Main Disc. Thread - Legacy of the Spartan (Now Available!)

So Lots can’t be stacked with Wanted.

It can be stacked with Spartan.

Can it be stacked with Emperor Fitness Stage 4, Paragon, and 3-4 SPS/APS physical modules in custom?


I might misunderstand but ZP script would adapt to the subconcious image of beauty each one has, be it skinny, curvy or ripped… Isn’t it?

Revelation of Cake


The scripting would still need to be made in order to have a direction.

Take WANTED and Primal seduction for example, both are seduction subs, but the scripting and mechanism of seduction is different, and that’s due to the script.

You won’t get PS type of seduction if you ran WANTED, even if PS style is what your subconscious is more congruent with, instead, you would just feel like your subconscious is guiding you to stop running WANTED, but it won’t magically teach you the style of PS, unless you change the sub.

Hence, parts of the script that define what kind of overall body type the sub would manifest would be important, but how that would end up manifesting itself would be dependent on the listener.


I’m not sure I understand what you mean but it is interesting cause I’m currently running both, PS and Wanted… Lol

So it doesnt make any sense running both title in the same stack?

I basically switched from Primal to PS to have both primal healing and the sex mastery script

Now think about it, what made you run both?

If you were okay with the seduction style of either one of those, would you have ran the other?

So you aren’t running PS for it’s seduction style then :thinking:

You can keep running primal then to be fair, and as for the sex mastery script, there’s enough sexual scripting in WANTED for you to not require that.


Basically not, but I’m not sure if I prefer one or the other in term of seduction… How can I be? I never had any particular seduction style, I guess like many avarage user running a seduction title.

Anyway Wanted is also physical shifting, so yeah both titles have more then just seduction

Now I don’t want to go OT but I like discuss this with more expert users like you

If that doesn’t happen, do we get to say the Revelation of Cake is a lie? :nerd_face:

But in all seriousness, any thoughts on how this compares to Emperor Fitness ST3 (or ST4)?


I asked Saint if LoS is better than EmpFit ST3 for physical muscle shifting, his reply:

EmpFit doesn’t stand a chance against LotS. If it’s physical shifting you’re after, go for it.


I’m very curious on this as well.

What about for the other elements of Emperor Fitness- the skills, healing and athletic performance.

I’ve heard some positive effects of peoples performance on this thread, but don’t see anything explicit on the copy around Legacy of the Spartan effecting athletic performance, strength, skills or healing.

How do these elements compare to Emperor Fitness ?
Can this be stacked with Emperor Fitness?


After one loop today of LoS I did a one hour jogging and fast walk. The results : few minutes in and I entered an “in the zone” mindset. Time was flying, my body was relaxed and at the same time executing well the movements. At the end I thought that I exercised for 3 hours instead of one ! The results are much more intense than Emperor Fitness ST3. And even if I have finished my exercise few hours ago, I still feel this deep focus/zone mindset and super relaxed. This is a great sub that I will use regularly

@IronClaws are you using it ? my wife is interested by this sub (not for the beard :rofl: :joy:)


My body is aching now especially legs and belly


Yes, consciously guide the script. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing this.

An entire month? If you feel called to do that. You’ll feel less of the “acute” results, but you’ll start getting some really profound results as everything settles in and you go into pure execution mode.

You could try doing this, but I’d recommend going a bit longer without Wanted before switching. 2-3 days MAY be enough, but expect some energy drain.



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Lately i’ve been experiencing a lot of weird, amazing sinchronicities.

I don’t even run spiritual or mystical subs.


I can only imagine what would happen if i ever run The Sage, RoM or RoS.


no not really

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Question regarding females who would run the Legacy of Spartan.


I dropped my stack to washout due to Legacy of Spartan. Before I was running Ascension+Godlike masculinity.

From today am running LoS+ GLM.

I would switch to Commander: Godlike masculinity when it’s out added with LotS.


Damn, I should drop EOG then for a few weeks :wink:

Thanks for that name :smiley:

Then what does Helen of Troy do?

Also if that’s the case, they might need to make more than one such sub :smiley:

@Simon tag all the ladies again to ask what they would prefer as a perfect female body for physical shifting :slight_smile:


Well, my girl has it in a custom since the module was released, and let’s just say that I get to grab more whenever I put my hand on her body :cherries::peach: