Main Disc. Thread - Limitless ZP

I get it. Being indistractable would be amazing.

@Hoppa gives me tons of shit if I bring up being annoyed with what someone else is doing. I don’t really go on social media much because once I realized how incredibly repetitive everything seems to be I lost interest


this answers my question.

thank you.

Because it’s wasted time, energy and attention. We only have limited amount of all of these, better put all that into good use and work on yourself. Instead of caring about what stupid shit the rest of the world is doing.


While you are waiting for a specific module, take a look at modules Eye of the Storm, Stronger, Machine:Action, Machine:Rest, and Foundation.


I agree with RV here .

Machine Action and Single Point are helpful with this in my experience.

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What about QLZP?


Was going to ask when QLST4ZP would be out and how different from Limitless ZP it is.


Why is it that I get recon on all Limitless titles (LimitlessZP, Beyond Limitless, Quantum Limitless) in regards to productivity and focus, often leaving me tired and unfocused leading to me checking my phone too often when I should be working, but titles like Executive and R.I.C.H (and I bet also GLM) turn me into Productivity machines?

Edit: I think Beyond Limitless always gave me the least recon.


They are working on different aspects (weaker or lower developed skills ) . With the purpose of improving most of your abilities

  • memory ,pattern making ,refined intuition ,Etc

Not just

  • focus And productivity that seems already developed to a preferable degree .

Doesn’t explain why I am more procrastinating when studying, big time when I run Limitless and not at all on Executive.


this answer from Mogul thread . This what I meant by my answer .


I think I remember Saint saying something about ZP being different from Qv2 in that we won’t “feel” it as much (not that “smart” is a feeling anyway), and I just experienced some of that…

It’s a small result, but really blew me away.

Last night, while I had a headache, was extremely tired and couldn’t focus at all on learning or work anymore, I had the idea to play a game that tests working memory called Dual N-Back.

So I set it to 2-back and midway through thought I’d screwed up no less than 2 or 3 times…because I was that out of it.

Then I saw the 100% score


And I immediately turned it off so I could solidify this result lol

Again, it’s a small result, but opened my eyes a bit about how subtly and smoothly these subs can work, regardless of how you feel.

Looking forward to whatever upgrade they’re going to do to this one.


Have your score Increased overall since starting?


Yesterday was my first attempt in probably over a year of that app being on my phone :sweat_smile:

I’m keen to see the trend going forward tho

Ok… hope you post about how it goes if you continue.

I was playing this quite a lot at some point. The most interesting thing I experienced was how much my score Increased for a week or two after returning from a Vipassana course.

But I would guess that some kind of stilness of mind is already in limitless


That’s fascinating. And makes me want to be strict about daily meditation again.

I’ve had a recurring thought recently to do a 10-day Vipassana retreat too.

The Limitless page says it removes physical and hormonal impediments to learning… I’m guessing there’s a correlation between ease of learning and mindfulness / present-ness.

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Vipassana is a very interesting experience. You’re always welcome to DM me if you have any questions

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What kinds of improvements do you see coming for Limitless ZP?

I tried Dual N-Back after reading about it in username DarkPhilosopher 's journal and had an experience virtually identical to yours.


Saint mentioned in another thread somewhere that they were going to make some updates to Limitless before its final release. No idea what they could be though.