Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

James buy it and judge for yourself.


Dude, in one of your comment you mentioned SXM stopped working for you. Did it stay that way? Your results were inspiring…:sunglasses:

What practices do you do to transmute this energy ?

No practice is necessary, you stop thinking about sexual activities and act on your dreams and aspirations.


I recommend microcosmic orbit to move the energy (there are other ways too)

but p much you can chase anything with the same passion you do sex and get it done; but yeah, I think it’s important to move the energy all around so the above is a good idea


Yeah - Microcosmic rocks. Google it or read this for more in-depth material:


I’ve been trying to practice this and learning about it from sexual Kung fu and nakula das on YouTube but I find the MCO to be difficult to do.
@mvargo I have that book on kindle. MCO is definitely not something a beginner could just pick up and do. Its something thats going to take time to learn, but I think the potential benefits are definitely worth it

Idk, I picked up on it pretty fast tbh, of course we all have our stronger areas

but I think in the past when I read it in books people had overcomplicated it

It’s quite simple imo, I just want to lower your expectations of how difficult it should be , cuz when I finally learnt it properly it was super ez
basically just breathing and moving the energy up and down with some visualization, :man_shrugging:


What benefits are you experiencing from MCO?

I can never feel the energy moving up on my back, or reaching my head idk

no need to feel anything

first just imagine it and go with it, things like that take time to become more noticeable

Is Libertine v2 currently available at the Q store? If not, I request it please.


I’ll try to add it this weekend.


Will both V1 and V2 be choosable in Q store? Or will V2 replace V1?

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Thanks man! Also please see @Palpatine’s inquiry above this post.

@Palpatine do you want both as options, because perhaps you are getting different results with your wife depending on which version you are using?

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Yeah, I just know that some prefer V1 over V2, some are all about V2 over V1. I’m just still playing with both.

It might be cool to do a custom Ultima with both of them together. I do love to experiment.

:pray: In addition to the request for Libertine v2 in the Q shop…

I think @Palpatine also had a request for keeping v1 in the shop too as an option.


Is the LIbertine V3 just LIbertine V1 or V2 but with Ultima B? Or does it have other changes too?


Libertine V3 is v2 with the ultima v2 build.


Awesome. Thanks brother. I guess I know what tonight’s bedtime stack will have in it.