Main Disc. Thread - Libertine ZP v2

Let this be a line everyone remembers :slight_smile:

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Yes i used the original 2 months back and it worked.

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I am hoping new members like me can download the old version Ultima :blush:

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Right now there is no way to do that.

Usually new users get confused when SC used to keep the old versions in the Downloads section. The confusion reached such a limit that SC decided to remove older versions.


I think we already know that SubClub does not go backward. Look at the Libertine script, possibly. Go back to Ultima? Not happening. And this nonsense is not manifesting on the board again. Every time we upgrade technology, everyone rushes out and starts running everything in sight, not following guidelines, etc.

Then the recon hits. And everyone rushes here to say that it’s suddenly not working. We’ve had around two weeks of just astounding results, and suddenly overnight, there’s calls to bring back Ultima. No. This happened with Q. It happened with Qv2. It happened with ZP. Now it’s happening with ZP v2.

Sexual aura subs are just very hard to make. Also, the majority of people are terrible at picking up when someone is attracted to them, with a tendency to hand wave away anything that could be considered a result. Basically, the only thing that proves the sub is “working” is if someone they’re attracted to rips off their clothes and begs for sex. That’s why we have – for the most part – stayed away from pure aura titles.

The other titles have other things that people can latch on to as “working,” and through that lens, they’ll notice the sexual attraction. With Libertine, you have to pay attention to whether you feel more social, urges to talk to specific people, or go to certain locations, etc.


Also, if you want the “original ZP experience,” the full primer will be available for free download. It’ll be a short 2-3 minute track that you can place in a playlist before the title. Will work almost the same as ZP v1 then.


I don’t understand what going on but am completely fine I’ve been getting the result as in the description of Libertine, yesterday was my second time running a full loop. Usual when I run this sub it send me into looking at porn and make me honey but this time I was in complete control of myself.
I have to change over my stock remove micro loops of sub that I just feel like benefiting from.

Also wrong page but I got some benefit from RICH today still crossing my finger the recon kills my budget most of the time in the past.


It seems that the Primer is like a mild version of Ascension Chamber?

Ascension Chamber was built on the primer, but focused heavily, heavily on manifestation. The primer itself is balanced. You’ll be able to choose between whichever one you want. Manifestation takes a lot of processing and energy, and could affect energy heavy titles. Another reason why Libertine sometimes takes awhile to kick in. If you’re running it with a lot of other subs with strong auras, it’ll slow down a bit.


Wait are we getting two separate files for each sub as the zero point v2 final product?

The primer is universal for all tracks.

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I know that but Saint keep saying that we will be able to choose so that have me wondering.

I think he means the Primer and Ascension Chamber is interchangeable, but I am not sure.

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I found it if you scroll up a vit he says that the primer will be available of the tracks and they will be 2-3 minutes so you can place them in a playlist.

I think that is a good way to view things. Makes us take more action instead of depending solely on the subliminal. Which in turn improves the subliminal resulta.

Teaching Alert!


From my experience

I would advice the users of ROmance Subs to take it very very easy .
Unlike other Subs , we can’t be taking action ( approaching ) like a mad man .

I get very good results in a both active way and in a passive manifestation with playing Romance Subs once every 2 weeks.

What Saint says is correct . Sex is the end goal .
But keep milestone on the way to sex like
Saying hi
Number close
Date close
Kiss close
Make out

Play the Subs and try to push the milestone everytime with a new gal . That way we can clearly measure the progress .

I got good results in Qv2 which I was handwaving away .
But with ZP , I got the highest benchmark of Pickup - " Same Night Lay " .


Btw everyone, I think I waved this off as a result but I suddenly remembered this and I had to type it but this version of Libertine seems to highly increase my creativity, I was coming up with ideas, had an urge to create like Stark. Could be due to sexual energy.


Libertine does not generate sexual energy it utilizes existing energy. So it must have been your run of stark or RM ?


No my stack was Wanted + Heartsong + Libertine that day. So it has to be one of these. Heartsong and Wanted do not seem to have done it but I only ran Libertine that day. @Lion do you think it could be this -

" Use excess sexual energy to your advantage."