Main Disc. Thread - Legacy of the Spartan (Now Available!)

Good call on that one! i just gotta put down the booze lol

Stack your custom with Spartan, or Emperor.

Both will help with discipline :muscle:t3:

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im on emperor now and EOG st 2… emperor, EOG and this custom is what im rocking for at LEAST the next year or so


I’ve realized

To maximize legacy to the fullest and reap results at quicker speeds, helping the relaxation scripting by taking that approach helps.

Foam rolling. Deep and hard, into the places that feel right and painful

Mobility training, because having a full of range of motion and activating the muscle in all ranges can only make it easier for the script to sculpt where it sees fit

deep tissue massages



How did it help you? :thinking:

i would think just exercise diet and rest properly. how would those things help?

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Loosened me up enough for me to feel a lot more relaxed…. Results seem to come faster now, and my muscles look more complete



I’m not sure if it’s in the script of LotS but recently the idea of Mobility training came to me because my hips have been tight for a while now to the point I’ve injured my knees - I can’t just do lunges or go down for dance unless I warm up extensively. It’s affected everything like my back/legs/knees/abs etc.

I’ve just started hip mobility and already feeling more relaxed.

This may be in the scripting due to the ‘feel relaxed’ thing but I’m not entirely sure. To be honest, I doubt it but maybe.


ive been doing hip mobility too and oh my god does it change things, the page does say things about “supple muscles” and if you have any imbalances or weaknesses or lack of mobility then

1- that muscle will shift slower
2- other muscles will have to compensate and thus, they wont be as “relaxed” which will stifle shifting

youre right man.


Damn that body is good

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Great results!!

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Any supplements? Can you remind us on the post how long you’ve run it, along with what, and the workout routine along with supplementation? Please and thank you

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Have you read David Sinclair’s book “Lifespan: Why We Age―and Why We Don’t Have To”

I think in an interview, he mentioned the importance of getting NMN fresh from a lab because NMN may have been sitting around, and therefore degrade. Where do you get yours, and how do you know how fresh and pure it is?

Of course.
I am taking NMN from a very reliable source. And having it in the fridge the whole time.


Thank you sharing this website.

Do you take them with yogurt?

I was using liposomal products by as so many of the best anti-aging products have low bioavailability- but they are much more expensive.

I do not.
Just in the water on an empty stomach.


Look at me, I’m an alien


My Paragon + LOS custom (14 modules overall) is quite demanding.
First time I listened for 9 minutes and the next day I was ok.
But yesterday did a full 15 min and today despite a quite good score on Oura ring I am practically useless.
Lethargy, no energy to do anything just wanna lay in my bed.


Why did you choose Paragon over something like Spartan?