Question everything, even your own words, my words and this sentence.


@khan Why should I do that? :rofl::rofl:

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Thank you for questioning. The choice is yours.

@khan your post remembered me of this picture 526528903043364fc21f7ad5745fa3a6


That is great. Who ever did that graffiti more likely wanted everyone to know?

Damn -took the joke out my mouth :rofl:

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I think @khan takes wisdom to lowest word count ratio award.

On behalf of the I AM, I AM THAT I AM.

I would say, never believe anything blindly, always research it yourself. And then do not belief what you research, experience it yourself – the experience is yours.

If you’re a skeptic, which everyone should be, then you won’t ever belief anything until you’ve experienced it and that’s a good thing, unless you never experience because you don’t are not looking for an experience. It’s the willingness to look further and grasp beyond what is normal that is the catalyst for the experience, your reality is being woven by your beliefs.

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Going forward I am not commenting on anything unless I feel it has applicable value for those involved. I would rather remain silent and occasionally strike up a debate like we just did than have my words taken as any form of harsh criticism.


Fair enough. Nothing wrong with silence sometimes.

But I didn’t find your words harshly critical at all. Persistently questioning, yes. Harshly critical? Not really.

or maybe I’m misinterpreting, and you’re saying that this exchange was good; but you’ll avoid doing some other kinds of exchanges that are less helpful.


@Malkuth That last part is exactly what I was referring to.


Decided to revisit this thread and it’s been a month already. I really do think Mind’s Eye is under-discussed. I will be adding a lot more details about it in my new journal about my custom which utilizes Mind’s Eye at Terminus level. On another note, anyone know a good, definitive site for angel numbers? There seems to be a lot of interpretations.

Can confirm that I am experiencing the profoundness of visualization-manifestation after running my custom and digging into the subject.


Can I also get this info if you still have it?

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Pm them to me if you still have them and don’t mind lol

The first time I listened to Mind’s Eye was in bed. I forget how long ago that was now. Should have journaled I guess :wink:

I stacked it with RebirthQ (Ultrasonic). I forget what else I stacked it with, however. I ended up having a very detailed lucid dream that had a lot of moving parts to it.

The biggest thing I remember from it is I am in a weird suburban/industrial hybrid area. Between 2 brick buildings is an empty lot massively overgrown with grass. I suddenly have up a wooden-handled thing which reminds me of a machete, but it’s more like a piece of piano wire stretched very taut.

I’m using this thing to hack at the grass. Each time I cut down some grass with it, I feel “lighter”.

I realize that the grass was somehow symbolic of my “Baggage” or “Blockages” or whatever other term might fit better.

I’m tired of doing this, though, and in the corner of the lot I see what looks like a sort of lawn mower type thing. Someone tells me this is called a “Lawn Roomba” (lol).

This looks like a push mower without the handle part. Just the bottom/deck/engine. It has a very heavy steel beam protruding straight up out the top of it.

it goes all the way to the top of the building it’s next to. it seems like it’s somehow attached to the building. I realize this thing is there and I somehow get it started. I push on it as hard as I can to overcome the inertia of it sitting there as long as however it’s been.

Once I get it moving, this thing is slowly moving around in this lot, cutting down the grass. I’m feeling better and better…clearer and clearer…and I set the intention that this mower will keep this grass cut down for me.

That’s the point I wake up.

As I was typing this, I remembered other bits.

Main bit is I had telekinesis (the more popular sister power to telekinephews) and I see what looks like an abandoned oil refinery off in the distance. I strain my power mightily and cause the refinery to implode on itself like the house in “Poltergeist”…just without all the ghosts and shit.

wow. I keep remembering more as I type. ME at work?

I remember at one point right after I become lucid, I decide I’m going to find someone to fuck in the dream. What happens though is all the dream characters suddenly flee. It’s as if the dream had other plans for me and didn’t want to allow me to waste it on sex. the dream went through other stuff and led to what I posted above about the grass.

whew. fin. finito.