Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

I think I replied to this else where. Did you see the reply?

@RVconsultant yes, thanks

Kundalini exercises do enhance the aura and i have had first hand experience when attending a kundalini seminar. The exercises do bring out youraura in all its glory. Whilst the libertine product does work its not consistent and its not something i would rely on.


Is it correct to say that for any social ultima, one should run it at least 4 hours before the event for maximum results? So if an event is at 4 PM, start running it at noon?

well I couldn’t say for others but me personally one loop of PSITU is more than enough…the effect lasts two day sometimes three day…two loops last four day…

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@TheBoxingScientist Were you dropped a lot as a child?

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Yeah i fell on your head and gave you brain damage.


@James This sentence is a warning.

@TheBoxingScientist Since this was a day ago, this sentence is another warning.

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Warning of what? It was a joke. I’m sure @TheBoxingScientist would agree

I’m becoming more strict about such jokes. It’s creating difficulties on this forum, especially after the Qv2 upgrade.

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So I have been running Libertine Ultima v3 on and off and I just gotta say from the times that I have run it I feel very happy and optimistic. Definitely boosts my motivation to approach people and chat them up. I’m certain it’s libertine causing this shift because when I don’t run it and just run Khan I feel more serious and like my mood is less smiley if that makes any sense. Only thing is that being an introvert and being social and all,drains my energy so libertine feels like a social energy drink that in a few hours leads to exhaustion .


Yeah I did khan and libertine for a small while and i decided to stick to khan and listen to libertine when I absolutely want to get laid

If it helps, the more you listen to khan the better libertine effects are


Absolutely man,that’s the same conclusion I’m drawing from my experience aswell. only thing I wonder is wether khan is a sub that changes you until you get to your desired result or if there’s a ceiling to it where no more progress can be expected from running it .?

Supposed to keep going so shouldnt be a ceiling


Khan has no ceiling.

The desired results can be gotten yes, but since it’s such a deep sub that changes ur core itll take time to be “the top apex”.

the rate at which you climb on Khan is very quick and sometimes overwhelming but the climb really shows u how high the ladder goes.

if u feel like youre not progressing on Khan it’s recon, if you give it time then you get a breakthrough in something


Thanks for bringing this in again.

Always need to be reminded of this.

If you think about, it’s Actually very very important which sub you choose, right?

Because it virtually sticks forever? And can’t be undone?

Which I think is good, but still.

That actually makes me wonder, if you dislike some results you got from a sub, would you be able to consciously change it back if you wanted too?

Good question, paging @Fire and @SaintSovereign

I couldn’t agree more. It definitely has been changing me and I’m sure it’ll continue to do so. I’m curious how drastic your changes were from the beginning of running it to now.?

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